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Everything posted by loopdk

  1. Try loading ordre of mods
  2. loopdk

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    with out eny mods and the razer boost thing i get 38 with spec: I5 4790k @5000 gtx980 16gb ddr3 2666 Ultra setting and vivedistance 7500 and object 3300
  3. Yes it does.. use nvidia inspector and make you own profil and crank up the settings.. i mannage to get 91% out of 2x 780TI. now i just running a 980TI :D Back on tread,.. give us V6 ;D
  4. loopdk

    Arma3Sync Repository

    Windows server Will do
  5. loopdk

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    here you go
  6. loopdk

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    Just didt a test.. high givs me 30.1 fps.... arrh i just love arma :D
  7. I got it working. Will post small guide asap
  8. loopdk

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    32,7 FPS @ULTRA/custom 2560x1440 (vysnc off, "all set to max") Vive distance 7500 and opbject 3300 AI is killing my CPU ;D benched sys: 4690k @4.9ghz gtx 980 stock 16gb ddr3 @2666mhz samsung 830 256gb
  9. Hallo guys. My GU is searching for somthing diffent than PW6... i wot like to use ArmA3Sync - launcher and addons synchronization software for ArmA 3 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?162236-ArmA3Sync-launcher-and-addons-synchronization-software-for-ArmA-3 I have a small synology server here at home i wot like to run the repo but i get an error when i try to connect ore just validate.... http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/1.jpg (258 kB) I got all the files i an folder on the ftp server http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/3.jpg (363 kB) i cant figure out what i am doing wrong... Plz help :D Best LooP
  10. loopdk

    3CB BAF Equipment

    When you sling the helmet it goes back to a MK7 Befor http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/arma3_2015_07_06_11_05_29_685.png (6197 kB) After http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/arma3_2015_07_06_11_08_24_841.png (5355 kB)
  11. loopdk

    3CB BAF Equipment

    if you want get me at TS
  12. eney body running there repo from a synology server???
  13. loopdk

    3CB BAF Equipment

    [li]@cba_a3[/li] [li]@ace3[/li] [li]@allinarmaterrainpack[/li] [li]@prkz[/li] [li]@alive[/li] [li]@caf_ag[/li] [li]@asr_ai3[/li] [li]@3cb_baf_vehicles[/li] [li]@3cb_baf_weapons[/li] [li]@3cb_baf_equipment[/li] [li]@asdg_jr[/li] [li]@asdg_jm[/li] [li]@tf47_launchers[/li] [li]@mtp_pack[/li] [li]@backpackonchest[/li] [li]@task_force_radio[/li] [li]@mightygau[/li]
  14. loopdk

    3CB BAF Equipment

    we found a littel error as well http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/107410_2015-07-03_00001.png 3CB Static weapon dis-assembly duplication. ​Static weapon still assembled - same situation with mortar tubes.
  15. loopdk

    L85a2 v3

    what about removing the wery old l85a2 demand,....
  16. loopdk

    3CB BAF Equipment

  17. I am trying to finde classname of the Mk32 HMG so i can use the backpaks ... Help plZ:D
  18. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Yes but seems in the config file its shoots 408 like the chyan ting
  19. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    I think the L115A3 shoots 408 not 338 :/
  20. He have this guide http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-uav-r2t-and-pip/ put the UAV will follow player and i cant place the billbord my self.. i just need the right texture code for the billbord... i think :/ i tryede But no luck
  21. i can use the real light with out enny issiues the first time i run it but after that i just get a white screen when using pw6. when using the vanila launcher no problem....