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About SpamIrwin

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  1. SpamIrwin

    A-164 Trim/Y-Axis Broken

    This on soooo many levels, It was almost impossible on Taki due to the cliffs, I manage to do it but several times I opened my map as I was getting Cords for the Targets and came back in and I was in a nose dive into the cliff.
  2. SpamIrwin

    A-164 Trim/Y-Axis Broken

    Found one way to counter the on-going pulling down of the nose, Put your flaps down, It will slow the aircraft big time but it will stabilize it. The Air Land Hud is still off however and wont stop that.
  3. Try and fly the A-164 and the nose will keep pulling down. Check the Air/Sea HUD and its position is incorrect as well which makes me think the Center trim is incorrectly placed. This creates a massive problem when doing CAS runs as the aircraft is not stabilized and your cross-hairs bounce all over the place.
  4. This is not working for me. I use scripts like BTC, UPSMON, CTF etc etc so I understand the basics but I cant wrap my head around this one. I have in my init.sqf enablesaving [false, false]; [10, 500, 10] execVM "MAD_civilians.sqf"; [5, 500, 1000] execVM "MAD_traffic.sqf"; The 2 sqf's are in the file but I'm still not seeing traffic
  5. SpamIrwin

    =BTC= Revive

    We have the same issue. If we give a unit custom gear load out, on death he re spawns with default gear
  6. SpamIrwin

    Reality Check

    The thing is, you can't Say Arma 2 had a rough launch and expect the same. It's a slightly updated engine from Arma 2 with some script changes. They have the experience with Arma 2 and should have applied that into arma 3. Take a look at the Zamak in Arma 2. It looks shit loads better than the Arma 3 one. This is the one thing that blew me away. Or even the bradly or the AH-9. Now look at the AH9, different RPM on the weapons, yet the Arma 3 one doesn't? WTF? Arma 3 has slightly better LAND textures, but their vehicles look like shit compared to Arma 2. This is what alot of people can't understand. BI have claimed on their streams they have been making this game for 3 yrs, but we get some big ass map and a copy, paste vehicles and a jet from 1997 that doesn't even work. It looks like they are expecting the community to fix everything for them, IE Revive, where is a polished official revive built into the game... Instead they will think we will all use BTC revive. They had some of the best modders out there, why didn't that hire the JSRS team to do the sounds, why didn't they hire ACE modders etc etc. This is ARMA 3, its a new game, its supposed to surpass the older version but Arma 3 doesn't do that.
  7. Are Samsung Galaxys going to be supported? they run a Tegra 3 Chip and get more FPS on them then most tablets.