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About redarmy

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  1. redarmy

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Want to report another irregularity with the Vehicles. Not sure if its by design but you did stress that the vehicles are more or less following Vanilla behaviour,with no extra scripts.. I can confirm the AH 11f hellcat ,after doing a "TR UNLOAD" waypoint,ascends into the air instead of staying grounded. Staying grounded is vanilla behaviour. Would this be classed as a bug? To give full context il show you what i have done: TRIGGER 1 Assigns infantry to 6 different helo's,one is the Hellcat (ex4) _wp1 = Alpha1 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBA1), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex1; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Alpha1; _wp1 = Bravo1 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBB1), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex2; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Bravo1; _wp1 = Charlie1 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBC1), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex3; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Charlie1; _wp1 = Alpha2 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBA2), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex4; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Alpha2; _wp1 = Bravo2 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBB2), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex5; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Bravo2; _wp1 = Charlie2 addWaypoint [(getPos FOBC2), 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "GETIN"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; Alpha1 setBehaviour "Aware"; { _x assignAsCargo ex6; [_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true; }forEach units Charlie2; TRIGGER 2 : _wp = ex1group addWaypoint [position FOBA1, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex1group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex2group addWaypoint [position FOBB1, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex2group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex3group addWaypoint [position FOBC1, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex3group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex4group addWaypoint [position FOBA2, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex4group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex5group addWaypoint [position FOBB2, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex5group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; _wp = ex6group addWaypoint [position FOBC2, 0]; _wp setwaypointtype "TR UNLOAD"; _wp = ex6group addWaypoint [position del, 0]; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", "{ deleteVehicle _x} forEach thisList;" ]; And its condition: {alive _x && {_x in ex1}}count units Alpha1 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Alpha1) && {alive _x && {_x in ex2}}count units Bravo1 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Bravo1) && {alive _x && {_x in ex3}}count units Charlie1 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Charlie1) && {alive _x && {_x in ex4}}count units Alpha2 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Alpha2) && {alive _x && {_x in ex5}}count units Bravo2 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Bravo2) && {alive _x && {_x in ex6}}count units Charlie2 isEqualTo ({alive _x}count units Charlie2) Chalk of helicopters collect 6 squads,move to a location,unloads,and are supposed to stay there, but the Hellcat is the only helo(all others are Vanilla Arma3) that ascends on its position to default flyheight. TO just clarify, the "del" reference object wasnt placed in this test so no movement order was given for the last WP statement
  2. redarmy

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Just to clarify...should PIP on those screens have an impact with engines off? Off or on,inside 1st person issue is noticable,when compared to any other vehicle. Turned to 3rd person issue goes away.Its a total mystery to me then. The thing is i cant believe it could be a hardware issue, Hardware wise iv got the specs, i7-13700 / 3060ti upscaled 1080p using DSR. The difference is night and day. Actually im using NATO cougar, theres no gunner cam if im correct or 2D map. I was hoping there was some magic script i could run to remove certain features of the helo for testing but i doubt anything like that can be done right? Il play with PIP off i just have been crazy trying to get to the bottom of this these few weeks,i love being inside that helo.
  3. redarmy

