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Everything posted by Victim9l3

  1. Can't you guys (bi) just leave things alone sometimes? That CSAT neoprene jet looked awesome. But no, no, we can't have players liking our content. Lets change the camo by making it ugly. Now it's just a mess. That's fine for ground vehicles but aircraft are different. Most camo on jets isn't to blend against any particular environment, it's to break up it's silhouette. That CSAT neoosporin jet camo pattern was good. Now it's garbage. At least it is in my opinion. And you missed a few spots. Luckily I saved the old pattern. Why don't you fix that ugly green color on that un armed hell/wildcat.
  2. Victim9l3

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    Thank you. I was starting to worry about doing this myself. I hate how they don't give us all these to begin with. And with the last update of arma 3, they claim to be adding a bunch of stuff to our sandbox, yet very few items were accessible. You don't add to a sandbox by adding things that have to be scripted in to the game. I looked for the sub in the editor in the last campaign mission and found that even them, had to script the object in using a buoy as a placeholder in the editor. Anyway, I use your addon in probably every single mission I create. I could not find the new payphone though. They have them at the airport, if you didn't see them yet. Another thing I don't like is that bi didn't bring most of the cool objects from OA and A2. Plane cargo stuff, vending machines, BEDS, military tents (I don't like thinking every army in the world uses the cargo container buildings to replace tents. Tents will still be easier and more useful in most future situations too. Anyway thanks
  3. Victim9l3

    How to uninstall p drive

    Thanks ill try it
  4. I was trying to get rid of the p; drive from OA and ran into an issue. I don't know if it was set up like this on purpose or if I did something weird, probably both, but Everything in the P drive is also in my "documents/Armawork" folder. When I try "uninstall" from p I get a message saying "specified path does not exist". when I uninstall from armaworks folder, it said successful but everything is still there. I try again and uninstall gives message "missing string". A while back, I deleted the tools in the game folder. I'm wondering if that's why I can't uninstall. So is there a safe way to uninstall p so that I can have a fresh start with the arma3 tools using the p drive? I know just deleting whats there doesn't get rid of everything. Thanks.
  5. Victim9l3

    Boeing C-17 ArmA 3 Mod

    It's weird that both C-17 mods release at the same time and both have their 2 pbo's named exactly the same.
  6. Victim9l3

    Nato & csat sf

    It might be a little off topic but what are the proxies for the warrior? I saw one retextured but some of the pieces were still the old texture. Is that what you mean? I don't mean to be a pain in the ass. I've been doing some retexturing and I might be un aware of something. thanks
  7. Victim9l3

