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Everything posted by Valken

  1. Hi OPTRE Team, Can you share the classname for grass you use on the Gridlock map since it renders all the alien grass on the Pandora Map invisible? Also, would it be possible for you to make the gridlock assets into a mission template so we can copy the city into existing maps for use? Your mod and the Pandora map is a great combo.
  2. The OPTRE GRIDLOCK map conflicts the Pandora map and takes out the red grass. Will post this on the OPTRE thread so they can look at it.
  3. Valken


    Those models looks pretty good but I would ask for you to review updating it bit. Most of the gear was based off of Vietnam War era gear with scifi mixed into it. The helmets are too big as those should be Vietnam Helmets with the extra blast cover on the back. Also the guns look a tad big in the mod. It could be scaled down maybe 10-15% further if you compare to to these screenshots from Aliens Colonial Marines Game for size: I think if you borrow some gear from the Unsung mod and added the bits back on, it would be more scaled properly to how the movie was. But all good stuff in any case.
  4. Valken

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    I would love it if you refined all the armored ballistics modeling like "Real Armor Mod" as default! And please some future weapons style battle tanks. Lastly, please give us the Grey Alien easter egg or a separate DLC for it.
  5. @ Wiz - I Opted in and out of the Dev branch just to see if it will reset Launcher and Steam but still no go. I can still subscribe, unsubscribe mods from Steam Workshop, log online and play online with battle eye so the only difference from a week ago is that A3L stopped talking to Steam interface. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled Arma 3 to see if that would work including deleting the workshop mods folder 107410 so steam can redownload and reset that folder, which it does but the launcher still does not list the mods. If there are specific ports I need to be aware of please let me know. Right now, I have to manually move all the existing workshop mods over to the @folders to keep it available. Not keen on renaming and moving 200 GB over.
  6. Update: I just said feck it and moved my @ mods folder to a temp folder, deleted ARMA 3 and reinstalled it from Steam. 26 GB later, test the game, added @ mods, played online which works, but the Steam Workshop mods still do not show up on the launcher. I am out of ideas how to fix this. The main thing I noticed is that the !Workshop folder is not created if missing or the 107410 folder is not parsed to create the links each time I open the launcher. Is there a previous build of the Launcher from the first week of October that I can try to compare?
  7. Hi Wizard, I upload ALL the launcher logs here to see if you can track down the problem. Here is what I've done so far: - Performed #2 Clear Steam Cache, tried to change regions (would not let me) but note I can SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE to MODS and MISSIONS in Steam Workshop. I checked and all missions shows up in ARMA 3. Only SWS MODS do not show up in Launcher. - Performed #3 - HD are all solid, no errors. The game still launches fine. - Deleted everyone from Steam folder except for Steamapps, userdata and steam.exe. No difference - Physically MOVED my ARMA 3 folder to a new SSD (copied 100 + GB) then created a SYMBOLIC LINK back to Steam\SteamApps\common\ArmA 3\ folder. I can launch the game, no problems but no SWS mods in launcher. I can see all my @ mods are still in the folder. - Physically MOVED the steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\107410\ to my new SSD and then created a SYMBOLIC LINK back to CONTENT folder. Opened SWS and subscribed to new mods, it all downloaded into that folder (bunch of numbers) sorted by date. Goto Launcher, it does not detect any SWS mods. - Manually added the @ mods the symbolic linked Steam\SteamApps\common\ArmA 3 folder and Launcher now sees those manual mods - Noticed the !Workshop folder is completely missing in symbolic linked Steam\SteamApps\common\ArmA 3\ folder. Recreated it but did not set it hidden so I can look at it. Close and reopened both Steam and Launcher, nothing. Close both, open Steam, subscribe to a SWS NEW mod for testing, 107410 shows a new folder indicating mod was downloaded from SWS, but !Workshop folder is still empty. - Manually added one of the numbered folders from 107410 to Launcher and it now shows that mod but lists it as a number. Missing "meta.cpp" file. - Set ARMA 3 and 107410 folder to ensure it is writable and not read only in case of some weird administrative rights issue. A3L still unable to create mod folders in !workshop folder. One thing I did change a week ago was added a router to my network. I unplugged my PC from the router and into the WAN adapter directly (no firewall) and I can log into Steam, subscribe, unsubscribe mods, launch ARMA 3 and play online games but A3L still does not show any workshop mods. If I manually added the mods from either ARMA 3 folder or 107410 folder, I can play online with those added mods. If I use the Launcher to SUBSCRIBE to a mod that I do not have or not listed required by any online server, the Launcher attempts to download the mod from SWS but sits there forever in the WAITING window. I have Steam Download page opened next to it to check if it is subscribing or not. Nothing is going on with Steam. I also plugged my system back into the router and opened up all the ports listed here but still nothing. It appears to be a problem between Steam and the Launcher talking to each other for some unknown reason. Again, this only showed up about 2 days ago. Suspected exe or dll corruption so: Verified ARMA 3 in STEAM to ensure at least the files are not corrupted and deleted all the EXE, DLL files from ARMA 3 folder, let STEAM redownload it, deleted both ARMA 3 and ARMA 3 Launcher folder from user appdata so it can recreate my profiles but still no update between STEAM and A3L. If you have any ideas or if there are special ports required to link both A3L and Steam to talk to each other, let me know and I can check my firewall again. Edit - opened A3L, goto network games and attempting to join a random Life server (I don't have any of these mods), click on download from steam and it is now showing ARMA 3 Afterlife MOD from workshop is downloading in STEAM client. 1.1 GB. Waiting for it download and will see if I can join that server. If it works, then it must be recreating the !workshop folder links! Crossing fingers. Edit 2 - Workshop finished downloading Arma 3 Afterlife mod, A3L still shows "waiting". Closed A3L. Reopened. A3L, no workshop mod. Closed STEAM, Open STEAM, Open A3L, no workshop mods show up or is created. It keeps deleting the !workshop folder for some reason.
  8. Finally a working ACE medic compatible AI mod,instead of script! The building clearing looks fantastic. I was wondering if C2 works with other AI mods like ASR AI, VCOM. FFIS or etc... because many of us and some missions uses other AI scripts for the opposing forces. It would be great to allow other AI mods for OpFOR, INDFOR and maybe other BlueFor not in your own group.
  9. I just found this thread and its wonderful. I was wondering if it is possible to create an ammo replacement mod that would re-map all the ammo ballistics for default ARMA weapons to the settings here? This way when we load up games with SMA for example, then the default weapons would also be calculated relatively. Edit just re-read your reply above that you cannot replace BIS's ballistic system. I guess we to remap all the weapons manually or create compatibility patches for other mods such as RHS and etc... as well. Lastly, does ACE use the same ballistic calculations or is it different?
  10. Hi Wizard, I have uploaded my RPT and logs here. Please let me know what I can do to fix this. It was working yesterday until 12 hours ago so I am confused what may had occurred in between that time. Edit - I uploaded 3 days of logs so you guys can check what may have happened. Thanks!
  11. Valken


