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Everything posted by fred41

  1. fred41

    A good review and cpu/gpu benchmark by Tech Spot.

    ... i just now tried it too, 12000m viewdistance, 5000m object distance, at 1500m height, ~25fps, really not bad ... To be honest, i am suprised. I didnt expect that the height has that great effect. BTW: Altis looks really nice at this height, with that viewdistance :o
  2. fred41

    Need Help | Server.cfg

    ... just copy the mission you want to host in that MPMission folder and insert the name of this mission in the "template = NameOfMission.NameOfMap;" parameter.
  3. ... yeah, but both servers in the stable branch, too bad for me :/
  4. ... just insert: loopback=true; in your server.cfg. Give your two client instances different names with -names=whatever in client start command line. (maybe, steam in offline mode, too) Greets, Fred41
  5. fred41

    A good review and cpu/gpu benchmark by Tech Spot.

    Especially this: " ... a 20km view distance ..." sounds very interesting, lets try it out :rolleyes:
  6. ... good find :) There is a minor change in tbbmalloc.dll. The change is related to armas internal memory manager. I observed, that arma periodically checks, if memory allocation via .dll is more than 1GB. If .dll reports allocation above 1GB, arma starts to request .dll to trim cache to free virtual address space (each 50ms). This makes sense, if virtual adress space is only 2GB (32bit OS), but on 64bit OS we have nearly 2GB more address space. To "becalm" arma, i just report a lower virtual allocation value, as in real is allocated via .dll. The reported memory allocation is now scaled to the whole virtual address space and a reserve of 0.5GB. What means arma now starts trim requests not before only 0.5GB are left in the full virtual address room. But dont expect a big performance gain, it is only a smal step in the right direction. Arma still cuts maxmem to 2047MB, so a value of 8192 does'nt change armas memory managers behavoir, currently. Greets, Fred41
  7. Altis and especially kavala, looks really awesome with viewdistance/objectdistance >= 3000 and texture at "ultra". It's wonderful and i don't know a fly-simulation looking that nice. Also, this observed stutters is not really that annoying, because it is not very frequently (depending from travel speed and view/object distance settings). But i think, there must be a simple reason for that data accumulation in VRAM, maybe just a weak buffer allocation/release strategy. If i hoover 100m over kavala center, viewdistance 3000, and turn my view some times around, i see a VRAM level of ~1.0GB. Now all requiered terrain and object data are placed in the VRAM buffers. If i start moving now, some new data have to be transfered to the VRAM buffers, to satisfy my viewdistance settings continuously. But there are still "old" data in the buffers, which are now outside my view distance radius and could theoretical be deleted (buffers released). In real, some buffers should be hold for a while, maybe i change my fly direction and the old data will be needed again. But here, it seems to much data are hold for a time period to long, which causes the accumulation (allocated buffers > released buffers). I am sure, a agile player movement prediction, should be able to predict the needed data for the next frames and allocate/fill and release the buffers accordingly. And we could enjoy this really nice altis just a very little bit more :)
  8. fred41

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    ... basically the same pattern, yes. It is just streched in time with lower wiew distance, means less frequently stutters. But you can observe, exactly the same pattern with lower or higher viewsettings. You can easily verify with process explorer: http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx
  9. fred41

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    ... thats what i think, it is a software problem. The "jump" in the graph occurs in the same moment, as the short "screen freeze" (500ms - 1000ms). The allocation increase before the collaps, is ether caused by a memory leak (buffers not released) or it is just a pure software algorithm (not smooth enough).
  10. ... my video card is a 2GB VRAM model and the "recovering" occurs at ~1.6GB (horizontal red line). 1.6GB (2.6 for you) seems to be a alert level, forcing a radical freeing of all vertex/triangle/texture data and refill with a uptodate (smaller) data set. This procedure needs a lot more time (500-1000ms) then a normal video frame (~20ms). I thing this wrong behavoir could be fixed, by a fine tuned player movement prediction, combined with a smoother video memory usage monitoring and adequate buffer updating/clearing.
  11. fred41

