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Everything posted by irfanahmed1979

  1. irfanahmed1979

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I found out this bug while playing Kibot's DUWS. Once AI soldiers or a soldier mounts the MLRS, that soldier(s) cannot disembark because the soldier specific menu which appears when that soldier is selected using the appropriate Function key (F1-F10), doesn't have the disembark option in it. Instead the first option is "Fire Artillery". I've reported this issue on the feedback tracker here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16055. If anyone has tried disembarking soldiers from the MLRS successfully, apart from within the DUWS please let me know otherwise it might be a good idea to up vote this issue in the feedback tracker. Also I'm using the dev branch that's why I started this thread in this section.
  2. I couldn't find a post that specifically pertains to rearming UAVs. Is there a way to rearm UAVs?
  3. You need to access the Armory (Red coloured option) either by pointing at your commanding officer and scrolling with the mouse wheel or if I'm not mistaken even the at supply box (the one that you get air dropped). ---------- Post added at 11:52 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ---------- Nice to see the 'manual placement of HQ' bug removed. A few suggestions for the next version: 1. Buyable Tank platoons, Tank sections, SP gun Platoons and sections and also the MLRS section. 2. Task Forces to have more variety rather than just Mech infantry. Tank Platoons, etc. might be a nice addition to TF types. 3. Ability to buy speedboats, if near a medium to large sized port or jetty. 4. UAVs should be available, especially when occupying an airbase or just the ground UAVs.
  4. Sorry, mean't to post a reply in the DUWS thread.
  5. How do I modify this mission to enable me to buy Tank Platoons, Tank Sections, SP Gun Platoons and Sections and MLRS sections?
  6. I've added the following in request_squad.sqf for buying a Tank platoon but it doesn't work in the latest version: case 13: { _cost = 48; _grouptype = (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BLU_F" >> "Mechanized" >> "BUS_TankPlatoon"); if (commandpointsblu1 >= _cost) then { _group = [_spawnPos, WEST, _grouptype, [], [], blufor_ai_skill] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; player hcsetgroup [_group,""]; commandpointsblu1 = commandpointsblu1 - _cost; ctrlSetText [1000, format["%1",commandpointsblu1]]; DUWS_number_meca = DUWS_number_meca + 1; _group setGroupId [format["Tank Platoon %1",DUWS_number_meca]]; hint "Squad ready !\nAccess it with [L.CTRL - SPACE]"; } else { hint "Not enough command points"; }; };
  7. In the previous versions I could slightly modify the request.sqf and request_squad.sqf to allow me to buy tank platoons, SP gun platoons and even an MLRS section. I tried the same modifications in version 0.75 and they don't work. In the game when I buy these units I get the Unit ready message. When I press left-ctrl + spacebar I can see my new tank platoon (where the HC units are displayed) for a second or two after which it disappears.
  8. I'm using the Dev build. I downloaded version 0.75. I set the HQ to be manually placed by following instructions in the INIT.sqf. Used to work fine in the previous version 0.74b, but now I get a script error message (the black screen) and I can't make is go away. It's almost in the centre of the screen and it stays there. This doesn't happen when the HQ is placed automatically, although I do get another script error message (related to weather) but this one goes away when I select the supports menu.
  9. Yippee!!!. Can't wait for it.
  10. I had a squad under my direct command and we were in an enemy controlled zone on Altis. The enemy soldiers were about 400 m away from us. My squad members didn't even call out their positions (bearing and range) and neither did my character call out their positions. The only way I was alerted to their presence was when I asked for a UAV recon (in the supports menu) and found out four red dots not far from my position. After that I advanced towards their last known location and could finally see them just walking perpendicular to us. I fired a few shots but they didn't engage, instead they started running. I had to run after them and kill them at point blank range without any resistance. After this another recon flight showed my some more red dots in my vicinity. I alone advanced towards them (ordering my squad members to halt). I started firing at them when I was approximately 100m away. Again, they didn't engage me, they just started running and I had to run after them and shoot them down at a very close range. When I neutralized this enemy team I got the message that the zone had been captured by US forces. Now, I only had one more enemy zone to capture. So I along with twelve other friendly AI soldiers flew into that zone in a CH-49 Mohawk and as soon after we entered this zone I got the mission complete message and that was all.
