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Everything posted by lordbooka

  1. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    This will be in the next 0.1.1
  2. lordbooka

    Weapon Resting & Deployment Feedback

    There is anyway to stop weapon deployment (undeploy) for a specific animation? I would like to break the deployment before start reloading.
  3. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Thanks lurifox, However, as far as I can go, I can't see any sign or trace about warfarethai error in this rpt. Would you mind to launch only this mod? or, Please halt using it for a while until the released of Marksman DLC (April 8th) which I hope everything could much more clearer, and I think I can fix it properly. Thanks SSplainskin, Anyway, I think it is not usaul that just dumped every mod pbos into ArmA 3\addons\*; BIS also not recommended.
  4. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    It usually be at C:\User\your windows user or admin\AppData\Local\Arma 3\arma3_xxx.rpt
  5. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Would you mind to send me your crashed rpt file?
  6. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    1. Is is convenient for you to test it in dev? I just want to investigate further because I never confronted this issue (even I reproduced the same environment as you guys; both in stable and dev). 2. Anything else except TKA force is fine? I mean CDF, Insurgents, TK Militia, terrorists, etc, have no problem at all?
  7. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Any unit from this addon? or just a specified unit? No, it is just a regular mod file.
  8. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Is it crash when you tried to launch the game? or crashed when you played in game?
  9. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    1. Is this occur in Dev or Stable branch (or both)? 2. Would you mind to list me the entire addons which were used at the time when it crashed? 3. When it crashed: 3.1)Spawn with only infantry 3.2)Spawn with a vehicle 3.3)Spaw with a static weapon?
  10. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Here is the link for the new one: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1va9h7h0dqmjxh0/wftextaf01.7z Please let me know, if you still confront the same issue.
  11. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    I will upload the new one with another compression method (7-zip), it may take time for a while. Thanks for hearing that, Pepe Hal!
  12. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Even with only single mod (Warfarethai ex taf) launch at the time?
  13. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Have you tried to download the mod files from the alternate links? Just click spoiler button under Armaholic Download Link, it will show the direct links to mediafile.
  14. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    In theory, this mod shouldn't have any issue with compatibility with other mods (because all classes inside are inherited from the BIS existed one). Have you tried to launch this mod with Dev-Branch?
  15. lordbooka

    Complications in a script

    I think this should not be the problem for you at all, or I missing something else? //old//if ( ( currentWeapon _unit ) in ["arifle_Katiba_ACO_F", "launch_RPG32_F", "hgun_Rook40_F"] && { ( uniform _unit ) in ["U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo", "someOther_uniform"] } ) then { //suggestion// if ( ( currentWeapon _unit ) in ["arifle_Katiba_ACO_F", "launch_RPG32_F", "hgun_Rook40_F"] && { ( uniform _unit ) in ["U_O_CombatUniform_ocamo", "someOther_uniform"] } && { ( vest _unit ) in arrayVests }) then {
  16. lordbooka

    addAction for tent/sleeping bag

    Yes, you could. Please check at: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#WeaponAssembled and https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#WeaponDisassembled but beware about locality, the action you just added will not be sent across the network to other players.
  17. lordbooka

    Required addons check?

    Hope this could inspire you in somewhat. _canPass = true; { if (!(["a3_", _x] call BIS_fnc_inString)) then { if (isClass _x) then { if ((!configName _x) in arrayFromServerAddons) exitWith {_canPass = false;}; }; }; } forEach activatedAddons; if (!_canPass) exitWith { //do whatever you want. };
  18. lordbooka

    Required addons check?

    Like JShock's mention: defined an array of allowed mods (which could be easier than find some specific mal-mods) then check it on the beginning line of initPlayerLocal.
  19. lordbooka

    WarfareThai EX Mod

    Thanks Foxhound, Sonsalt6, and SSplainskin! I'm adding more screenshots:
  20. lordbooka

    Arma3 Videos

    Tactical Wooden Cart & Tactical Camping Chair
  21. Hello, I am a new beginner who just started to learn about making custom animations. I have created 2 new custom reload animations, but it is looked like I have encountered an issue here. please look at the clip which I provided: it seems like the head's bone is following or being align with camera's bone. I tried everything to fix this issue but I had no luck. The model.cfg may have nothing wrong, because the static animations are seemed working fine. The tool I use is BinPBO Personal Edition (which is provided together with BI Tool 2.5, because Addon Builder cannot binarized correctly since A3 1.28-1.30 update) with BinMake and filebank from ArmA 3 Tool. (It can binarized character models, weapon models, and static animations, without any problem. Then I think this method might not be an issue.) Anyone can explain about this phenomenon? Anybody can help me out?
  22. I don't sure about this, but I use _weight = []; if (systemOfUnits != 2) then {_weight = [round (((loadAbs player)*0.1)/2.2),format ["kg."]];} else {_weight = [round ((loadabs player)*0.1),"lb."];};
  23. lordbooka

    Servers near Thailand

    Dear Orcsintheattic, You also can visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/armathai/ Don't worry about language barrier, many of us can use english at an acceptable level :p
  24. Hi, I am currently working on Thai soldiers project. Here are some w.i.p screenshots. Royal Thai Marine Corps armed with M16A4 and NP-22 (a copy of P226 by Norinco) http://oi41.tinypic.com/mhfyw9.jpg (229 kB) with G36KV http://oi40.tinypic.com/2zz5ais.jpg (224 kB) with FN-Minimi Para (it can be switched to use between belt-feed and STANAG-well interface). http://oi40.tinypic.com/142vqp.jpg (268 kB) "Jaeger Units" Paramilitary Force (Thahan Phran) light infantry in unconventional warfare outfit. with AK-102 STANAG http://oi42.tinypic.com/fa5ybn.jpg (228 kB) with FN-MAG http://oi40.tinypic.com/348r4mr.jpg (241 kB) with M16A1 http://oi40.tinypic.com/2l4yv4.jpg (240 kB) 11/07/13 player can attach a picatinny rail to M16A1/A2 (it is some kind of small upgrade :rolleyes:) Default http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/901001834497960051/419F09EF534EFB5B211C6939C84D656CE2FDAF2F/ Plugging in (requires item "RIS Toolkit") http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/901001834497965759/F9F3897700EB31C1C740A272B619609682F5FED9/ Plugged http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/901001834497970222/C221D421BE86F368895DBA72142D670F75F6739F/ The quick combat sights will disappeared when player attached any optic. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/901001834497979082/994EDDFA1EBAE50BBFA6AD08B5C2949B02F796F6/ Detaching rail http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/901001834497973684/A175AB4C6CF329C4F2D2C93BEF3771291D017C34/ Attached Closed Quarter Battle Optic (CQBO) http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/901001914964473363/AFEF7647F89015A54A1E05792FE4ADB0A0D41451/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/901001914964477656/BB0292F66A4711DC917BA32BAF13A1CD78465E4E/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/901001914964480258/FC416C6C9161D1D232C0F0587D874156D8FFA692/
  25. lordbooka

    WiP Thai soldiers mod

    Update screenshots about M16A1/A2 upgrading system. I still remember you, Toiletguy. Long time no see since ArmAThai.com's DayZ TH1 -eh? Thanks :) A consumable item is just an alternated healing item which does the function same as in DayZ or Wasteland. I know some guys in thai military aviation (flight sim) community , I can suggest you to them, if you want to.