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Observed while flying near kavala, with intentionally high view/object distance (3000/3000). Note, that not the GPU nor the CPU was overloaded here, but the GPU memory seems to reach a critical limit periodical, as shown in the picture bellow. It seems a video memory overload situation, causes drastical recovery actions here (to free some GPU memory). The falling edges in the GPU memory allocation graph, are identical with the "stutters" in game. To verify, you can use process explorer (sysinternals/microsoft), double click on arma3.exe process and select tab "GPU Graph", graph "Dedicated GPU memory". Greets, Fred41
  12. @Windies, i think i found the reason for the "stutters" while fast flying (moving). It seems a video memory overload situation, causes a drastical recovery action (to free some GPU memory). The falling edges in the GPU memory allocation graph, are identical with the "stutters" in game. To verify, you can use process explorer (sysinternals/microsoft), double click on arma3.exe process and select tab "GPU Graph", graph "Dedicated GPU memory". Greets, Fred41
  13. fred41

    RAMDisk size with 8GB of RAM

    ... you could try the following: Restart your system, start arma as usual, play some hours :) Use procmon from sysinternals, while playing to find the most accessed files (.pbo in Addons folder). Than use process explorer (sysinternals too) and look for system wide use of physical RAM (should be in the range 4-5GB). Build the difference to installed RAM (8GB for you) and this value is the MAX size you should use for your RAM disk. I can really recomment ImDisk (free, very fast and stable) http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html/ Copy the most needed files in that RAM disc and make related links to this files. Dont forget to set your page file size in an appropriate range. Fred41 BTW: Lets hope BIS change the file cache behavoir soon. Using more of the available physical RAM for system file caching, should make a RAM disc unnecessary.
  14. EDIT: This seems to be a problem caused by MSI Afterburner Beta 14 / RTSS (DirectX hook). Unloading MSI fixes this problem immediately. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a bug in the current dev branch: below is a short log from processmonitor, this can't be intentionally implemented. It seems there are d3d8.dll & d3d9.dll in a loop loaded and unloaded each ms. I know this is not the issue tracker, but my password is invalid and i have not the time today to create a new login. Maybe some developers are reading here. Please delete this thread later. Thanks, Fred41 20:46:15.0031122 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0032053 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0032174 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0032990 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0033685 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0033785 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0033990 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0034384 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0035808 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0036428 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0036522 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0037260 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0037893 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0037980 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0038148 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0038393 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0039801 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0040419 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0040512 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0041244 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0041874 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0041958 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0042129 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0042402 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0043758 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0044357 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0044450 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0045176 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0045799 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0045883 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0046048 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0046305 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0313896 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0314588 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0314702 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0315500 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0316394 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0316493 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0316691 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0317054 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0318466 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0319093 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0319186 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0319925 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0320561 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0320648 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0320821 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0321073 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0322506 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0323121 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0323214 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0324045 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0324682 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0324768 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0324942 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0325231 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0326605 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0327204 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0327294 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0328020 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0328647 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0328731 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0328902 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0329172 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0691697 arma3.exe 4016 ReadFile F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Addons\plants_f.pbo SUCCESS Offset: 10,964,992, Length: 1,974,272, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Priority: Normal 20:46:15.0783281 arma3.exe 4016 ReadFile F:\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\Addons\plants_f.pbo SUCCESS Offset: 13,602,816, Length: 4,186,112, I/O Flags: Non-cached, Priority: Normal 20:46:15.0883172 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0883873 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0883991 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0884801 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0885493 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0885595 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0885794 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0886117 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0887531 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0888143 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0888236 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0888984 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0889635 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0889722 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0889893 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0890144 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0891531 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0892146 