  11. My first brush with the infamous "AI not engaging each other" bug. It happened on Altis. Never occurred on Stratis, captured the island twice. This was my second time on Altis. I had a lot of units active. Maybe it is to do with the number of units that have been spawned.
  12. The Ch-49 Mohawk is the biggest transport chopper available at this point in the game. It is totally unarmed and lacks certain features which if added could make this helicopter a real force multiplier. Not only should the ramp be working but the soldiers should be able to rapidly exit/enter through it, 2 at a time which basically means that there should be two columns of soldiers exiting or entering through the rear instead of one soldier (at a time) entering through the side door which is the current procedure. Also if supply/ammo crates, quadbike(s) and other internal cargo could be carried, it would be nice to have them rollout through this rear ramp door (for both air drops and supply when the helicopter is on ground). Another feature would be the ability to carried external cargo and light vehicles. Also, if it had a sliding side door on the right with a gatling gun, it wouldn't be totally unarmed. So those of you who would like to have a working ramp door should upvote on the feedback tracker in this Feature Request: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9974 Those wanting a gatling gun on the side should upvote my recent feature request over here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15403
  13. As I said before I'd settle for even an LMG instead of a gatling. As for a BLUFOR heavy transport chopper, yeah I'd like that too. The only reason I wanted these changes in the ch-49 were because it's there and flyable also I can add it in certain missions as a vehicle and fly it even though I'm operating for the BLUFOR.
  14. I'd even settle for an LMG, although I would have preferred an HMG or above. In any case we'll have to wait till the moving doors issue is fixed. How come Ghosthawks have sliding doors without any problems?
  15. Don't forget Kibot, enable the squad management for the player no matter where he is. It's very frustrating to come back to the main base just to shift units from High Command to personal control or vice versa. Also if possible, 1. A player should be able to recruit AI controlled/manned Gunships instead of just empty vehicles. They'd be nice for escorting my transport chopper or my motorized/mechanized convoy. 2. A battery of AI manned/controlled SP Guns and also a battery of AI MLRSs. Target assignment to this battery should be possible via the map and in 3d.
  16. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    Hey Livedeath, Could you add a battery of M4 scorchers (3 manned vehicles) in the units request dialog for 150 CP? I can buy empty scorchers but I can't buy one with all the crew inside or a group of them with all the crew. ---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 23:52 ---------- Don't bother about the battery, I added it. Just tell me in detail how to manually place the HQ. I'm a rookie and don't know how to do this. ---------- Post added at 02:11 ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 ---------- Ok, I found out how to place the HQ manually.
  17. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    Yes that is exactly what I do whenever the Helicopter Taxi doesn't work. It's the only way to make the chopper land for pick up. Right now it's working fine as my main base is away from the runway.
  18. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    sure, I'll give it a try. ---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ---------- Helicopter Taxi works in your mod of 0.73c. The map is stratis and the main base spawned in stratis airbase. I played the game for roughly 25 minutes using the helicopter taxi three times (one insertion and extraction and another insertion). I was using these for accomplishing side missions. I'll now use this version till something new comes up. ---------- Post added at 17:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ---------- I was wrong. It works under some conditions. If the main base spawns right on the runway then it never works, however if the main base spawns away from the runway it works.
  19. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    Alright, I'll try. ---------- Post added at 14:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 ---------- Yes, it worked. However the helicopter Taxi bug is still there. It happens especially when the main base is situated somewhere on stratis airbase. I once played the campaign using the Helicopter Taxi multiple times without any problems and the main base was not on stratis airbase.
  20. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    Is there any way to save the game. I have to restart the campaign everytime, even if have already saved the game using sitrep.
  21. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    How do I access my saved games when I exit and restart?
  22. irfanahmed1979

    [SP/MP]DUWS - Modded by Livedeath

    thanks ---------- Post added at 10:56 ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 ---------- Helicopter Taxi is buggy. It won't land on the dropzone once it picks up the squad, it will keep hovering in the air.