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Everything posted by jandrews

  1. So whats the status of this version? working?
  2. jandrews

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    has this been updated recently?
  3. I see the one by bangabob and Na_palm but not sure which to use. Its for Altis and would like all the bells and whistles. Any suggestions out there? Please suggestions only related to loot scripts.:)
  4. jandrews

    =ATM= Airdrop [A3] - Beta

    could you explain where to post this. I still get error with no backpack. thanks never mind. found the spot. thanks. hopefully it works.
  5. jandrews

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Could anyone just post an updated link to the files in place of having to comb through 23 pgs of replies. Greatly appreciated!.
  6. jandrews

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    do you have a timeline for the next update?
  7. jandrews

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    learn to open this in editor and place that yourself. Very easy. takes all of 10 seconds. Well once you know how. :P
  8. jandrews

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    Hey anyone verified if this awesome script is still working? From the above it sounds like some updates are needed.
  9. jandrews

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    hey rekkless. nice video. could you share what revive script your using for us who are looking for one that works well with this mod? Thanks. Papahyooie I am not sure what your exact ideas are, but you could throw out exile and just use a script that loots items. that may be an easier way to do what you want.
  10. jandrews

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Ok thanks for the info. I guess my question is related to which revive will work. I had tried farooqs 1.5a and it wouldn't load. I wasn't sure if it was the script or something else. But was wondering if a certain revive script worked better than others. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks
  11. jandrews

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    does any revive script / mod work with ryans zombies? If so please post. Thanks
  12. jandrews

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I need to repost the revive question. What are people using that works? a script or mod? phantom3013 Adjust the spawner distance and see if that helps, reduce #'s spawned.
  13. jandrews

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    for my zombie missions i do like to make users only have 1 life. however i do like the idea to revive too. can anyone share what revive scripts work please? or mods? thanks.
  14. jandrews

    [MP/CO 42] A3M PMC Simulator

    looks like some nice updates coming. will keep an i on this!
  15. this looks interesting. I am wondering if you could supply some kinda of mission example to use this type of template. thanks!
  16. anyone know of script to use to have dynamic spawned units enter in to Arma 2 buildings? Using Taviana map and not having much luck with what I have.
  17. Hey. i was wondering if there is a way to add buildings and military houses to this script from Arma 2 maps like taviana? thanks
  18. jandrews

    [SP/Coop 04] Contention Zone

    ok. played the coop. high points. great environment. pretty awesome, like the extra effects. things to look at. could not break out nor was released from jail, had to glitch out the walls, die and respawn in zone, not much action, loot was set to 5 and not much loot at all, set to 10, still not much loot, killed frames. not sure i opened the loot.sqf and liked what i saw. loot needs to be looked at, weapons should be able to pickup from dead AI. whats the end game? seems to be a lot, a lot of running around with no apparent direction. I know its alpha. I think its going in a nice direction. may be add more AI and more player slots?
  19. I think i have it. Its the taviana version for A3. Is that indexed? I am having issues w/ ALiVE even starting on this map. I reduced everything, have CSAT spawning in when RHS russians are in modules... not sure but is taviana A3 the problem? https://www.dropbox.com/s/89ozd8zm170xgbe/ALiVE.tavi.pbo?dl=0 Am still getting the AMBCP error... I have the module set up for TAOR markers but still telling me no civ locations in TAOR marker. Have debug to yes. Ideas? I have the AMBCP error for 4 different maps. All set up the same, CP module / population with TAOR marker set.
  20. Thanks for the check. I guess my main question is.... 1. You mention having only 1 or 2 placements modules for entire zone. that seems easily enough. is that the case in general? I am using a few maps with larger zones and just want areas to be covered by AI commander. I remember in early days of ALiVE a mission maker would need to set a module for each zone depending on type, size and amounts. Has is streamlined to only needing 1 or 2 per map? Having ALiVE do the rest? do you have a specific video i could see?
  21. attempting a mission on Taviana. RHS russians vs players and RHS marines. Unable to get ALiVE to produce any units at all and having issues with civ pop not wanting to work in zone. please help. Not sure where/what am missing. Thanks. RHS, ALIVE, Tavi, AIA, RAV lifter, TFAR and CBA. Hopefully you can edit the mission and help. https://www.dropbox.com/s/89ozd8zm170xgbe/ALiVE.tavi.pbo?dl=0
  22. has anyone been able to run Bon AI recruit script on ALiVE and DS? If so please decribe how. Thanks!
  23. jandrews

    Bon's Infantry Recruitment Redux

    ok. this script is broken. 21:39:40 Error in expression <itlist.sqf" disableSerialization; if (bon_dynamic_list) then { _scripthandler > 21:39:40 Error position: <bon_dynamic_list) then { _scripthandler > 21:39:40 Error Undefined variable in expression: bon_dynamic_list 21:39:40 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.tavi\bon_recruit_units\build_unitlist.sqf, line 7 21:40:06 Error in expression < if((count (units group player) + count bon_recruit_queue) >= bon_max_units_allo> 21:40:06 Error position: <bon_recruit_queue) >= bon_max_units_allo> 21:40:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: bon_recruit_queue 21:40:06 File mpmissions\__CUR_MP.tavi\bon_recruit_units\recruit.sqf, line 4 21:40:06 Error in expression < I am trying to use this on DS with ALiVE and dynamic = true. the above are the errors.