    @hpcookie - looking really good. maybe you can release the texture template and get help from some of the artists here so we can have a higher resolution set of textures to look better in Arma 3 and to offload some work from you if you wish.
  12. Weekend is here so more testing will resume! Thanks TPW! @ TPW - A question for skirmish. Is it possible to use wildcards in the unit selection? EG if I want to select a subset of units from a mod but that subgroup is defined with a suffix at the end of the unit names such as TROPIC or BLACK, can I do with the following code: "opfor_*_tropic" or "opfor_*_black" Some mods just append the description at the end of a very long classname to separate it into groups instead of a prefix such as opfor_tropic_xxx where XXX would be the actual class. It is hard to select the units this way if they use a suffix.
  13. @ Froggy - Lack of supply. DDR3 is running out and DDR4 is in full production for current and newer systems! I got a set of G.skill 2400 CL10 Trident X DDR3 32 GB if you were wondering. 16 GB would work as well.
  14. @ TPW - Still playing around with the settings and colors but WOW! Thank You!
  15. @ dasa - I was curious how your performance would be if you turned HT off? Just curious if ARMA makes efficient use of it.
  16. @ TPW - I had an idea today... what if you tested the code to generate the flies around your streetlights and just lit those up? Those are technically swarms. Perhaps a random chance that N fireflies would group together then spawn the "swarm" for a few seconds, then break them back up again. Or you can look at the code in JTD FLIES or Group Link 5 FX's Flies on dead body code for reference. Just thinking out loud here.
  17. Valken

