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Everything posted by mistyronin

  1. mistyronin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Try to connect to a server using only the Arma 3 main/standard branch and the RHS mods (do not load any other addon or mod), and tell us if you still experience that issue. Also make sure that both the server and you are using the RHS mods version 0.4.1.
  2. mistyronin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Escalation was the RHS entry for BI's MANW contest. It included both the US and the Russian sides. You can find both mods, as well as GREF in our website: http://www.rhsmods.org/ But yes, all our content can be used for whatever game mode the mission makers want, be it in SP, Coop or MP (I tend to create and play missions for all 3 modes) :)
  3. It's a bit OT but I'm afraid you are deadly wrong. The Spanish expression "Estar como un pez en el agua" double meaning is to feel at home, as I said before. Meaning "To feel at ease", it means that the ship is actually feeling "in her element". I'll translate it to you in Spanish, as you seem to have some trouble understanding English. El significado de la expresión castellana "Estar como un pez en el agua" es precisamente "sentirse a gusto", comodo, "estar en su salsa", que es como se siente el BAM en Tanoa. En inglés es "to feel at home". Si te fijas en mi post anterior, primero hice la traducción literal y después la expliqué. Si me permites un consejo, evita utilizar Google Translate para escribir tus post en inglés, cuesta mucho trabajo entenderte. Check the dictionary: http://dictionary.reverso.net/spanish-english/como%20pez%20en%20el%20agua Other refs: https://expresionesyrefranes.com/2007/04/27/estar-como-pez-en-el-agua/ http://www.ciudad-real.es/varios/dichos/e.php https://www.newsinslowspanish.com/catalog/spanish-expressions-proverbs/40/sentirse-como-pez-en-el-agua http://ibericalanguages.com/es/expresiones-relacionadas-con-peces/
  4. mistyronin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yes. It depends on what's your definition of SF. But the 45th Recon VDV would be a unit similar to the USMC Force Recon, that it's considered by a lot of people as a Special Operations unit although its not part of the US SOCOM. You can call them "special purpose" if you like, as some of our Russian followers are quite sensitive on the issue. If you are asking if they equal to the US Army SF, then no (in the US Armed Forces, SF is a term mainly used for the US Army SF, aka Green Berets). The Green Berets mainly focus on training foreign armies / forces and unconventional warfare.
  5. mistyronin


    Not according to this forums. And spoiler BB code should be used indeed. Check the forums rules.
  6. +1 Ramps really help with immersion, even if the vehicles are magically tele transported few meters from them.
  7. mistyronin

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    +1 Most CSAT helos have a black variant, a Black CSAT VTOL would make a lot of sense.
  8. mistyronin

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    There're coral reefs, flying underwater stones and other underwater stuff inland in an island close to Tuvanaka (010111)
  9. mistyronin

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    +1The VTOLs AI seem to be unable to land anywhere without crashing but on predefined helipads. The autolanding option will always lead to a nice explosion. The 4W MB AI crash always while turning, even in safe. The 4W MB passenger FFV are wrong, the passangers sit few cm in front of the seat, and when they "turn out" their feet are flying (if lowered a bit they would be perfect with thr feet on the seat). PS: I was testing without mods, only APEX sneak preview. I think that space is meant to be for light vehicles or crates.
  10. mistyronin


    No. 19:30 UK & Portugal (and Spanish Canary islands), 20:30 CET (most of the EU), 21:30 (Finland, Easter Europe, etc.).
  11. mistyronin


    It starts in an hour aprox: http://www.pcgamingshow.com/
  12. mistyronin


    I have to try that the next time I buy a car... If it has been used for a few months and weeks I should be able to get it free :D
  13. mistyronin

