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Everything posted by davidoss

  1. Try filter by typeOf _x != "CamCurator"
  2. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    yes thanks its just variable but lets keep this right
  3. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    Update: button "Sell" done! To do button "Buy" As usually i wanna ask for any code improvements for:
  4. davidoss

    Arsenal Virtual Store

    Its look very simple. Just add stuff to arsenal and update with new array at each upgrade, save to server profilenamespace on disconnect. At connect ask server for variable existence receive value and load player with .
  5. You can write path whatever you like even in different place that server are if you not knew how just give me path i will create your init what i need is server executable path path to your place for server data (configs,rpt,profiles)
  6. -name=geriatrykserver means directory name created in C:\Arma3Server\serverdata\geriatrykserver\Users\ If not exist will be created Inside of would be profile generated if not exist with the same name - geriatrykserver.Arma3Profile server name can be defined only in server.cfg
  7. bat file ::Made by eRazeri 2 proc 4 - 5 = af 30 // 4 proc 4 - 7 = af F0 @echo off :start C:\Windows\System32\tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq arma3server_x64.exe" 2>NUL | C:\Windows\System32\find /I /N "arma3server_x64.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto loop echo Monitored server is not running, will be started now start "" /wait /realtime /affinity AA arma3server_x64.exe -port=2302 -nobenchmark -nolauncher -noPause -nosplash -world=empty -noSound -maxMem=8192 -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -loadMissionToMemory -bandwidthAlg=2 -autoInit -name=geriatrykserver -profiles=C:\Arma3Server\serverdata\geriatrykserver -config=C:\Arma3Server\serverdata\server.cfg -cfg=C:\Arma3Server\serverdata\basic.cfg -mod="C:\Arma3Server\@CBA_A3;C:\Arma3Server\@Chernarus 2035;C:\Arma3Server\@CUP Terrains - Core" echo Server started succesfully goto started :loop cls echo Server is already running, running monitoring loop :started C:\Windows\System32\timeout /t 10 C:\Windows\System32\tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq arma3server_x64.exe" 2>NUL | C:\Windows\System32\find /I /N "arma3server_x64.exe">NUL if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto loop goto start server config is located in: C:\Arma3Server\serverdata\server.cfg server basic.cfg is located in : C:\Arma3Server\serverdata\basic.cfg profile is located in C:\Arma3Server\serverdata\geriatrykserver\Users\geriatrykserver\geriatrykserver.Arma3Profile version=2; difficulty="custom"; class DifficultyPresets { defaultPreset="custom"; class CustomDifficulty { class Options { mapContent=0; groupIndicators=1; friendlyTags=0; enemyTags=0; detectedMines=0; commands=2; waypoints=2; weaponInfo=1; stanceIndicator=1; reducedDamage=0; staminaBar=0; weaponCrosshair=0; visionAid=0; thirdPersonView=1; cameraShake=1; scoreTable=1; deathMessages=0; vonID=1; autoReport=1; multipleSaves=0; squadRadar=0; tacticalPing=1; mapContentFriendly=0; mapContentEnemy=0; mapContentMines=0; }; aiLevelPreset=3; }; class CustomAILevel { skillFriendly=1; skillEnemy=1; precisionFriendly=0.30000001; precisionEnemy=0.30000001; }; }; singleVoice=0; maxSamplesPlayed=96; blood=1; gamma=1; brightness=1; activeKeys[]={}; soundEnableEAX=1; soundEnableHW=0; playedKeys[]={}; sceneComplexity=1000000; shadowZDistance=100; viewDistance=3400; preferredObjectViewDistance=2000; terrainGrid=3.125; volumeCD=10; volumeFX=10; volumeSpeech=10; volumeVoN=10; vonRecThreshold=0.029999999; All works ok. ps there are missions class from server.cfg class Missions { class Mission_1 { template = "survival.Chernarus_2035"; difficulty = "Custom"; }; };
  8. Well i can give you my setup which is working well. You can then search for differences ..
  9. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    A little progress on this again: Now i need to figure out how to count this all and script buttons actions out.
  10. this addAction ["Blackfoot1", {Blackfoot setPylonLoadOut ["PylonLeft3", "PylonRack_1Rnd_AAA_missiles", true, [0]]}]; you went crazy with apostrophes
  11. Don't give up. Maybe its all about effect like with animations. If your object are server sided and script is running server sided too, you need to propagate effect to clients because clients have no idea about. You need just do the same for clients or only clients
