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Everything posted by Lala14

  1. Lala14

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    I believe it's in game logic, sync it up to the player if I recall correctly, might need to change it so its a module instead of a game logic.
  2. Hey I quickly just added this in, but I don't have any time to test it (currently out), there should be a new variable called "AuxSling_indestructibleLoad". if you set that to 1 it should make it that the slingload should not explode. AuxSlingLoading.sqf (dev, v1.12) If you get to test it before I get to come home, please tell me if it did work and if it didn't work I'll try one other way.
  3. Lala14

    Lockheed C-130

    Add to the load master turret in config.cpp showAsCargo = 1; that should fix it :)
  4. Lala14

    SetPos && attachTo loop

    maybe replace the addaction stuff with this instead (tablet1) tablet1 addAction ["Open the gate", {["toggleGates.sqf","bis_fnc_execVM",false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;},0,0,false,false,"", ' vehicle player == player && player distance _target < 2 && (!(slidinggate1 getVariable "TOGGLE")) ']; tablet1 addAction ["Close the gate", {["toggleGates.sqf","bis_fnc_execVM",false,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;},0,0,false,false,"", ' vehicle player == player && player distance _target < 2 && (slidinggate1 getVariable "TOGGLE") '];
  5. Lala14

    SetPos && attachTo loop

    Could maybe provide a link to maybe a mission? I'm confused as to what you want. Maybe because in a dedicated environment that the commands are only executed on the server and are not sent out globally until maybe a few seconds later.
  6. configClasses is your friend here, use it with configName. That should help
  7. Alright so I just updated the script, how it works now is that if there is a TGP_user_classname variable array.If the user's classname is defined here the addaction will come up, if you then have TGP_only_specfic_turrets OR TGP_crew_only OR TGP_turret_position_override the user will need to be in one of these turrets for him to be able to get the addAction. Hope this is what you wanted
  8. Would you like both? (I'd probably have a few options for the first option as well) So with the "user class" I'm assuming you mean like class names (e.g. B_Pilot_F).
  9. CBA has been updated, however I did just release an update of the script v(0.8.96) to fix that. And that second error, I'll just fix that quickly, now the aircraft do need to be in TGP_config as it defines where the targeting pod is placed, if that is not defined then the targeting pod would end up somewhere inside the vehicle (which wouldn't be good to look out of as all you would see is the interior or whatever). I'll release a hot fix v(0.8.961) to fix the 1st error.
  10. I can also confirm that error is affecting the script, you just can't switch through vision modes on my end. I went ahead and download the TF47 Desert Vehicle Pack and I used the vehicles and I didn't get that error from the TGP_config. D:, I even used your code and it still worked fine (the TGP_config). But since you said you don't like making all the vehicles that you don't want added with TGPs I've decided to add in a variable at the beginning of the script to define if you want the TGPs added automatically on every vehicle, also if this option is off then you will need to (on the vehicles you want) use TGP_fnc_Do_Start on the vehicles that you want to have the TGPs on.
  11. Lala14

    lbData Problem

    Yes that would definitely help!
  12. Lala14

    United States Air Force

    Oh theebu's old version, well yea that version doesn't have it's own cargo system. You could use IGI load. If you don't care and just want crates inside then here is some code
  13. Lala14

    lbData Problem

    So where is the error coming from? like in which file and which line. The generic error in expression could mean that either you've used the wrong syntax or you may have spelt the script command incorrectly. Did that thing where I don't fully read. Anyway I'll try to replicate this on my end but maybe try to add disableSerialization at the top of that code.
  14. I'd say put a waitUntil {!isNull player} at the top of the spawn in the init.sqf [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull player}; scriptName "initMission.hpp: mission start"; playMusic "LeadTrack01_F_Mark"; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED", 1]; Sleep 1; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 3]; titleFadeOut 1; 5 fadeSound 1; 5 fadeMusic 1; enableEnvironment true; enableRadio true; Sleep 1; [] call Aegis_fnc_showOSD; /* _introText= [ ["MAY 15 2035","<t size='0.9' font='puristaLight'>%1</t>",2], ["9:30","<t size='0.9' font='PuristaMedium'>%1</t><br/>",2], ["CENTRAL ALTIS","<t size='0.9' font='puristaLight'>%1</t>",40] ]; [ _introText, (-safezoneX - 0.05), 0.95, "<t color='#FFFFFFFF' shadow = '1' size = '0.9' align = 'right'>%1</t>"] spawn BIS_fnc_typeText; */ };
  15. Lala14