    Addon Builder Packing Error

    Why do we need to use P: drive? Steam automatically puts the tools where it wants and nothing in the new tools says to create P: drive. Arma 2 automatically created P: with the tools. I say that because there does happen to be new players to this game that have never used P: So they wouldn't know anything about P: The point is that since bi/steam put it in the common folder, shouldn't we leave it there? Isn't the information the same? and P: would be no different than C: in the eyes of the tools that create the pbo? After all, we tell it where to look. This section of the forum doesn't seem to get too many people to look at, let alone help with this stuff. Can't a dev or someone who knows exactly how the tools work, hopefully someone who put the whole thing together. Can't someone tell us exactly what every setting should be in the addonbuilder? I've looked at the biki or whatever it's called, and it still explains things in terms that only someone that already has experience with this stuff. Can't someone explain it like Diehard wrote in this thread. Like this: -Addon source directory- then tell us what it should say and also why, like how the information is used -etc... do the same for everything. For instance, I have no idea what checking off the binarize box will do. Does it binarize everything or only some things? I tried setting the addon builder according to all the info I found on it. Pretty much the same as Diehard did. When I selected "Pack", The pbo packed starting from the mod folder. So my pbo structure was @mymod.pbo- addons was the first file in the pbo, then the actual information that was supposed to be the pbo. But when I took the folder I was going to use as the pbo, I dragged my file on top of the addonbuilder in the explorer screen. Then it packed the correct name. But vehicles did not show up in the game at all. Just their names. Someone help us please.
  8. Hey bi, can't you make it possible for AI to go in the ghost hotel pool? It's excellent cover. It's a pain to have AI walking all the way around a perfectly good attack route. There is no cover on the top of the pool. And since it's likely humans will go to the pool, AI get shot while standing in one spot chasing their tails like a dog waiting for you to get out.
  9. The hotel needs fixed. I fired some rockets at it and it doesn't go too well. From outside, as you se me parachute down in the pictures, the parts of the building that fall expose the one-sided walls and roof. If i'm inside, it might be a wall in front of me but outside it's invisible. Here are some pics. The damaged parts disappear after falling and you didn't make any damage models. I think it's supposed to be indestructible like the hospital, which is stupid. everything should destroy when a bomb drops on it. Anyway, here's the links to the pics. http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32014-03-1422-17-51-57_zpse602aa3f.png http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32014-03-1422-18-24-63_zpsb070c32a.png http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32014-03-1422-18-55-30_zpsd78709a3.png The second problem I found in the hotel is related to climbing into windows. In the front (I think) of the building, not the side facing water, you have nice big open windows. Perfect height to push the "V" step over button and get inside. However, instead of stepping up like what usually happens in most cases, you step through the floor. Feet still on ground, but the hotel floor is cutting you off waist high. picture is here; http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o726/Victim913/arma32014-03-1422-19-39-39_zpsfa523dd3.png The last things about the hotel; Is blue really the best color to use? Especially that blue. It's too bright and pretty to be a rundown ghost hotel. It doesn't look like you made it. The blue makes it look like a user made it who doesn't know too much about texturing. How about a brownish color or even the yellow or white from other houses. That blue stands out like a sore thumb. You gotta stop making everything so bright. It's bad enough you ruined all the cargo containers by making them pastel colors. They glow and make Altis look terrible in places. I'm flying around the beautiful Altis with nice scenery, then all the sudden these bright pastels appear miles and miles away, ruining the landscape. I mean everything you guys call "black" like vehicles, clothing, etc is this slightly dark grayish brown color. Last thing, the A-10 thing looks very odd, but seems people like it. Not sure why. but it is very maneuverable, which is good. But, when trying to line up a target in front, it is way way too sensitive. Any slight move with the mouse moves the nose a significant distance.. But outside of a very small zone the rest of the movement matches the mouse. It's that initial move that sends it pointing away. Actually this is last. Why would the only hotel on Altis be so far out of the way? It should be near airport or main city. But who cares. :)
  10. So I should delete all the old pbo's?
  11. Maybe because he is not a repair specialist. Those are the guys with the tools. It might be coded for only them. In real life your explosive guy might not know how to fix even with tools. I'm glad to see that you included the after all. I didn't see anyone talking about it since alpha. Why can't you make it accessible in editor?
  12. I'm not sure, but you may be doing it right. Nothing I pack into a pbo works. Even if I unpack then immediately repack without any changes. addon builder is binpbo that you are using. Maybe someone can tell us exactly what all the addon builder options should say. Newer people to modding get lost a lot with the terms. I wish someone could make a tutorial on how to set it up correctly and which boxes need checked, etc. I used to just right click on my folder, click "create pbo" and it worked. I have had zero success in packing a pbo in arma 3. I was thinking maybe it had to do withthat pboprefix.txt. As a work around, for you to check your textures in game, just put the textures in the mission folder then in the init of the soldier use the; this setObjectTexture [0,"yourpicturename"]; this setObjectTexture [1,"yourpicturename"]; that way you can see them ingame until you get the pbo working.
  13. the ghost hotel is in Iraklia. Right now I am in the 3d editor, but if the map is the same, it's around where the 20's meet. vertical and horizontal. near the pefkas bay. And I played both jets and they both had a canopy. An addon might cause it to disappear, so make sure you have no addons. I have tried to find all the new structures/objects like the lifeguard towers mentioned, the fast food places, atm's, etc. buildings. Are they accessible? In fact, why don't you make everything accessible, rather than us wait for one of us to put a config together just to get stuff in the game. Just make it all accessible. Also, in the field manual, Zeus is described as a real time 3d editor. So why can't you make a real time 3d editor already? We've wanted one since arma came out. The crap one we have to use is ridiculous. Make it just like zeus but without players. An SP editor that can be real time, and non real time. The realtime editor that a modder made is a 3d editor and whenever you want you can push play and stop. Please stop relying on the community to give us things you should give us. I mean, you created a sandbox game, but tell us to bring the sand. You make money because the community keeps making things. But this is not the place for this, so I apologize and get back on topic.
  14. I'm sitting here eating a burger I picked up from Red Burger and I have got to say, after browsing through the map and objects and vehicles, BI has restored my faith in Arma. A little late, and still some work to be done but I'm liking it. I'll post more later, I gotta finish eating this burger. It has a taste to kill for. ;)
  15. I'm kind of confused. I may have mixed up different baf addons. The last one I got had about 6 or 7 pbos. This last one only has 1 or 2. I think it's the same mod. If so, which am I supposed to keep? When I said u.s. camo, the camo I mean looks like the u.s. army one before multicam. The one that didn't blend with anything. Is it similar?
  16. The first thing I notice besides the entire area around the whole area is way too clean and nice looking. Even the damage looks nice. When inside the hotel, looking out of, I guess where the sliding glass doors would be, most of the trees disappear. Sometimes they come back into view depending on where you stand. but there is no window, so it's not the standard looking out a window disappearance. Now that I play more it happens all over the hotel, doorways too. A lot of things disappear. After destroying one of my favorite spots on Altis in order to put the hotel there, I have to say it was worth it. The hotel and it's surroundings are very cool. Putting a ladder in the elevator shaft might be a good idea. You know there will be about 800 missions made in that place in the next day or 2.
  17. Is anyone else having problems with Steam saying your account name does not exist? First it says i'm not online, my password doesn't work, now when I try to get a new password it says my account doesn't exist..
  18. I have steam down too. I'm glad it's not just me. The idiot I get internet from disconnected it for about an hour after I've been waiting all day for the upload. No it comes back on at the same time the dev branch is ready. I thought my lost connection was due to that. I'm glad it's not
  19. I was looking for this thread earlier today, so I guess it was good timing. I was actually impressed with the soldier retextures and air. The only thing I thought was odd was that some guys had U.S. Army uniforms. I'm curious why you had a few units with those? Isn't there a mod with British weapons? Anyway this is one of the few soldier addons I will keep around. Excellent. Well, unless the retextures you mention are still good, as I think they will be. Thank you
  20. Victim9l3

