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Everything posted by whiztler

  1. You can (temp) 'freeze' a unit by disabling the simulation. In case of Eden, put the following in the init box of a unit: this enableSimulation false;
  2. On the addWaypoint wiki page you can se two icons on the top: AG global -- A stands for Argument - Arguments of these scripting commands (AG) don't have to be local to the client the command is executed on. EG global -- E stands for Effect - Effects of these scripting commands (EG) are broadcasted over the network and happen on every computer in the network. So when you have a command with EG Global, the effect is seen by everyone, no matter who executes the command. In most cases it is best to execute these commands on the server or a headless clients.
  3. You can terminate code by checking the alive state of a unit: if (!alive MyUnit) exitWith {};
  4. Do not execute Global commands (such as hideObjectGlobal) on all clients. The init.sqf is execute by all players, (dedicated) server, headless client(s0, etc. When you use the global version of an engine command the information is communicated over the network to each connected entity by each connected entity. Causing a lot of network traffic. In case of hideObjectGlobal it can only be executed by the server. So you need to move the code from your init.sqf to the iniServer.sqf file in you mission root. If you do not have a initServer.sqf in your mission root then simply create one. Alternatively you can let the server execute the code in your init.sqf: if isServer then { }; Your code would then look something like: if isServer then { { _x hideObjectGlobal true; } count [bag_1, bag_2, bag_3, bag_4, bag_5, bag_6, bag_7, bag_8, bag_9, bag_10, bag_11, bag_12, bag_13, bag_14, bag_15, bag_16, bag_17, bag_18, bag_19, bag_20, bag_21, bag_22, bag_23, bag_24, zu3_3, zu3_8, zu3_7, zu3_6, zu3_5, zu3_4]; };
  5. Once a script reached the end, and there are no running loops, it is terminated. The tob1 script terminates as soon as it has added the event handler. The event handler is a separate process that becomes active when the assigned unit dies..
  6. The correct format for the Switch Do command is: switch (_condition) do { case 1: { hint "1" }; case 2: { hint "2" }; default { hint "default" }; }; See: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/switch
  7. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Updated to version 1.71. See OP for more information and download links. OPTIONAL OPFOR/BLUFOR MODS As off version 1.71 the Wolfpack campaign utilizes a new player loadout. Day and night missions, wet and dry missions, each have their own loadout. Like in RL, tier-1 operators each have their own loadout, including uniform, vest, backpack, primary weapon, hand weapon, etc. Mods are optional. The missions functions fully without mods. Players are equipped according to the availability of mods which are applied in the following order: 1. Red Hammer Studios (USAF) >> 3CB Factions >> Project Opfor 2. CUP (Units) >> Community Factions Project OVERRIDES To override vanilla or modded weapons (primary weapons, hand weapons) with NIArms weapons at mission start using the mission params. If both RHS and CUP mods are active and one wishes to use CUP then you can override RHS with CUP using the params at mission start. Version 1.71 - Updated: Player loadout. Added support for RHS/CUP/NIArms. See Wolfpack_Readme.pdf for more information. - Updated: Full seperation mission logic from framework. - Updated: Wolfpack_Readme.pdf ReadMe document. - Updated: Applied ADF 2.16 framework. Album: https://imgur.com/a/VgBaAK1
  8. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    Updated to version 1.71. See OP for more information and download links. OPTIONAL OPFOR/BLUFOR MODS As off version 1.71 the Wolfpack campaign utilizes a new player loadout. Day and night missions, wet and dry missions, each have their own loadout. Like in RL, tier-1 operators each have their own loadout, including uniform, vest, backpack, primary weapon, hand weapon, etc. Mods are optional. The missions functions fully without mods. Players are equipped according to the availability of mods which are applied in the following order: 1. Red Hammer Studios (USAF) >> 3CB Factions >> Project Opfor 2. CUP (Units) >> Community Factions Project OVERRIDES To override vanilla or modded weapons (primary weapons, hand weapons) with NIArms weapons at mission start using the mission params. If both RHS and CUP mods are active and one wishes to use CUP then you can override RHS with CUP using the params at mission start. Version 1.71 - Updated: Player loadout. Added support for RHS/CUP/NIArms. See Wolfpack_Readme.pdf for more information. - Updated: Full seperation mission logic from framework. - Updated: Wolfpack_Readme.pdf ReadMe document. - Updated: Applied ADF 2.16 framework. Album: https://imgur.com/a/VgBaAK1
  9. whiztler

