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Grumpy Old Man

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Everything posted by Grumpy Old Man

  1. Grumpy Old Man

    [SOLVED] AI Sniper Not Engaging

    Make sure the AI has actual line of sight on the targets and give him appropriate weapons with scopes (nv scopes for night), the default opfor sniper with the GM6 Lynx will engage up to 2km. Other factors that might cause issues are daytime/lighting and weather/overcast, whereas weather seems to have bigger influence. In this example only a simple "doTarget" is needed. Have a read and go through the thread for further info. Cheers
  2. That's not the snippet I posted, you're missing the "side group _killedUnit" and instead have "side _killedUnit" instead for some reason. Of course this won't work. The snippet I posted on the other hand still works in 2019. Cheers
  3. I'm not really further commenting on the technological literacy of filming a computer monitor with your mobile phone, at least you're holding it in a way that's pleasing to a species with horizontally aligned visual organs. From what I can tell the AI unit might still be protected by the firing lod of the house, try it out in the open, works usually, never had something similar happen. Cheers
  4. Grumpy Old Man

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    How you implement it is up to you, the included mission is just an example on how to do it. Not sure what you mean, is that supposed to be a question? As above, how you implement it is up to you. No, not a typo, why would it be? Cheers
  5. Grumpy Old Man

    [Release] GOM - Vehicle Tuning V1.01

    Update V1.01: Fixed GUI to not conflict with other scripts/mods that use default BI GUI classes Check out the new files and let me know if you're still having issues, should be resolved now. Cheers
  6. There's a ton of solutions how you can do this, AI units usually disembark when in combat and the vehicle doesn't have any viable turrets. Using only waypoints and triggers might work as well, but getting a reliable and easily adaptable solution you'd have to rely on scripts. Something like this could be a start: TAG_fnc_chase = { params ["_hunter","_hunted"]; _chasePositions = [[-5,0,0],[5,0,0]]; _prediction = 5;//will predict hunted position for n seconds considering it's speed while {alive _hunter AND alive _hunted} do { _distance = speed _hunted * 0.277778 * _prediction; _predictedPos = (_hunted modelToWorldVisual [5,25,0]) getPos [_distance,getDirVisual _hunted]; _hunter domove _predictedPos; sleep 0.1; }; }; _chase = [hunter,hunted] spawn TAG_fnc_chase; Basic script that could easily be adapted to works with a group chasing the player or similar. Alternatively you could use BIS_fnc_stalk or customize it. Loiter waypoint doesn't work for ground units and acts like a move WP instead. Cheers
  7. Grumpy Old Man

    Class attributes

    Just navigate the page, at the bottom you can see a link to various categories, you'll also find script commands sorted by functionality that way. Cheers
  8. Returns true, yes, manually entered systemChat works and is visible. Locally hosted MP returns false, yet systemChat still works, it's the broken while snippet that doesn't work (obviously). Never had to manipulate showChat, systemChat and all other radio commands work out of the box. Current contact stable build 1.94.145903, no mods. Cheers
  9. Because it can't work, as stated multiple times, either you run some other snippet that's actually doing the job from a trigger, other .sqf file or any of your loaded mods is refueling your vehicles. Vanilla A3, no mods, no scripts running, this snippet can't work. Try this: Null = this spawn {while {alive _this setfuel 1;systemchat "refilled"; sleep 3}}; You'll never see the systemchat because the snippet will not run, as @Dedmen stated, it won't even compile in the first place. Cheers
  10. Grumpy Old Man

    Black dots on the map

    Better yet: Use markers, helper objects to mark positions that you'll need later, grab those positions and store them in an array and delete markers/helpers. If those positions will stay static on each map and are unlikely to change, you can save those position arrays inside a .sqf file and use those for object spawning etc. Cheers
  11. Grumpy Old Man

    Black dots on the map

    Ask the respective script authors. Cheers
  12. Check the second line, heh. Cheers
  13. You're absolutely sure this works? Cheers
  14. Grumpy Old Man

    navigating config files

    Downside is you'd need to spawn the vehicle for this command to work. Doable but not really necessary if you can retrieve this from config. Maybe spawning using preInit/postInit will work in this case. Can't really recommend it though. Cheers
  15. It only works for you, so you either have some mods running that magically correct syntax errors or you have some working snippet that's being executed from a place that you overlooked or missed. You clearly should get an error trying to use the following snippet, at least on an empty mission in vanilla A3: Null = this spawn {while {alive _this setfuel 1; sleep 60}}; This snippet will not and can not work in any circumstance, since while requires do and expects bool. It's part of a construct and won't work on its own. Even when you ignore the pop up error after pasting the snippet into the objects init field and clicking "ok", the snippet won't execute at all and a vehicles fuel will drain normally without ever being refilled. As stated before you probably have some working snippet running elsewhere (trigger, object, .sqf), you could upload the mission for someone to find out if this is the case. Cheers
  16. Grumpy Old Man

    Spawn AI

    I usually recommend poseidon, maintained by a BI dev and has all the functionality you could want. Due to syntax highlighting it's quite easy to spot hidden characters, a variable changing color is a dead giveaway, a simple delete and rewrite fixes it. On a sidenote these issues are regularly coming up since 1-2 weeks at most, never had those zero width characters earlier, so most definitely a forum issue. Cheers
  17. Where exactly would be the difference between object and unit init? Are you sure you're still talking about arma here? Cheers
  18. I'm not even able to put this into a vehicles init field without getting an error pop up when hitting "ok". Maybe there's a forgotten but functional snippet somewhere buried beneath the chaos inside this mission, heh. Cheers
  19. Something like this might do: _planesBySide = [west,east,resistance,civilian] apply {_side = _x;[_side,"Plane" countType (vehicles select {side _x isEqualTo _side})]}; //_planesBySide would return something like this: [[WEST,2],[EAST,1],[GUER,2],[CIV,1]] Cheers
  20. Grumpy Old Man

    Making time pass mid mission

    Very authentic, heh. Cheers
  21. Grumpy Old Man

    Spawn AI

    Might be the forum software adding zero width characters, have seen it in other peoples script snippets, can be confusing as heck, not really sure what's causing it. Sometimes it's also impossible quote or edit posts, the respective links are simply non responsive. Cheers
  22. What do you mean with "spamming aircraft"? It would be better to prevent aircraft from spawning once the desired number has been reached, instead of deleting the unwanted amount while still being able to spawn more. Cheers