  12. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    I have doubts again, could that be wrote in some way better? //buttons private _playerMoney = call (compile (ctrlText _playerMoneyCtrl)); private _currentBalance = call (compile (ctrlText _overallPriceCtrl)); if ((_playerMoney + _currentBalance) > 0) then { if (lbSize _traderTradeCtrl > 0) then { if (lbSize _playerTradeCtrl > 0) then { _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetText "BUY+SELL"; _buyButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true; _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Buy and sell selected items"; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Sell selected items"; } else { _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetText "BUY"; _buyButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true; _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Buy selected items"; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Nothing to sell"; }; } else { _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetText "BUY"; _buyButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false; _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Nothing to buy"; if (lbSize _playerTradeCtrl > 0) then { _sellButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Sell selected items"; } else { _sellButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Nothing to sell"; }; }; } else { _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetText str (_playerMoney + _currentBalance); _buyButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false; _buyButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Not enough money"; if (lbSize _playerTradeCtrl > 0) then { _sellButtonCtrl ctrlEnable true; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Sell selected items"; } else { _sellButtonCtrl ctrlEnable false; _sellButtonCtrl ctrlSetTooltip "Nothing to sell"; }; };
  13. Well i am not capable to hold track of this all in abstract mind to find possible issue, but if the problem occurs on dedicated server and you use object variables values not propagated, than remotexec stuff to server then is most likely an locality problem.
  14. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    Albright its done, thank you sir!
  15. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    Hahaha beautiful mind strikes again - shot in 10. Do you have any example what is weaponId, creatorId ?
  16. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    I mind his brain. Now it is almost done and by the way i just realize that this would be much easily if i would use lbdata to store items classnames to the lb rows instead of holding arrays and iterate throw indexes. Anyway i am facing another big problem, how to remove items attached to the weapons in vehicle inventory and than add it to the vehicle inventory at load dialog. I knew it can be done when player holding weapon. Any idea?
  17. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    Thank you @Larrow You are beautiful, you saved my brain.
  18. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    oh please yes yes.I am smart enough to only realise that this is exactly what i need. I am not using it because I had no idea about these command existence. How to use this please , like this? params ["_control","_index"]; #define IDD_TRADER_MENU 38475 #define IDC_PLAYER_INVENTORY_ITEMS_LSTBOX 1506 #define IDC_PLAYER_TRADE_FIELD_LSTBOX 1507 private _display = findDisplay IDD_TRADER_MENU; private _playerInventoryCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_PLAYER_INVENTORY_ITEMS_LSTBOX; private _playerTradeCtrl = _display displayCtrl IDC_PLAYER_TRADE_FIELD_LSTBOX; private _selectedItem = _playerInvItems deleteAt _index; private _cfg = [_selectedItem] call fnc_getConfigPath; private _size = (lbSize _playerTradeCtrl); _playerTradeCtrl lbAdd (getText (_cfg >> "displayName")); _playerTradeCtrl lbSetPicture [_size, getText (_cfg >> "picture")]; _playerTradeCtrl lbSetValue [_size,IDC_PLAYER_INVENTORY_ITEMS_LSTBOX];
  19. Its CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute parameters array Here problem is locality along with objects variables and eh
  20. davidoss

    Help with dialog

    Ok i have little progress on this. I can rollback things with prices/money keep arithmetic rules but only to one inventory control. I need to find a way to store information in which listbox item was before moved to "items to sell" control. After that i can move items to proper control after player want to revert his select and dbclicks in "items to sell" control. Any idea how to do this?
  21. You can spawn group than add killed eh for each unit where you can spawn new unit to this group.in this way you will have group immortal
  22. davidoss

    Finding Vehicle's Height

    True, i just realise that
  23. davidoss

    Finding Vehicle's Height

    for "_i" from -5 to +5 do { this line may not work like you intended, check rpt errors. Start with launcher parameter -showScriptErrors
  24. Well i have encounter more problems in MP. The biggest one is that from unknown reason the variable TER_moneyNamespace is no longer linked to player but its model p3d file.