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Everything posted by surrealalucard

  1. surrealalucard

    Is there a Mission Makers Website?

    So I was thinking today, "It would be a really cool idea to have a website for Mission Makers of Arma to visit, to catch up on new things in the editor, or for new people to learn." So before I go to make a tumblr page on this, is there a website already like this? If not my plan was to start up a tumblr blog, with several pages, either linking or embedding quality youtube videos on how to use the editor, and hopefully progress to getting stuff like scripting (which I myself need to learn).
  2. Ports : 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303, 2305, 8766, 27016 are all open on my router, and I have tried both 2300/2301 and 8766/27016 in my CONFIG_vanilla.cfg for setting the ports. I tried turning my firewall off yesterday...let me turn that again. Edit: that didn't do anything, although when I put my ip inside of the remote filter, it shows up as having 1ms ping (which would be correct)
  3. My steam.exe is also run as administrator and I was able to have one other guy check it out and he said the ping was also at 2500.
  4. Im having a problem with the server I set up, I can see it in the server browser but it has a ping of 2500. I am running the client on the same computer my server is on (Windows 8). Anyone else run into this problem? I have exceptions for like everything in windows firewall, ports forwarded on router, etc. When I join it just sits at the loading screen showing southern part of stratis. Edit : Well I am a idiot...I didn't actually load a mission, so therefore it didn't load anything...put a mission inside mp folder and bam! I can load it hahaha. But its still showing up as 2500 ping for me on the public server browser...anyway to fix this? I have server.exe running as admin already so thats not it.
  5. So I decided to get into making Islands....and wow is it tedious. Anyways I followed some guides to get the BI tools downloaded and get a map made in L3DT, and then went over to the wiki to see how to get it set up in visitor3. I can get it into visitor and exported then use BinPBO to Binarize it into a @ folder in my arma 3 directory. I even see it under expansions. Here is the launch command I use for the a3 shortcut - "C:\Game Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -mod=@Worchise -nosplash -window - Worchise is the name of the map. Anyways when I start it up, it goes to the menu and there is no way for me to get to the map in the editor. The only thing contained in the map is just the textures and the terrain, I haven't placed any objects or anything yet. So anyone able to help? I will upload the .log file in a bit. Here are the links to the guides I used as well: To download BI tools and get a map set up in L3DT: Basic Map Making Tutorial By FreakJoe To get the terrain into Visitor3 and to binarize I used this: From Visitor 3 down Edit : Here is the .log file generated in the addons folder
  6. surrealalucard

    Trouble getting map into Arma 3!

    Alrighty thanks :D will definitely try getting it into arma 2 first, and yes Im using the arma 3 bulldozer setup.
  7. surrealalucard

    Trouble getting map into Arma 3!

    Im not sure I have a config file, I exported my world from L3DT as a xyz, then imported into visitor then exported world as a wrp like it said to in the wiki, then binarized my P:\Worchise_map folder
  8. could you possibly have a trigger that counts the # of opfor soldiers after you steal the uniform in a certain area, and if the # of opfor soldiers is less than that then have it set captive state to false? Just an idea as I am just starting to understand scripting myself and have no idea how to do that code wise.
  9. surrealalucard

    How do you use the misc Modules

    I have, and unfortunately all I see are old dynamic spawn module tutorials and live feed stuff. I can't use the dynamic spawn module sense it has been taken away, and still don't see anything on town modules or the like. Could you post a link to one of the videos? I could be searching wrong.
  10. I was digging through some of the modules and noticed the skirmish modules were gone and only skirmish trigger was left, and a lot of other ones were active (village, town, city, outpost, etc). So I tried to find some documentation on how to use them, sense I put them in the game and nothing seems to happen, but I can not find anything on them. So does anyone know how to use them?