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Everything posted by KingoftheSandbox

  1. KingoftheSandbox

    N'Ziwasogo A3 terrain (Released)

    Very nice to this received an update! Can you tell if the weird problems with A1 buildings are fixed, like hearing an invisible unit in the house conncected with strange FPS issues?
  2. KingoftheSandbox

    CAS on mapclick

    Adjusted a script for the module, no mapclick (unrealistic though) but via laserdesignation, take a look here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176346-How-to-use-ModuleCAS_F/page3
  3. Using the animal site module on dedicated server with the "stay on site" option, animals dont keep in the area, but move away very far after some time because animations dont work properbly on dedicated. Is there a way to disable the animation routines for animals or make them play only the a animation where they dont move? just want them to stay in the exact spot i set them without moving away.
  4. KingoftheSandbox

    How to use ModuleCAS_F

    easy method for combine the script with a radio trigger and laserdesignation from a JTAC, only adjusted one line. _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; _pos = position laserTarget player; //attack pos is now lasertarget of "player"/can be changed to any actual unit variable of course (case of multiplayer use) _cas = _group createUnit ["ModuleCAS_F",_pos , [], 0, ""]; _cas setDir 180; _cas setVariable ["vehicle","B_Plane_CAS_01_F",true]; _cas setVariable ["type", 2,true];
  5. KingoftheSandbox

    How to use ModuleCAS_F

    great stuff...! this would be awesome linked with moving the target pos with laserdesignation=)
  6. KingoftheSandbox

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- DISCUSSION

    Can you change that thread to "I want this three vehicles/items so Arma III is a bigger success for me". The topic doesnt make any sense, because everybody wants other additional content.
  7. what waitunitl would be needed in the init to wait for mcc to be initialized and synced with the server?
  8. KingoftheSandbox

    Civilian Occupation System (COS)

    Great script, one question...Why are parking cars still exploding even if i set this in the addScript _vehicle script? /* Add Script to vehicles spawned by COS. _veh = Vehicle. Refer to vehicle as _veh. */ _veh =(_this select 0); _veh addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {false}]; _veh setVehicleLock "locked"; _veh allowDamage false;
  9. KingoftheSandbox

    Zeus Lightning without module

    nope, was not solved at all. thanks pete! and that script runs great also on dedicated server, thanks tom
  10. KingoftheSandbox

    Zeus Lightning without module

    this is working, but i think you understood me wrong. want it really simple. some gamelogics i give variables & then call the lightning there via trigger with blufor present
  11. KingoftheSandbox

    Zeus Lightning without module

    how would i define and call the first function? sorry but its late here=)^^
  12. found it allready...was to easy to solve, thanks:eek:
  13. Title says it all. removing all the magazines and items from a crate works fine on dedicated, but magazines and items do not get added to the crate via init line in crate. also tried via init.sqf with if ((isServer) or (isDedicated)) then { clearBackpackCargo box1; clearWeaponCargo box1; clearMagazineCargo box1; clearItemCargoGlobal box1; box1 addItemCargo ["B_UavTerminal",20]; box1 addBackpackCargo ["B_UAV_01_backpack_F",20]; box1 addMagazineCargo ["LaserBatteries",20]; };
  14. KingoftheSandbox

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Other major bugs in the update. One task never gets succeeded, il provide repro mission later.
  15. KingoftheSandbox

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    This version is completly useless for me atm. im using the standard sample from the manual, tried FATA, Clafghan with it and the units get new WP´s assigned 1 meter in front of them. They circle on the same spot all the time. Is this a map problem?
  16. Can someone confirm that environment sounds on FATA are mission 60% of the area even with the fixed version?
  17. KingoftheSandbox


    Dont know if that was allready asked before,-are new sound samples planned, specially for the G36. in comparsion with other weapons they are very weak in my opinion. keep up the good work!
  18. KingoftheSandbox

    Testing Missions on Dedicated Server

    Thanks, good to know!
  19. To make sure scripts run properply i want to test my missions on a own hosted dedicated server in LAN. Works fine with Tophe´s Dedicated Server Tool. For some reason it creates the server only in LAN it seems, i cant see it online, but no problem overall. The question is, if i join my own server, can i be sure all the scripts work the same for all other players if hosted on a dedicated server online? My limited knowledge tells me that this is 1:1 testing, want to be sure i dont miss something. Thanks in advance.
  20. Thats what i wanted to know kju, thanks for your answer. Sadly the community i play with will not upload the full pack on the server.
  21. Its not possible to upload the size of the pack to a dedicated, so my question is, if it is possible to cut out what you dont need. Example: I need only the russian vehicles for chernarus (allready got A3mappack), so i delete the rest of the AIA folder or make a new addon folder, only for russians, with the related pbos? Or is this breaking the AIA mod?
  22. Is it possible to take only for example the russian army out of this pack and use it without problems?
  23. Is there anyway to hold and continue the convoy? I tried calling the script via trigger using new WP´s, but the convoy does nothing.
  24. KingoftheSandbox

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Which benchmark? Just tested this here, got 37 FPS average on Altis, 38 on Stratis. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151794-ArmA3Mark-Benchmark-your-ArmA-3 View distance 2738 Graphics 1920x1080 Settings all on Ultra, but: Vsync off Caustics off FSAA 4x PIP Standard