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Found what seems like it must be a bug: Placing a pickup comms(maybe other vehicles too) as a simple object in editor. A reload of the scenario in editor removes the simple object tag entirely. Would be same in an actual mission. Previewing the editor however sees the vehicle as simple though. After another test, its seemingly most if not all ground vehicles. doesnt happen with the hellcat Also to raise an old issue regarding fps in the helicopters. There absolutely is an issue. And i can send a screenshot for proof. Sitting in the cougar at base i created,theres alot of props and vehicles, i pause and check fps,its at 48 fps. I exit the cougar,enter a ghost hawk right next to it, frames are 60(locked so actually much higher) Guys there is something not quite right with the vehicles in the DLC,My frames should not be tanking like this. This is in 1st person. im happy to upload screenshots. disabling PIP helps bump frames back to 60 but pip on in another helo in same example doesnt drop frames.
  4. First off, the title Flashpoint is no relation,its more of a fixed title in the series because with names,im very unoriginal and i wanted to make a mission template thats at the root of what Arma is...a combined Arms sandbox. And the root of Arma was OP FLASHPOINT. Confused yet? good keep reading... This is the first time in 5000 hours in the editor iv made a series(that will continue with new missions very often as my template which took years to polish is solid) that im totally happy with. The first 3 scenarios are up,one for each terrain,Altis,Tanoa and Livonia : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236238361 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3236236502 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3232693790 So to sum up: OP FLASHPOINT REUNION is a combined arms(SP for now until further tweaked for balance) scenario that is made with the idea that the player can take any role practically imaginable and contribute to his sides mission objectives. The player is a "cog in the wheel",or a High commander issuing orders to all elements of the main platoon. Its also possible to freely switch between both modes via radio. This mission is very much random and dynamic yet with the upmost in balance and performance taken into account. (Feel free to ask in the comments for details if interested,il happily delve deeper) The premise is simple: An opfor force controls 3 regions and NATO must sieze and secure each one by one. The mission contains around a grand total of (wait read the part after) 850 units including infantry,ground vehicles and Air. Quick reaction forces,ariel reinforcements and AI responsive units that will track down known threats within the current Area of operation. As the scenario develops,more units / reinforcements are introduced,so there will never be a mass amount of units at one time. Performance is KING! The player may take on the role of squad leader, vehicle crew,UAV operator(spotting threats actually has an impact and friendlies will respond) logistics(slingload and airiel reinforcement delivery), AH support roles,artilleriest,and more,or simply sit back and command. VA is available from any staging tent.As soon as your geared up,proceed with platoon to form up pos and await further tasking. The inspiration for the scenario is taken from Shack tactical style gameplay/platoon structure and gameplay ends up alot like using AI mods like ALIVE,HETMAN,GAIA and so on,inspiration and ideas very much taken from such amazing mods,but this isnt a mission template,this is a proper balanced,structure and ready to go scenario,its a template for myself to easily create more in short order. Thoughthere is a tasking system,alot of "what you can do" is up to your best judgements..for example,recon in a pos not tasked to you,airlift out injured and deliver them to a medic point/merge groups point and so on... Mission start: First,head to a tent at base via the map which corrosponds to the role you want to take,wait half a minute for side chat to confirm you are in that role,via zeus recruit infantry or pilots/crew that are located at base,edit your vehicle if crew etc,and set them to combat stance to remove the animations,then move out. Use the "mission start/load up" and form up radio trigger after platoon is embarked and ready. Scenario doesnt rely on 3rd party mods or scripts with CBA the exception. Performance should be good throughout. Mission features: --------------------------- #Autonomous artillery system for friendly(and enemy) support.JTAC units call for fire missions #Custom enemy AI accuracy tweaks for higher dispersion including vehicles(enjoy your flight) #Custom NATO faction with inclusion of all AAF vehicles retextured #Removal of all NVG (except recon) flashlights equipped for all sides. #Gameplay similar to the style of ALIVE / Platoon-company level engagements #Player roles - anything Arma3 has to offer within the context #Immersive radio chatter taken from the campaign #side chat to keep player apprised of all situation developments #Random weather,fog,time of day #All base game music playing randomly incorporated #Ability to merge friendly squads(ambient task if player is pilot for example) #NATO/Friendly forces far more survivable #AI Tweaks for better cohesion especially under orders(no squads splintering) #AI that take care of their own resupply #Random tasks that make sense for the scenario,that can be seen as more like "orders' from a High command, for infantry,recon,air and logistics roles,as well as Arty,Vehicle and AH crews. #Rearming repair and refuel locations #Cacheing system to ensure only what is needed is in use at the time. #Rating system-including an exfil location to where each friendly from the platoon who is still alive and present,increases your overall rating. #Random enemy Garrisons,and potential minefields. #Custom enemy patrol script #QRF reinforcements for both sides,airlifted in and sent to task to help each others respective side #Autonomous attack aircraft that assist and RTB,refuel and return to assist later(destroying enemy air early helps alot) #Zones that influence AI decision making and movement creating a believable and cohesive force. #Custom MARTA marker system And honestly alot more. Its highly replayable,around 2 hours long but that time can fluctuate depending on many factors.
  5. Learn what the "Guard" waypoint does. it will become your best friend. https://community.bohemia.net/wiki/Waypoints With Guard,any "known" targets will be shared with Guard groups,and they will move to attack them. Keep in mind, jets are designed for vehicle tasks usually, And AI will always prioritise them over infantry. Really it depends on your type of scenario..is this a dynamic mission or heavily premade with waypoints,and specific unit positions / groups etc?
  6. Hi PsychoBastard A couple of lines from the AIS setup config are not working correctly. Such as "medical education" and "3D markers". 3D markers false still show. and med education = 0 wont allow AI to heal(player can) if AI has no FAKs left. also, im not sure this is intentional, but i have it set to "allpalayables" , this works mostly, however if i the player get incapacitated,non playable AI are still coming to heal me. it shouldnt work that way correct? they cannot go into a revive state if shot however.
  7. Very nice,il give it a go,thanks for the suggestion!
  8. Wow what is this voodoo? Welcome back mate. i also took a break and came back with a new CPU. We are slaves to Arma and always will be. im reading the scaling thing, does it really help when AI are doing AI things?
  9. redarmy

