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Everything posted by GieNkoV

  1. Download v8.1: Dropbox link Changelog: v8.1 Fixed issue/error with assignedItems Script output is more compact now, it will only generate lines that are required Script performance improvements Will now display hint with error if case is not named (it HAS to be named!)
  2. Tested this on our playing session today. It works great and feels like "it should always be here"! Could you possibly think about contacting ACE3 devs on their GitHub to implement your great work inside ACE3? They are very open when it comes to implementing new features ;). You can also talk to them directly on their Slack (chatroom), you only need to give your email here ACE3 Public Slack (Chatroom) Join Requests. I hope you will do so as many great addon makers already decided to merge their work inside ACE3 :). Cheers!
  3. New hotfixed and even more lightweight version will be released tomorrow ;).
  4. Added it only to description.ext, after adding it here - WORKS THANKS!!! :)
  5. Hmm I did as you said, CBA binds new keybinds and I can also open config menu, but radar nor icons doesn't show up, do I also need texHeaders.bin file inside my mission?
  6. V8 Released! Download: EqKreator V8 Changelog: v8 ACE3 Compatibility! Weapon will be put into safety mode at mission start! ACRE2 Compatibility fixed #BIPODS compatibility Nicer script output Fully in English now Should be more user friendly now Old v7 instructions still apply! I kindly ask to change thread title to: ACC EqKreator V8 - Making equipment scripts was never so easy If you have any questions - feel free to ask here ;). Enjoy!
  7. Can you do script version of that to add into missions directly? Is this possible?
  8. We have enormous problem with your MH-47E on our server. Every time someone gets into it whole server gets massive desync, everything literally stops in place and mission has to be restarted. Thus we cannot continue using it. Can you investigate? I've also send you steam invite so we can talk about it in private. Cheers!
  9. Looks nice. Is A3 version planned? Can't see how such a talent wastes time on, already dead, platform.
  10. GieNkoV

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Will this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27201 be updated to use these weapons?
  11. Cannot change keybind after CBA update. Will you release new version with that keybinding fixed? Also would love to get smaller "pointing circle" cause this one is too big in my opinion. Thanks
  12. GieNkoV

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Does anyone have experienced very often happening desync when using ACRE2? We have played small mission on VTS recently with new version and all of us (9 ppl) had desync every now and then, not happening with TFAR which we are using atm (we want to switch to ACRE2 but we have many many problems with it). If anyone got a method to get rid of that desync then please contact me!
  13. Better call Saul BIS_fnc_selectRandom.
  14. Are you using vanilla or modded units? Try using vanilla ones, doesn't really matter which one you use but some has gear randomization scripts on them.
  15. GieNkoV

    Helvantis Terrain

    AI have problems in moving inside ruined city near the lake. Also lots of ruins there are walk-through, you can even shoot through them. Can you hotfix that preety please? Ah and grass is making huge FPS drops, can you consider lowering it's quality? Cheers
  16. Our server starts on that Dev version but not on RC4.
  17. I hope today, cause we cannot start our server now...
  18. @Baagoe please send me your case.sqf and I will look into it. @Spitze-dk respawn is not supported and will never be, cause we don't play missions with respawns. You could add eventhandler to unit to make it run script again tho.
  19. Gonna test right away, such useful feature for squad leaders!
  20. GieNkoV

    Weird MP bug

    Have anyone experienced this already? http://youtu.be/nO8nejXEYhc It happened to us 3 times by now on 3 different maps (AIATP Chernarus and Zargabad, Bornholm) and 3 different vehicles (BWMod IFV PUMA, RHS Bradley and BMP-2). I have no idea what is the cause of that.
  21. GieNkoV

    Weird MP bug

    Yep we use repository and keys so everyone has exact same modpack. It is hard to reproduce tho.
  22. May I ask if you will continue to support DAC after you release X-Cam? Any update planned? Looking forward to seeing improvements in DAC :).
  23. GieNkoV

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    I'm amazed already :P. Spoiler below!
  24. GieNkoV


    OpenTrack have even more options and newer plugins than FTNoIR have.
  25. GieNkoV

    F/a-18x black wasp

    @up yep: I need it so bad :D.