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Everything posted by loopdk

  1. Its frome my synology. it was working last night and we have been using it for 12 weeks, If i go to "netwok places" and enter the folders that way i dont have eny problems. I can put in new files change names and make new folders.... http://peecee.dk/uploads/082015/sync1.jpg If you look at this picture.. in danich but still you can se i got read and writh acces
  2. I get this error when trying tu update my repo.. the only thing change is arma sync... It workede last night and now after the update it dont:/ Plz help
  3. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Just to be sure... dos that mean we can remove @joint rail from ore repo??
  4. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Tnx sir!
  5. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Will The New version make it to armaholic
  6. loopdk

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Does it work with alive and DCG maps??
  7. loopdk

    3CB BAF Units

    is there eny way to make the units start just in uniform?? i dont have eny luck with the modul... dont matter if i set YES or NO .. start the same way>:/
  8. if you look her it will http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Factions
  9. Eny body know if "IND_G_F" still is a Alive fraction?? I cant make it work West BLU_F - NATO BLU_G_F - FIA East OPF_F - Iran / CSAT OPF_G_F - FIA Guer IND_F - AAFCivilian CIV_F - Civilians Is working perfect
  10. loopdk

    FPS shouldnt be like this

    Spot on! use ultra settings
  11. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    In the next update can you update the at4 with meter line on the sigth liek on the tf47 launcher?? Like this http://dslyecxi.com/images/bestoftactical/at4_adjustable.jpg
  12. loopdk

    TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms

    I am trying to find the classnames for all things with snow... eny iders??
  13. Classname for alive faktions ?
  14. Just chekede IP_OPF_F_ST dont work :/ ---------- Post added at 05:28 ---------- Previous post was at 05:25 ---------- Same error as before :/ http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/arma3_2015_07_20_07_26_59_624.png
  15. the alive guys: Is it poseble you cout have a look :D o reallyu like to use the mod
  16. loopdk

    Yet Another Arma Benchmark

    uhh i must mention 2560x1440 off :D
  17. Hey Guys.... i am trying to use this mod CSAT Snow Tigers. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28667 I am in contakt with the autor of the mod and he says when i put i IP_CSAT_ST in fraktions in ALIVE mods i only get helicoptors and no units... i get this error http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/arma..._52_03_608.png When i remove the IP_CSAT_ST frome fractions its works perfect i tryede with the mod from pw6 and armahoolic What to do
  18. I cant make the IP_CSAT_ST work..... when i put i IP_CSAT_ST in fraktions in ALIVE mods i only get helicoptors and no units... i get this error http://peecee.dk/uploads/072015/arma3_2015_07_19_16_52_03_608.png When i remove the IP_CSAT_ST frome fractions its works perfect i tryede with the mod from pw6 and armahoolic What to do
  19. I am looking for classnames for the snow tigers... and faction navmes for alive... help :D
  20. what mods do you run? Have you tjekket your RPT file??