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Everything posted by LSD_Timewarp82

  1. LSD_Timewarp82

    US Helicopters (HAFM OVerhaul) MOD

    Hydras only from Pilotseat. As alternative you can give an AI order to sit on Pilotseat (you have Contol of Helicopter) and the AI will shoot spotted Vehicles with the Hydras
  2. delay :( Looking forward to the release :)
  3. Thanks dude for this mod, it´s a must-have in my lineup of loaded mods. Thanks :)
  4. I had this sound with instantly "heal sound" right now when playing WLA. Alt+F4 helped ^^
  5. Yeah, Wake has only 10x10km, could be quite different to store the mission on this map. This two maps should fit your mission better, i already played both. Great Performance too :) Aliabad: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16711 ToraBora: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12969
  6. For waiting people this is the worst case scenario ^^ Have fun at the anniversary ;)
  7. Cool, so your resignation is gone hopefully? Looking forward to the update :)
  8. LSD_Timewarp82

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    Hi Fab, :) so which version should i pick when i would to have this kind of good AI? My version is propably outdated i think, have you a link for this "good AI" version :) ?
  9. Hey SaOk, did you see that "Wake" map already? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185406-Map-Wake-Island I played yesterday WLA on this, runs good so far, maybe you could add the map if possible, after Reshmaan of course ^^ I checked some A2/OA maps with your mission, ToraBora and MCN_Aliabad runs very well with WLA and the maps looks good and didnt cost so much performance as the A3 maps do.
  10. Or he could fix this through downloading the "Support Call" Mod. With the Supportcall mod he would be able to unlock the locked vehicles and restuck the vehicles (Unstuckpossibility for Vehicles - foward&backwards)
  11. Shift+1 -> Options -> Fatigue -> set it to Disabled done.
  12. I use this code to permanently stop rain over hours when i play [] spawn { while {true} do { if (rain > 0) then { 0 setrain 0; }; sleep 1; }; }; I dont like too much windnoises too, when wearing headphones then it go on my nerves after a time ^^
  13. LSD_Timewarp82

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    You should use the mod "Moduload". This mod reinitializes mods when loading a saved game. I know that it works for the debug Console, i use the console myself
  14. Nice timing, will try is in few minutes. I played last times without RHS cause i missed the stupid Iranic voices of my victims ^^
  15. Thanks for the update :) Would be cool if you could add more presets. I personally like a kind of "postapocalyptic" weather scenery, something like Stormy clouds but without Rain. I dont like rain in the game, i haver a code for it that it instantly stops the rain and blocks it for my time i play.
  16. You wont reckognize major fps increasement, no matter what you buy and how the OC is. You can have 10Ghz, it doesnt matter. It´s simply impossible to boost frames cause the Engine isnt optimized for such steps. And the Altis Benchmark is in my opinion not really the best choice to check and compare results. In a MP Game the Benchmarked results are totaly different to the real ingame frames you will reach then. And please forget such words like "Improve fps greatly on Arma3". Check the Internet for further comments about Performance in Arma3, its a neverending Story ^^
  17. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Eric, could you create a Silencer for the Vanilla Sniper Rifle "M320/Cheytac M200" that would be so awesome (as always: it´s just a question if you could do that, so no request) There is only 1 mod which covers the Silencer for the Cheytac (Breaking Point Zombie Mod) but it´s close to impossible to add only the Weapons from Breaking Point into the modlist without any issues. Would be epic if you could do that, simply awesome :)
  18. LSD_Timewarp82

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    I like the "little used" look, a bit of dirt is great too. A clean weapon would be misplaced in my opinion. Weapons needs to look used and dirty and not like bought 5 minutes ago^^
  19. LSD_Timewarp82

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Yeah, i could rage hard when i see this move. The AI dont even open doors, they walk simply thru that door, or wall, or vehicle or cargo container or or or... Endless list. This must be sarcasm ^^ I dont know for what in gods name there is this Ticket reporting site. So many votes for elementary important bugs which bother thousand of gamers... *this is no offence, its a personal thought when i check which bugs are still in the Game after which time and a ton votes* In my eyes it looks like the devs fix what they want, and not the bugs which annoy most of the gamers (thousands of votes, up to 1 year and more active)
  20. LSD_Timewarp82

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Was confused that the Link sends me to Steam^^ Nevermind, got it now over the Workshop :bounce3:
  21. LSD_Timewarp82

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Yay, thanks man. Was waiting for this. In my opinion one of the best Gear Mods for Arma, fantastic work :)
  22. I use since 12 years always Multi-GPU in my systems. A 970GTX Sli is faster than a single 980GTX but not until higher Resolutions (2560x1600) + maximized Details (AA+AF) All Resolutions below this the single 980GTX is faster than 970SLI. In Games like Crysis 3 or Metro you can clearly see the advantage of a Multi GPU Machine over a Single Card when playing with maximum details. But upgrading only for Arma is worthless, you wont get enjoyable frames, even not with 4 980GTX in QuadSli. For other Games, yes. For Arma, no.
  23. Wouldnt it help when disabling the "Capture a Pier.sqf" or something when maps have no Pier?
  24. I played Everon too (all Versions of it ^^) and one Version has thrown a ton of rpt. errors, after ~ 1hr Gameplay the frames started to going down, but dont know which Everon this was (think the 2010 Version) Good map, but a little boring cause there are not so many buildings, a ton buildings more and the map would be a lot better in my opinion. One of my favs maps is "Napf" too bad there is this Waterline Grid Bug or something, so dont use an Aircraft there, if you stayin as Soldier/Tank and ddidnt pass a specific height on the map the Waterline Bug wont show up. btw: Lingor & Taviana and Duala didnt work, too bad :(
  25. #1: Hahahahahahaha, this made my week. Thank you. #2: adjusting Downsampling Resolution isn´t that easy on an AMD GFX, so far i know an extra tool is needed for this, on NVidia Cards u just need to confirm which Ratio the Downsampling u want to have (WHQL Forceware 344.48 enables this)