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Indeed because today's changelog changes so many things about Tanoa, wait... it does not... :P
  14. Holy Molly! That's really impressive. And I thought it couldn't get better... :wub:
  15. mistyronin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm afraid you are confused: RHS = Red Hammer Studios (a big team) RH = Robert Hammer (one guy, well besides the old OFP character) The good Robert Hammer is not part of RHS, tho we have collaborated a few times. But we have nothing to do with his pistol pack. :)
  16. - ION Services Inc. - by MistyRonin click on it to see in high res Version: 0.1 (06/29/2015) Required Addons: RHS US Description: This addon is basically a really simple config that uses vanilla and RHS US assets to create an ION Services faction (it does not include any new models nor textures). I created this addon to add an interesting PMC faction for my missions, and I thought that other people may find it useful too. For those who don't know, ION Services is a fictional PMC company created by BI that appears in Arma 2 (specifically in the Private Military Company DLC). It includes a dozen PMC soldiers, three helicopters (MD500, MD500 with benches and Ka60) and a black SUV. In addition there is an AAF 2015 faction, where AAF soldiers use RHS' M16s & M249. Credits: Config by MistyRonin. Special Thanks: My mates of the RHS Team. :wub: Bohemia Interactive. Cavallers del Cel. Corporal Lib. Mike Tim. Armaholic Download: Mega Mirror Armaholic Mirror
  17. mistyronin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    We can't admit or deny anything on that matter :P
  18. mistyronin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I'm afraid civilian factions are out of our scope for now. On the greenfor factions (GREF) I can only say that we have some ideas in mind.
  19. mistyronin

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Well my 2 cents of my experiences with the new map so far. Best map of the OFP/Arma series with difference. All the possible issues of Altis (which IMHO was one of the worse) were solved nicely. It feels fresh, there's a lot of variety, it's believable! I can just feel like I'm in a tropical island. The advertisements, shop signs, variety of streets, buildings, sounds, vegetation, really allow you to feel immersed. Also the lack of ruins, trash and others allows mission makers to prepare whatever plot they want, unlike Altis which was by far the most limited island of the series in that sense, as the car carcasses, container towers, domes, and FOBs allowed little variety of plots. Thanks to Eden, if we want ruins, trash or fobs we can add them easily, for instance I have my own compositions. The fact that is an archipelago it also increases the possibilities (since I played the first OFP in 2001 I always wished to have different islands in one map, Sahrani was close). I must recognise that the only downside of Tanoa is the lack of more enter-able buildings, hence no more missions of go to a village and clear it house by house (with my SimGroup we tended to do them a lot). But I can understand that performance wise, was an issue. I think that simply turning the 2-floor blue building that has like a covered balcony enter-able it would increase a lot the possibilities; as that building is in almost every village. Middle-textures could also use some love, as right now flying over Tanoa feels a bit dull, but not a biggie. In any case, really good job, and kudos to all the people in the environment team as well as external collaborators that helped making Tanoa the best map in the series by far :wub: PS: The jungle can be a bit creepy, I try to avoid going deep, as I don't want to experience PTSD :P
  20. mistyronin

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    +1 Altis and Stratis felt like barrens devoid of life, riddled with car carcasses and ruins. No commercial signs, no advertisements, Also the weird white domes and strange FOBs with weird containers didn't help at all. It was quite an immersion killer. Altis was really limited for mission makers, as it could only fit Mad Max or Resident Evil kind of missions, while Tanoa allows any kind of plot. And if you need destruction you can just use few explosives, if you need wrecks or fobs you can easily create them with Eden. Luckily Tanoa is the perfect oposite. You can really feel like its a real place. 10/10 to the environment team.
  21. mistyronin

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The Airborne (ARB) is light elite infantry, as the 101st Airborne Div (Air Assault) and the 82nd Airborne Div. There're some differences in the load out as well as some gear like vests (SPCS). While the other is just regular infantry.
  22. mistyronin


    I'm afraid that is something that was clearly announced when we first knew of Tanoa, about a year ago. No surprises here. And "less to what we are used to" well... that's only if your experience in the series is only Arma 3... But the OFP, OFP:R, Arma 1, Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead terrains were like that.
  23. mistyronin


    Officially APEX is due this month (first half of 2016), hence less than 3 weeks. There's not gonna be any substancial change on the map nor any new content made. Some small tweaks are to be expected (reposition of assets to avoid clipping and such). New buildings that allow entering them, are highly unlikely. You may have noticed that most non enter-able buildings are in or close to jungle areas. It's simply a performance trade off.