    Changing objects color/texture

    Do not put the 'global' version of the command in the init box as each connected client (server, all players) will each send the information to all connected clients causing a lot of network traffic. Use the setObjectTexture local command instead.
  10. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    Thanks LSValmont. I have stopped with developing ADF as a separate framework. To get the last version of ADF, simply download the last version of either Wolfpack or Two Sierra. I just uploaded a new version of Two Sierra which is based on ADF 2.15. Feel free to use.
  11. whiztler

    [MP CO37 Campaign] Two Sierra

    Updated to version 1.09. See OP for download information. Version 1.09 Added: Mod compatibility (RHS/Project Opfor/3CB Factions/CUP/CFP) for BluFor & OpFor Fixed: Vehicle service points working as they should Updated: Spawn on demand. Now via framework function. Updated: Dynamic civilians uses mods if available (Project Opfor/3CB Factions/CUP/CFP) Updated: 2sierra_readme.pdf ReadMe document. Updated: Applied ADF 2.15 framework. OPTIONAL OPFOR/BLUFOR MODS Since version 1.09, the Two Sierra campaign supports mods for BluFor and OpFor units and vehicles. The mods are optional. The campaign functions fully with just BIS Vanilla assets (plus CUP Maps). If mods are loaded on the server but you wish to play using BIS Vanilla assets only then modded gameplay can be switched off in the mission parameters at mission start. Supported Mods The optional supported mods are automatically applied when loaded by the (dedicated) server. The mods are applied in the following order: 1. Red Hammer Studios (USAF, AFRF, GREF) >> 3CB Factions >> Project Opfor 2. CUP Units/Vehicles/Weapons >> Community Factions Project The optional mods add the following functionality: Blufor: NRF NATO units loadout (uniform, weaponry, etc.) Opfor: unit loadout and vehicles. Civilians: Clothing and vehicles
  12. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    The mods are automatically used when active on the server. Mods are applied in the following order: Both "Project Opfor" and "3CB Factions" Project Opfor 3CB Factions Community Factions Project CUP If your server has both RHS/Project Opfor and CUP enabled then Wolfpack will use Project Opfor. At the moment mods cannot be manually selected/de-selected. If you want to change things around then edit "init_redress.sqf" in the scripts folder.
  13. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Updated to version 1.70. See OP for more information and download links. Additional (optional) supported mods As off version 1.70, the following optional mods are used by Wolfpack: Project Opfor / 3CB Factions / CUP / Community Factions Project. Some of these mods require other mods to function properly. The mods are used for visual aspects of Blufor and Opfor units – e.g. uniforms, vests, head gear, backpacks, etc. Weapons and vehicles are BIS Vanilla. It is recommended to disable all AI enhancement functionality (Vcom AI, ASR AI, bCombat, etc) on both the server and the clients. Changelog version 1.70: Added: Mod compatibility (RHS/Project Opfor/3CB Factions/CUP/CFP) for wolf & opfor. See readme. Added: Ambient animals Fixed/removed: Legacy code. Fixed: Player can no longer swap places with AI vehicle crew during exfil. Updated: Spawn on demand. Now via framework function. Updated: Dynamic civilians uses mods if available (RHS/PO/Factions/CUP/CFP) Updated: Helicopter infil day 2, 6, 8 Updated: Wolfpack_Vol_1&2.pdf ReadMe document. Updated: Applied ADF 2.14 framework.
  14. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    Updated to version 1.70. See OP for more information and download links. Additional (optional) supported mods As off version 1.70, the following optional mods are used by Wolfpack: Project Opfor / 3CB Factions / CUP / Community Factions Project. Some of these mods require other mods to function properly. The mods are used for visual aspects of Blufor and Opfor units – e.g. uniforms, vests, head gear, backpacks, etc. Weapons and vehicles are BIS Vanilla. It is recommended to disable all AI enhancement functionality (Vcom AI, ASR AI, bCombat, etc) on both the server and the clients. Changelog version 1.70: Added: Mod compatibility (RHS/Project Opfor/3CB Factions/CUP/CFP) for wolf & opfor. See readme. Added: Ambient animals Fixed/removed: Legacy code. Fixed: Player can no longer swap places with AI vehicle crew during exfil. Updated: Spawn on demand. Now via framework function. Updated: Dynamic civilians uses mods if available (RHS/PO/Factions/CUP/CFP) Updated: Helicopter infil day 2, 6, 8 Updated: Wolfpack_Vol_1&2.pdf ReadMe document. Updated: Applied ADF 2.14 framework.
  15. whiztler

