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Everything posted by Jona33

  1. Jona33

    [SP] Manhattan

    Update released (V1.1)! Change log is in the first post.
  2. The export button in the virtual arsenal can be very useful. Additionally when using the config viewer from the editor, click on a weapon, all the text appears on the right hand panel. Find the entry called "Display name" (it's sorted alphabetically) and that will tell you the display name.
  3. Jona33

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Sorry, it's not linked in the display is what I meant. It just seems to add confusion to the system rather than taking it away.
  4. Jona33

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Iratus makes a good point actually, since the stated aim is to make the system clearer, it seems illogical not to link sway and stamina. As now you get weapon sway very quickly, and heavily, but that isn't reflected in the stamina bar. To me at least that is less clear than the old system, with the old system you were given no artificial feedback. But with the new system you have artificial feedback, that doesn't reflect what you're actually seeing, which seems far more confusing.
  5. Has anyone else noticed an issue that vehicles have default sides, which then get classed as friendly kills? E.g. using the FIA Offroad (Armed), placing an empty one (calling it testUnit) then filling it with crew of side east. As a player you are blufor, and it's easiest to use a tank. using "side testUnit" will correctly return east, but when killing it, you get a friendly kill and become a renegade, effectively buggering a mission. I can work around with this using an addRating event handler but it seems really unnecessary. EDIT: Actually I've realised it's an issue when the enemy crew dismount and the vehicle becomes empty, if you kill the vehicle while it's still occupied by the enemy then it counts as an enemy kill.
  6. Jona33

    [SP] Manhattan

    Thanks for the feedback everyone! Cheers for the recommendation about the Civilians, for me it's a trade off between as few mods as possible and still having the content. I think what I'll do is make the RDS civilians optional, so if it's activated they'll use those vehicles and uniforms. As for Lagushina the basic condition is to be near her, out of a vehicle and for her to be travelling slowly. However I have just noticed a missing link in the FSM which could very well be buggering it. When the condition is fulfilled you'll have a conversation with her, then be tasked to take her to an LZ for the CDF to come pick her up. As for porting other missions in the campaign, I'm thinking I might try and do Bitter Chill or Razor Two, but given my tendency to start something then drop it and pick it up later (I've been working on Manhattan for months-on and off) it could be a while.
  7. As Old_Painless said don't worry about it, it just remembers the last command you put in which can be pretty useful at times. You can leave it, it doesn't affect anything.
  8. Jona33

    Detecting incoming fire

    Check if getSuppression works on a player unit https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getSuppression
  9. Bis_fnc_prepareAO Documentation could do with an update-just to clarify that by "trigger name"-they appear to mean the TEXT: field, not the name of the trigger itself. Ideally we would be able to define our own pools of groups, cars, tanks etc. Needs an update to include the fact that the Kuma is now a tank on the AAF side-the function must have been introduced before the tank and not updated. Other than that I basically agree with what other people have said.
  10. Been loving Panthera, but was wondering yesterday why PWS didn't come up with an option to update, despite you and Kecharles saying it was done. Then I decided to have a look and saw the words "Panthera for ARMA II"-turns out I was using the ARMA II version in ARMA 3 for over a month! Still my new favourite map, and the new version is absolutely brilliant.
  11. Jona33

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Even in the default campaign it's worse-take Within Reach, the mission in Adapt where you have to cause a diversion on Stratis. With the previous version you had a trade off, with only 3 people do you want to gear yourself up with plenty of ammo and AT, but struggle with the fact that the south of stratis is very hilly, and you'll have to move slowly up the hills. You even had to plan your route better, e.g. getting to the highest of your targets first, then kicking things off so that you didn't have to struggle up hill when you were being chased by the enemy. Now though, it makes not a blind bit of difference, you can take everything you've got and all you've got to worry about is reduced sprint capability. To be honest the latest changes have managed to completely negate taking the terrain into account when you're moving. You may as well just go as the crow flies because it doesn't really matter.
  12. Does anyone else think that the new Mk-18 animation is WAY to quick, like, it actually looks ridiculous. The animation itself looks decent but it could do with being 1.5-2x slower I think. But concur with Luger, liking the new animations for sit moving, and all the other animation tweaks at the moment (especially the animations for turning around, and the way the weapon tilts a bit while you do it).
  13. isEqualTo is case sensitive which could be the issue, easier just to use == instead.
  14. You've defined the variable _allowedUID but your if statements references _allowUID, they need to match.
  15. Jona33

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    For the most part you can play the campaign fine on dev-branch. The main thing to watch is finishing a mission, because of the daily updates you'll never be able to continue a mission over two week days.
  16. Jona33

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I've had the opposite experience to Kukus, on dev at least AI seem to have got really aggressive. Was testing on Panthera with me vs 5 AI, and they'd actively move towards me without any waypoints and try to kill me. Even running the same tiny piss-about test session was enjoyable to see if I could win, I couldn't. :D Might be placebo but they seemed really good.
  17. Jona33

    EDEN - Questions

    Yeah, kind of expected it. A shame as I had quite a nice mission, but the key stuff was in scripts, rebuilding it won't take that long. Just the risk we take at the moment with EDEN. EDIT: Though at least there's some encouragement to go back and test some stuff rather than messing about in 3D. :D
  18. I'll have a quick play through of the mission (on Dev version rather than stable), but it sounds like you're doing it right. One thing to check, are you lasing targets on the north side of the valley? I know people have mistaken Charlie (on the south side) for the spotters before. In theory you need to point the laser within 10m of the spotters. EDIT: No issue here, Charlie took both of them out with a single Grenade shortly after lasing them.
  19. Pretty much yeah, I think nearEntities returns an array sorted by distance with nearest first, (array elements are indexed starting from 0). Since you're using a very small radius it's not a major issue if it isn't, but otherwise you could use Bis_fnc_sortBy to find the one that is actually nearest.
  20. nearEntities returns an array, meaning even if you're only near one unit you will get _person=[unit1]; _pos=position vehicle [unit1];<---This throws the error. Simplest solution is _person=((position player) nearEntities ["Man",2]) select 0; Working on the basis if you've got two people close enough together then only one of them saying something is reasonable.
  21. Already doable with EDEN, select multiple units, right click and press attributes. Can do all kinds of things to multiple units at once.
  22. Jona33

    Eden Feature Requests

    It would be nice if we could turn off the 3D visualisation of triggers, sometimes it gets in the way. Additionally that 3D visualisation doesn't work with NV mode on as it just appears as a pillar of light.
  23. I'd recommend using unit capture / unit play, as long as it's not for a dedicated server. That way you record each of the planes and can get them precise and reliable.
  24. Jona33

    My First Impressions

    Just discovered that automatic numbering of units works a million times better now, e.g. place a unit called test, copy and paste it it becomes test_1, copy and paste again then the new one is test_2, fair better than test-->test_1-->test_1_1. Sounds tiny but it's just that much more usable. Thank you BI, absolutely loving all these new features!
  25. Jona33

    UH 80 Ghosthawk with Rockets?

    You'd have to do a fairly major redesign for it to be effective, think blackfoot style weapon bays that unfurl when you want to fire. If you have fixed weapon pylons any stealth design would be completely negated (which might not make a huge difference in ARMA but you may as well atleast try to make your designs logical).