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Jackson Snow

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Everything posted by Jackson Snow

  1. Jackson Snow

    TMR Modular Realism

    It's pretty quick to just look up (and so detach the weapon from resting) and reload. Or, if you accidentally reloaded and lost a magazine, just drag one from your inventory to your weapon - no need to be dropping things or unequipping etc, just reload manually through the inventory. Obviously not a fix but a workaround in the meantime.
  2. Jackson Snow

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Don't think there's any danger of it being too huge ;)
  3. This was on Altis. It loaded fine with roadblocks set to medium, and IEDs set to low - no problem at all (the roadblocks are excellent, by the way - a real nice surprise rounding a corner to one the first time - perfectly position so it could see us down a nice stretch of road, but where we rounded a corner with no idea it was there til it was too late) - but with IEDs on medium it took around 20 minutes. Although, this is with rather a high number of profiles (probably too high), but it only normally takes around five minutes. Will have a look at the Hurt Locker mission, honestly hadn't noticed it - although having just looked in my folder I can't see a Hurt Locker mission anywhere, nor in the download - just Air Assault, Sabotage, Divide and Rule, and the training and tour missions...
  4. Have you got the IED module? For me, the IED module on Medium caused it to get stuck at the loading screen for around 20 minutes - it eventually loaded - but turning it down to Low caused it to load much quicker. Think there was a post mentioning this from the developers.
  5. When the new version of JSRS comes out, which has some of these features integrated, will it be necessary to disable this mod entirely? Does JSRS include all features, or only some? How will they work together? I'm planning on not testing JSRS at all once it is out, and want to dive right into a full war situation; so would like to know beforehand whether to disable this for compatibility, or leave it active...
  6. Jackson Snow

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    On the one hand, you could be waiting a year or two years for the event handler to be added, if it ever is; on the other hand, people complaining that your mod is finished but can't be released without this might encourage them to fix it sooner. Perhaps if we all emailed them politely and encourage them, separately from signing the tracker thing... (I am biased and want it released as we rarely if ever use spawned explosions - no Zeus, no virtual artillery, etc, but totally understand why you'd want to hold off)
  7. When using the Virtual Ammobox (VAS) in missions, it seems like some of the CUP weapons don't show their compatible attachments properly; the Arma 3 weapons, when selected in VAS, have a list of suitable attachment, such as scopes, but for the CUP weapons I tested, no scopes appear. I appreciate that the VAS is not your mod, but thought I'd report it here as it might be something to do with how scopes are configured, and perhaps you would know.
  8. Jackson Snow

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Considering your involvement with Dragonfyre too, will these new sounds have any compatibility with the scripts etc? That is, will they get distance effects or in room effects or whatever?
  9. Not exactly a solution, but I think it works for now: set up TADST the way you want, save the profile, then find your "TADST_config.cfg" file (in your TADST folder) and add the line: forceRotorLibSimulation = 1; Now in TADST, make sure to tick "Launch as is" to prevent it overwriting the cfg when it launches and removing your amendment. For Headless Clients you also need to do something similar, but in the cfg where it says "localClient[];{xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx};" change it to "headlessClients[]={xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx};"
  10. I only play with a small group and I run the dedicated server executable on my computer. Better performance than if I was hosting a game through the in-game multiplayer host, and with TADST it's really painless to set up.
  11. Jackson Snow

    TMR Modular Realism

    Thanks, knew I'd seen it somewhere. I figured it was because the firing from vehicles is actually a turret (or something) - read something about Alive having some issues relating to it being done this way, too.
  12. Jackson Snow

    TMR Modular Realism

    Yeah, we all got this last night too - didn't check with the others but for me it was definitely only when lying down. Ended up reloading "manually" via the inventory. Also - I was sure I saw somebody mention this, but I skimmed the last couple of pages and couldn't see it - the scopes have no crosshairs when firing from vehicles. You get the black circle cutout overlay as if the scope is up, but no crosshairs. Apologies if it's been mentioned and I missed it.
  13. Jackson Snow

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    Looking good! Can't wait to try it out with the new flight model.
  14. The config.sqf only overwrites the default settings. So if you are fine with the default settings, then you don't need it; if you want to change them, get it from here (click "Raw" to download).
  15. In the config.sqf, line 22, where it says: bcombat_dev_mode = true; Try changing it to false and see if the box disappears.
  16. Really liked it - obviously needs some work, but as a "first draft" it's pretty impressive. The comment about how it adds a feeling of space sums it up - makes it feel like there isn't just a jet in complete isolation but actually stuff around you.
  17. That date format ensures that the dates are always in ascending numerical order in lists, which is quite useful.
  18. Did you download it from Steam Workshop? If so, I think there was mention that you need the config.sqf separately from here (right click the button that says "RAW" > Save as... and put it in your @bcombat folder). Edited to add: From what I understand, the config.sqf is not essential - it is only used to override the default settings - hence why it doesn't come with the Steam package.
  19. It's in the @bcombat folder
  20. Jackson Snow

    A-164 Wipeout HUD MOD

    Do you mean just using the addon version of the CCIP script, or something more?