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About robaroo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. robaroo

    Winter 2035

    Damn that looks good...cant wait.
  2. Is it possible to Import Arma 3 key binds? Would make life easier, considering i never did use the standard arma 3 setup. Cheers
  3. robaroo

    Vehicle sounds completely gone

    Yeah thanx for the feedback Obi-One, you neglected to mention that fact i mentioned preview build as well. The same issue is in the "Preview" build which was advertised by BI to feel free to go and see. Can i expect the same no vehicle sounds from preview build in release too? I wouldn't have an issue waiting for a fix if the issue was acknowledged at least.
  4. robaroo

    Sounds broken on new build

    I cant believe this shit is still not fixed. I know its a dev/preview build but seriously....the game releases in a few weeks and im yet to see any DEV word regarding this issue.
  5. Why its a good idea to give that little extra feedback now :)
  6. robaroo

    Sounds broken on new build

    Really hoping this would have been fixed already..... :(
  7. robaroo

    Vehicle sounds completely gone

    yep... and theres a shitload of people witht he same issue that have dropped dev/prev build do to this issue :(
  8. Please give the wooden bridges proper sound. Always dissapoints me driving over them in Tanoa and not hearing any difference at all.
  9. robaroo

    Sounds broken on new build

    Not fixed...have same issues daily. Can hear the vehicles start and stop...thats about it....nothing else.
  10. Vehicle sounds completely gone since the last patch. Both on Dev and preview build. is there any tricks to get it back or any idea when it will be sorted. Seriously cant play it in the state it is in right now :(
  11. robaroo

    WeaponsSlotInfo.scope missing

    The only one i can think of is cup weapons....tried removing and re-installing but didnt help :(
  12. robaroo

    WeaponsSlotInfo.scope missing

    Tried verifying the game cache and didnt help. Im guessing it is a mod.
  13. Hey folks Having an issue i cant work out whats wrong. Noticed alot of scopes werent working/showing. Turns out i have a missing file but cant find it anywhere. The popup error is : No entry 'bin/config.bin/CFgWeapons/WeapoinsSlotsInfo.scope* Also have another called something pointers...guessing its the lazer pointer attachments. Any ideas where i can get the file or where its actually placed in the directory? Have tried verifying game etc but nothing seems to help with the issue. https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/13441611_10153885423542982_281799029_o.jpg?oh=0fbb1345d2ef7cf674fd2676bb0bfcc5&oe=57615089 I have tried deleting the weapons.pbo forcing it to download it again....that didnt help either :(
  14. robaroo

    Sound update ruined this game...

    Shots from about 800m + sound great. Issue seems to be close range. Was it all recorded in a closed firing range? I used to be able to tell where shots are coming from...now it just sounds like echoes that give no idea where its coming from. I love the game but the way i see it...i play "Squad" and the sounds sound amazing. When i get back into arma 3 (again 1300+ hrs) i just cant enjoy it anymore. Maybe its me..(and the other 3 on TS) but something just doesnt seem right :(