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    The more ya know. once its Known i dont needlessly kill my pixeltrupen crew 😄
  10. redarmy

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    iv got a repro ready , where can i show i send it to you? https://www.mediafire.com/file/lw4e50iopx1ktbx/mission.sqm/file ok there it is,simple scenario example with markers to illustrate and while yes,point one isnt reproducable,it is happening at times. Point 2 however is as shown in example,100% reproducable and a fall from 100-150 meters causes no catastrophic destruction of helo. Just to clarify,incase theres misunderstanding,as you say "helo is done for"...im talking about the vehicle exploding as is vanilla behaviour,done for = underwater. but it isnt showing same behaviour as vanilla and it maybe related to point one? unlikely but check out the repro anyway if you like. also about point one,i was refering to AI landing,iv not yet noticed anything odd about damage if i land it,it lands fine even on a roll with gear down.
  11. redarmy

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Iv noticed 2 issues with the cougar now upon more testing. 1) often a touchdown(at least one involving TR unload) causes a hard landing damaging helo to the point where pilots bail. and 2) unlike vanilla helicopters,(even with flotation disabled) the helo crashing into the water from heights high enough to cause vanilla helicopters to be destroyed(tested 100-150 Flyinheight) doesnt cause the cougar to get destroyed. All tests noticed with the Blufor Cougar
  12. oh cool i had no idea about this. So view pilot can be influenced by scripting,that gives me some neat ideas.
  13. are you sure? the zoom as a pilot is the same key as zoom as infantry/passenger in vehicle. i think its under key "temporary zoom"
  14. Thats a good point,about binocs etc. I remember a community video dyslexci put out once,mentioning the zoom,and he said,in Arma3 your "natural vision" is whats actually zoomed in though(minus the FOV ofcourse). I think your not accounting however for helo gameplay,pilots need to have an ability to peek forward and spot ground targets,which without a zoom of some sort,is impossible. Perhaps a version of the mod where its half weapon zoom,and half look zoom? Good middle ground and probably (i did anyway) what people would expect when first reading the description,definetly i think people dont expect a zoom feature to be removed. I personally got the mod because i wanted to see more of the weapon model when firing,i didnt like being couped up so tight towards the end of the barrel.
  15. yeah,and if its relavent it happens on KB and controller...something to bear in mind as creating something around the keys would also need to be considered in some caes