    United States Air Force

    Hey wiki, All the cargo aircraft (C5,C17,C130) all have a new cargo script (well functions). When this gets released all you will need to do is use the function appropriate for each vehicle. //for cargo use null = [C130,Cargo] spawn USAF_C130_fnc_forceLoadCargo; //for Transport use (the 3rd param is only available on the C130 function) null = [C130,Cargo,4.5] spawn USAF_C130_fnc_forceLoadCargo; where C130 is you would replace it with your vehicle name and also inside the function to the appropriate aircraft. (Lala_C5_fnc_forceLoadCargo, Lala_C17_fnc_forceLoadCargo) Here is a past live stream of how it currently works, its been slightly modified. (no longer can you unload a vehicle when there is something at the unload point, also no more choppers (although the forceLoadCargo function will actually allow anything (even if it can't fit in the cargo space))
  16. basically im assuming you already have a trigger, you could make it in the conditions that it should only detect helicopters within the area. condition = this && ({_x isKindOf "Helicopter"} count thisList > 0) then once the condition is met it will add the event handler, now since we want to deactivate it later we actually either need to make it setVariable'd or global variable which will not meet our needs so setVariable it is! onActivation = { if ((_x isKindOf "Helicopter") && (_x getVariable ["ropeAttachEH",-1]) == -1) then { _ropeEH = _x addEventHandler ["ropeAttach",{ {(_this select 0) ropeDetach _x;}forEach ropes(_this select 0)}]; _x setVariable ["ropeAttachEH",_ropeEH,true]; } }forEach thisList; and then finally we need to make the on Deactivation part which we simply remove the the eventhandler which we assigned as ropeAttachEH onDeactivation = { if (!(vehicle player in thisList) && (vehicle player isKindOf "Helicopter") && ((vehicle player getVariable ["ropeAttachEH",-1]) != -1)) then { vehicle player removeEventHanlder ["ropeAttach",(vehicle player getVariable "ropeAttachEH")]; }; }; or as Fight9 said you could replace the eventHandler's and use enableRopeAttach
  17. oh. Well I would of said just use setObjectTexture to remove the "device" part but it seems like bohemia forgot to add the "hiddenselections" part to the config so we can make it "invisible". Sorry but yea there is no other versions of the vehicle that contains nothing but the tow point for the trailer for the Tempest.
  18. yes you did miss it. Empty >> Cars >> Tempest Transport if you cannot find Empty you need a player down first (any faction)
  19. Actually I think all you need to do is just change the what file the launcher executes (from arma3.exe) to (arma3battleye.exe)
  20. He means that his version of the ASLAV will not be as he changed it for his purposes!
  21. Lala14

    if boolean problem

    Is this still in regards to your OP? If so just paste the whole script because it could possibly be coming from other areas or it could be maybe a mod you're running.
  22. Lala14

    F/a-18x black wasp

    Congrats John & Saul!
  23. Alright well. What you need to do is first make sure that there are 3 types of targeting pods, 1 for blufor, 1 for opfor and finally 1 for independent. Secondly your targeting pod needs to be a "UAV" Thirdly once that is all done if you go into the script there will be a part called: TGP_BLU_TGP = "B_UAV_01_F"; TGP_OPF_TGP = "O_UAV_01_F"; TGP_IND_TGP = "I_UAV_01_F"; Simply modify those values to the classnames of your TGP!
  24. Lala14

    if boolean problem

    your missing one ) at the end ---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ---------- ps, you dont need assignedItems player as items player returns everything last time I checked (and if not you cant assign the toolkit (unless mods))
  25. Lala14

    Reset Fallen walls?

    They're considered destroyed when they are fallen over, what you would do is actually for the first time use hideObjectGlobal. Then recreate the object and then you can delete it when it dies and recreate it from there. ZAK_fnc_rebuildBuidling = { _building = _this select 0; if (isNil {_building}) exitWith {}; _newBuilding = [typeOf _building, position _building, [], 0, "CAN_CONLIDE"]; deleteVehicle _building; _newBuilding addEventHandler ["Killed",{ [(_this select 0)] spawn ZAK_fnc_rebuildBuidling }]; }; ZAK_fnc_removePlacedBuildings = { _unit = _this select 0; if (isNil {_unit}) exitWith {}; { if (damage _x > 0.99) then { _x hideObjectGlobal true; [_x] spawn ZAK_fnc_rebuildBuidling; }; } forEach (nearestObjects [getPos _unit, ["Building", "Structures", "Fortifications","Structures_Cultural", "Structures_Walls", "Ruins", "Structures_Fences", "Signs","Structures_Town" ], 100]); }; try that, put it in a script or just in debug console like that and then use it like this in debug console. [player] spawn ZAK_fnc_removePlacedBuildings --Edit-- never mind that doesn't work on fences. let me see if I can find that command