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About clanrising

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. thank you for your support, my knowledge is limited. here is my final mission Edited: https://mega.co.nz/#!ZNNXmLAR!no9gSVVN05erlCvcPwvLfwxDH-9u-PbQuCV87Y7ECTU ---------- Post added at 11:15 ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 ---------- Also i forgot to tell you that we are on a linux based decated server
  2. yes , version : A3Wasteland_v0.9g.Stratis.pbo . I am willing to help, thank you
  3. hello, thank you for the job, I wanted to know if it is functional with wastland mod? if so what file is to be added? thank you
  4. have you as a project to do on linux? tanks
  5. clanrising

    Member of my team get BAN message

    Oh great !!! Thanks a lot , i still don t understand how he ve been banned but that solved the problem.. A big thank you Ryan !
  6. Hi everyone, I ve got a problem, a friend of mine who is a member of our team get this message when he try to join our server " You were Banned", i ve checked the battleeye ban.txt he s not there , and second odd thing when i m ingame and he tries to connect there are no messages relative to the ban it only says "player connected, player uses modified data files, player disconnected" Does any one knows how to deal with this issue ?? Thanks a lot
  7. clanrising

    Payday Mod

    Hi there i ve found a bug, when i go to import/export mission i ask for the mission but when i get the car wich is asked it s empty, no fuel i mean, so no way to bring back the car...quite embarassing...
  8. Hi there, i' m looking to found an anti hack sytem , my server is a linux dedicated server. Any help would be appreciated, i m tired of tracking hackers on my server, thanks a lot !
  9. Allright , too sad but thanks for the answer ;) Does anybody there knows an anti hack tool wich is linux compatible for arma 3 ?
  10. Hi there,thanks for the work and for sharing it, i ve got a question does BASIX works on a linux based dedicated server ? I m asking beacause i see it uses dll's files and i don t know if it will be ok on linux ? Perhaps i ve to install c++ library on linux and it will be ok ? Any help/answer would be much appreciated !!! THANKS ;)
  11. clanrising

    Payday Mod

    Hi, thanks for your mission, pretty awesome ;) I ve got a problem when player try to join as the game is allready launched , i am stucked on receiving data, i ve allready installed the 1.35...Thanks for your help !
  12. clanrising

    Wasteland 0.9g Stratis

    Hi everyone, Here is my problem, i try to enable player / base save on a linux dedicated server with wasteland 0.9g on it. I' ve putted "A3Wasteland_settings" in my root arma 3 server directory but it doesn t seem to work. Impossible for me to set the admin.sqf etc...For exemple if i set the starting money on 500$ it does nothing... I ve installed @inidbi on my server. Please help me, thank you ! I forgot to say one thing, as soon as i put the call compile preProcessFile "\inidbi\init.sqf"; line in the init.sqf file from the mission i get a session lost when i try to join the server...
  13. java is required? i have 3fps charge serveur , what's the problem?
  14. clanrising

    i have 2/3 fps charge serveur

    language="English"; adapter=-1;3D_Performance=1.000000;Resolution_W=800;Resolution_H=600;Resolution_Bpp=32; MinBandwidth=9600000; MaxBandwidth=100000000; MaxMsgSend=128; MaxSizeGuaranteed=512; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=512; MinErrorToSend=0.001;MinErrorToSendNear=0.01;MaxCustomFileSize=160;MaxPacketSize=1400; Windowed=0; serverLongitude=2.37; serverLatitude=48.83; serverLongitudeAuto=0; serverLatitudeAuto=0; I have to modify the values, maintaining I am has 7/8 fps impossible of credit note better memory 1058 mo , emmision :79kbps : reception : 59 kbps we are three in the serveur , tanks