    Nato & csat sf

    Are there any pictures? And when you say "warrior" retexture, do you mean the Mora? And can't it be retextured already?
  21. Victim9l3

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    NOOOOO! I saw the picture with the new A-10 and the hotel (I think) and I was very disturbed. Disturbed that you destroyed one of my most favorite places on Altis. Looking at the picture, the roads and hills showed me it was in Iraklia. The place with the big rocks and the cool "cave" that goes under the huge boulders. Now it looks like houses and the hotel are going there getting rid of the landscape there. :(
  22. Does anyone else have issues with units staying in formation? I have 8 guys in my squad and they can't stay still on any setting. They line up based on unit #2 instead of me. And #2 lines up wherever he wants. He likes to line up in front of me facing me. while in "file". When I tell them to get in formation, #2 gets in the right place for about 3 seconds then moves. It takes about 10-15 seconds for everyone to line up (set to aware). So as they line up with #2, 2 moves. So now they have to move to wherever he moves taking that 10-15 seconds again. So my squad NEVER stops moving. Times where #2 does line up correctly, the rest line up according to the direction he is facing. So as he looks around, they keep lining up. Never stops moving. It's a real pain in the ass when I'm trying to hide, lining up along a wall or building. Because if i'm facing straight #2 isn't. So my squad starts moving around the building and walls exposing themselves to the enemy. PLEASE fix it so the line up behind me facing the same direction I am. That way when they line up, I can tell them to stop. Otherwise I have to keep moving or stopping 1 at a time rather than pay attention to what's going on. One more thing. Is there any real "stealth" in this game regarding aircraft? I don't seem to have any trouble knowing when something is coming or locking on with AA. Thanks
  23. I played ACR. That is one of my favorites. I hate that they released it so late without bringing it to A3. A lot of good stuff in that ACR. I hate to lose them. I Agree with the person who said everything seems to have been last minute. In fact, it seems more past last minute. Like as if everything was scrapped close to release and A3 was a last minute scramble to meet deadlines starting from scratch. I have been disappointed by many things. But other things are really good. Not at all like a finished game though. A3 at release was not up to release standards. Making such an involved dev branch probably saved the game. I am very disappointed at that thing that is supposed to be a future version of the A-10. That picture should be deleted. Unless it really looks that bad. It's really that bad looking. The CSAT F-16 looking thing is awesome though. For anyone that hasn't seen them, it's in the "news" section of steam.
  24. I have been working on trying to get the DLC vehicles into A3. I have been changing things here and there and testing them in A3. But i'm still coming up against the message that says "....Should be protected". So it recognizes that it's no longer protected but that it is supposed to be. So what do I need to change in order to get the game to accept the DLC stuff? So far I've only had luck with the lite textures. What is in the lite that allows A3 to accept it? And for any who feel i'm repeating another thread, this is a different issue. I'm not just trying to get them in game as is. I'm trying to change the configs this time. Oh, and I also tried using the set object texture code to change the texture but the lites are immune. Thanks
  25. Victim9l3

    I don't see latest update

    Ok, I figured out the issue. When I check the settings on the tools, I had the "license data packages" version under the beta tab. I didn't select that but it was checked. So I tried switching to "opt out of all beta" and re verified the files and it finally gave me all the files. I don't know why they didn't update it with the license data pack as well. The only difference is it's like 30gb bigger, but tools are the same. Thanks.