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About hoobie7

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. hoobie7

    Alternative APEX Pricing

    I think this is all a bit late since pre-release purchasing has already begun. But, I do have a suggestion that might still be an option. On Steam I've bought multi-packs of a game for a discount and then given copies to friends. Having a 5-pack or even 10-pack option for Apex at a discounted price may be a good idea.
  2. Yeah! Keep up the great work guys. This is going to be very helpful!
  3. hoobie7

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Hopefully they were created in a batch job!? :)
  4. hoobie7

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    "Blastcore: Phoenix" plus "JSRS: DragonFyre" is going to be awesome! I'm loving these project code names by the way. My one question is: Could you use a randomization to vary the effects slightly? Such that each effect has a min,max range with a random number set from within that range. So that particle count, luminosity, explosion height have some variability. I think JarHead may be doing something like this to his sounds to add some variation.
  5. BIS didn't make you do anything. Vote with your money. Edit: I see the heavy coating of sarcasm now, took me a minute.
  6. hoobie7

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Are you just using the editor to try it? Did you add the Raven module in the editor?
  7. hoobie7

    Feedback tracker administration

    To steer us slightly back on topic how about the issue with programming more than 16 joystick buttons? 0000737: Can't properly map Controller/Joystick Hopefully an easy fix?:)
  8. From Sitrep #58: Is that what your looking for?
  9. hoobie7

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Awesome! I'm already bugging PlayWithSix to add it. Or can you update it there? Thanks for all the hard work Raven!
  10. hoobie7

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @The Hebrew Hammer Why do you think the MH-47 needs a higher altitude?
  11. hoobie7

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @RAV_Raven I have a small suggestion/request: Can we get more fast ropes on the chinooks? Maybe two at the back. Or, one at back and one in the middle. Or all three? Thanks
  12. I had every intention to help find and report bugs for this mod. But every time I used it I ended up having too much fun flying and forgot to report bugs. Now all the ones I found are fixed! Amazing work! Amazing effort! :)
  13. Came here to say this! Needs the version number in the info button. Loving this utility, it brings so much more enjoyment to the single player!
  14. hoobie7

    TrackIR - Does it add £130 worth of fun?

    For me the cost of TrackIR was too high. I couldn't justify the cost for the amount of use it would get. That's why I went with the Free-Track route. I actually had almost all the parts I needed just lying around the house. You need a bit of DIY savvy to put it together, but it works like a charm.
  15. hoobie7

    Jurassic Arma

    Jurassic Arma, the next Day-Z. I'm calling it now. Hoobie7:)