    [MP CO37 Campaign] Two Sierra

    Updated to version 1.08. See OP for download information. Version 1.08 Fixed: Convoy’s. Attempt number 612 to fix AI convoys. Fixed: Para’s. AI para’s perform as ordered. Fixed: Mission ending day 3 & 4. Fixed: MOTS progress speed in day 4, 7 & 8. Fixed: Spelling in briefings/high command. Fixed/removed: last slithers of legacy code. Updated: Moved all mission logic to server init. HC only managed AI spawns. Updated: Further refining of mission balancer values. Updated: Most mission objects for increased performance. Updated: Applied ADF 2.13 framework. The campaign zipfile contains a '2sierra_readme.pdf' document with mission information, client/server information, training information, etc., media files and briefing files.
  16. try _victim allowSprint false; I use the following script to in SAD hunt player function: {_x allowSprint false; _x doMove _p;} forEach units _g; _g setSpeedMode "FULL";
  17. whiztler

    mission.sqm, line 0

    Just another ARMA 3 development adventure. What else would you do with all your free time ....
  18. whiztler

    mission.sqm, line 0

    Alright, so when you publish using Eden the mission works at your client but not at Tb's. Surely you both have tried a minimum/no-mods setup and TB has verified its ARMA3 installation using the Steam verify function. Folder name, when using normal alphanum chars would not cause issues. A PBO published by Haz and works at Haz and does not work at TB sounds to me either a mod issue or an Arma3 core/corrupt file issue at Tb.
  19. whiztler

    mission.sqm, line 0

    Had a similar issue a while back. Solved it by starting in the editor with a new mission and merge in the bugged mission.
  20. whiztler

    [MP CO37 Campaign] Two Sierra

    There is a regular brief. Actually it is in the style of a real-life NRF briefing. You have an brief ingin-game and a briefing documents in the archive you'll find a briefing in PDF and TXT format. Also you'll find maps of the AO, objectives, etc. The campaign zipfile download links can be found in the first post of this thread. Note that this mission cannot be playing as single player. They are intended for at least 12 players. The only reason I can think of why a server would crash is if there is a mismatch in mods on the server/clients. To test this, load the mission with just the required mods (CBA A3, CUP Terrains Core, CUP Terrains Maps).
  21. whiztler

    Inconsistent commands?

    Your group is already defined as squad1. If that was not the case then your refer to the group as "group player" or "group (driver _veh)", e.g.: {_x setUnitPos "UP"} forEach units group player; {_x setUnitPos "UP"} forEach units squad1;
  22. @LSValmont I suspect your issue lies elsewhere. You basically proved it is not zbe_cache as the error also occurs on units that are not cached by zbe (zbe_cacheDisabled). Perhaps you are running both zbe_cache and the BIS Vanilla option (dynamic simulation). If that is the case you need to switch off either BIS dynamic simulation or zbe_cache.
  23. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    @kromka thanks for the extensive feedback. Really appreciate it. All patrols, garrisoned units etc are randomized. So one time you run into a patrol the next time you don't. I admit that from the vol 2 missions are very challenging for small groups even with the mission balancer set to auto or low. Day 7 takes a lot of patience (and skill) to complete. Day 9, like some other missions has multiple objectives. The depot objective is indeed an observe/gather intel objective. The objective orders are communicated at mission start. Note that you can read back all hq communications in the wolfpack log (map screen). Is it quite normal with special operations missions that mission objectives are communicated whilst en-route or they change on site. Sometimes they depend on a local contact or gathered intel.
  24. whiztler

    [MP CO37 Campaign] Two Sierra

    @jgaz-uk I am not sure what you mean. The campaign is a mission pack of 12 COOP missions and 3 warmup missions. They are to be played as a normal coop mission on a dedicated server. Just copy the PBO files to you MPMIissions folder of your dedicated server and it should work fine. Afaik a mission cannot crash Arma.
  25. whiztler

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Updated to version 1.69. See OP for more information and download links Changelog version 1.69: Added: improved support for local hosted sessions. Fixed/removed: Legacy code. Fixed: briefing day's 6, 7, 8. Updated: mission balancer to support 1-2 players. Updated: mission exfil changed to actual heli/boat departures. Updated: fire missions day 2, 3. Updated: Language, typos. Updated: Briefings (JIP info). Updated: Applied ADF 2.10 framework.