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    I was flying around the map sightseeing and love the new sounds. The growl startled the heck out of me while I was looking at fireflies during testing of TPWMOD! Those weird hums are cool... don't tell me you just changed the air conditioning sounds from Tanoa at a different pitch? I wanted to ask if you would consider adding some spore or swamp gas to the purple balls in the lake region? It can be small colored smoke coming off the balls if those were plants or some fungal colony. Maybe some low level fog around it. Similar to those Hollywood fog made from liquid nitrogen boiling off... I thought some areas would be awesome with more environmental factors like that and help hide the grass better when someone sets their terrain settings to LOW or NONE. Also, the AI flies MOSTLY well. It only crashed into the GIANT TREES for some reason. As if it cannot ID how tall it was. But it manage to fly over all of the floating rocks, bases and habitats. Lastly, I think you eventually must add roads or paths to at least the ground and water bases. We have to think if an alien (Terran) colonial force arrived on Pandora, they will create roads to and from their bases whether on purpose or not. Then you can add some sci-fi signs and lit paths to key areas. It would also make the AI maneuver better on the grounds knowing there are "towns" and "paths". Remember to test any bridges because the AI sometimes get stuck on user made maps with bridges for some reason. Flying works most of the time. I need to check all of your helipads to see if the AI can land on them correctly. So far Hadley's Hope actually let the AI land perfectly into the landing pad. I still need to the find the underground city. :D Looking forward to Spelunking on Pandora!
  18. @ TPW - I just started testing the Fireflies script and its awesome... It just needs to up the firefly count a bit per swarm as they tend to dance with each other a lot. So there could 1, 2, 3 or up to a clump of them. Not sure if this would entail more cpu power but we can set a limit. It looks something like this which is sometimes mistaken for a Will-O-Wisps: We can tweak the colors a bit but it is very close already to real fireflies!
  19. Valken

    Karia Terrain

    Looking great!
  20. @ Froggy - did you OC your ram yet? I think the 1060 6 GB should allow you to EXTEND the draw distance for terrain and objects with next to no performance hit.
  21. Valken

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    Hi Variable, Maybe you can look at the chemlights / glowsticks configs to see how that lights up. I believe that would be more believable than street lamp brightness but you can have a some BIG crystals that light up more than little ones later. Crystals do naturally GROW over time. Also, don't make all of them glow the same color. Variation would give off better ambiance.
  22. Awesome mod. Is this even out yet? I saw a video of another shark mod on a CCG server (which I cannot access). It was crazy scary. Would love to see it in Tanoa when its ready and yes please bring the Megalodon!
  23. @ dasa - good advice. Should really OC the ram to see how far it goes. My old ram cannot OC at all so I had to lower it down to 1333 to match the 2x 8 GB sets. But I will try to OC my new RAM further. I can honestly say, in non GPU situations, the HASWELL CPU LOVES FAST RAM. Everything is snappier. RAM was the biggest upgrade to ARMA for my system at the below settings which is what I play online in MP games. Also, I am super GPU bound due to 2 GB VRAM and older architecture with no new driver support. For everyone's reference: Win 7 Pro 64, AMD 15.6 drivers (yes, over a year old but BEST for my GPUs). My settings were 1080P, all Ultra except for: Objects set to LOW PIP set to LOW Clouds set to LOW 3800 draw distance 3800 object distance HW AA OFF FXAA Ultra No BLUR No DOF 200 Sharpness Otherwise, everything was from Ultra PRESET. Yes, I traded object, skies and pip quality for draw distance but I can advise my PIP is SHARPER than setting it to ULTRA! PIP LOW + TEXTURES ULTRA is actually near perfect. When I get the new GPU, I will up everything back to ULTRA and try to max out SHADOW, TERRAIN and OBJECT DISTANCE while keeping ~ 60 FPS. I am so itching to just buy that 1070 GTX right now!
  24. Hi TPW, Awesome. Will be testing in a couple of hours as I just returned home. I have a feature REQUEST: At night, I can still see the environmental leaves and butterflies. Love it during the day, but barely see it at night. Can you change it so that at night, there is a chance for FIREFLIES? Basically small lit pixels that float and in out of the screen of the player. You can just light up and color a butterfly for example. Maybe 4 to 8 randomly per group. Spawn in, glow on, disappear as it flies off the screen. Can be primary colors like yellow, blue, red and green or pink or purple. Example: The reason is that at night, the maps are still nearly completely dark and no visual ambiance except for towns and house lights. It would be amazing to walk in Tanoa and see random fireflies light up the forest. I mainly want it for the Pandora map and Tanoa, but am sure it would be beautiful to look at in other maps. Can set it as a variable - on/off, how many fireflies, time for existence, and perhaps amount.