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0892236 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0892968 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0893595 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0893678 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0893852 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0894128 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0895484 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0896083 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.0896173 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.0896899 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.0897520 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.0897607 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.0897774 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.0898029 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1208390 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1209098 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.1209216 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1210026 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1210718 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.1210820 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.1211019 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.1211335 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1212750 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1213365 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 14.07.2009 01:28:02, LastAccessTime: 25.03.2012 00:35:19, LastWriteTime: 14.07.2009 03:15:08, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 22:18:01, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.1213455 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1214196 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1214832 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.1214916 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,040,384, EndOfFile: 1,036,800, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.1215087 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.1215332 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d8.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1216713 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1217321 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.1217411 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1218143 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1218770 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.1218854 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False 20:46:15.1219027 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS SyncType: SyncTypeOther 20:46:15.1219328 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1220684 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Attributes, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1221283 arma3.exe 4016 QueryBasicInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS CreationTime: 10.02.2012 13:57:48, LastAccessTime: 08.03.2012 23:53:44, LastWriteTime: 20.11.2010 05:18:26, ChangeTime: 10.02.2012 14:11:33, FileAttributes: A 20:46:15.1221383 arma3.exe 4016 CloseFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS 20:46:15.1222124 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS Desired Access: Read Data/List Directory, Synchronize, Disposition: Open, Options: Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Delete, AllocationSize: n/a, OpenResult: Opened 20:46:15.1222751 arma3.exe 4016 CreateFileMapping C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll FILE LOCKED WITH ONLY READERS SyncType: SyncTypeCreateSection, PageProtection: 20:46:15.1222835 arma3.exe 4016 QueryStandardInformationFile C:\Windows\SysWOW64\d3d9.dll SUCCESS AllocationSize: 1,830,912, EndOfFile: 1,828,352, NumberOfLinks: 2, DeletePending: False, Directory: False
  15. EDIT: This seems to be a problem caused by MSI Afterburner Beta 14 / RTSS (DirectX hook). Unloading MSI fixes this problem immediately.
  16. @Windies, i think, the stutters, you observed while flying a jet on altis, are mainly caused by IO (reads) and preprocessing of the data, coming to late and blocking the simulation. This could indicate a weak (or not existing) player movement prediction. It should be possible to calculate/predict, where a fast traveling unit, will be a few frames later. If such a prediction, in an separate thread, would prefetch the data (loading data from file to memory and preprocess) enough frames ahead, such stutters should not exist. Additional, a lot more relevant data could be hold in physical RAM (workingset of process + system working set), instead of paged on disk, at least if we have a 64 bit OS and enough RAM. (the virtual adress space and the available RAM is not fully/optimal used on 64 bit OS systems, currently)
  17. ... the length of a simulation cycle (fps is the reciprocal of that) depends of a lot factors. Server hardware performance, mainly CPU clock and architecture, amount of physical memory and io performance, is essential, but other details like, server OS, swapfile configuration, network configuration params are important too. Very often the meaning of mission "quality" is overlooked. Sometimes, ONE little line of bad code or the absense of some important lines (cleanup routine), can ruin your performance (fps) totally. I see you use @ASM, so you are not fully in the darkness. With a bit experience, ASM can help you, to spot problems caused by your mission code. The performance impact from number of current alive AI, can be very different, dependent of the state of AI (just patrolling, alerted, fighting). You see it is not simple to answer your question, but i hope ASM will help you a bit. Greets, Fred41
  18. ... yes, one of this technical reasons is the following: If a server runs a mission whitout or with pure cleanup routines, the number of objects in this mission will increase with time. The number of objects will primary impact the server performance alot, but because the most of objects have to be synchronized to all clients, it will impact the clients performance too (because we have a increased object numbers on all connected clients too).
  19. ... yes, thats true too. I checked the microsoft api's, but didn't found a reasonable way to determine the ammount of system memory, occupied indirectly via CreateFileMapping by a specific process. But i think, it could make sense to monitor the (hard) pagefaults counter for the arma (server) process, to verify if a performance problem (lag) is related to memory allocation/paging. Maybe i will soon add a counter PF/sec to the monitored processvalues in ArmaServerMonitor. Greets, Fred41
  20. ... you could start a dedicated arma server on the same system as your arma client, thats my current testing setup ... If you do so, an entry in server.cfg, like this: localClient[] = {}; helps maxing out the network bandwidth. But server performance is impacted a bit, because this two processes have to share the available CPU cores and physical RAM.
  21. ... thats interesting. Just a question, you wrote "screenshot of a multi-player server" and a client is showed of the desktop and in the process explorer window. Are there both server and client on the same system, or is it only client connected to a remote server?
  22. ... thats what i am asking me currently too. How can we determine, what amount of memory is currently "pre-occupied" via CreateFileMapping? (hooking kernel32.dll was my first idea, but there should be a more reputable way :)
  23. @Windies + @Dwarden, thanks for your interesting questions and clarification. Your discussion was induction for me, to read this: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/85-breaking-the-32-bit-barrier again and this time without to overlook some important details :rolleyes: @DarkWanderer, please read the document linked above (if you did'nt already), this cleared something for me :) (CreateFileMapping forces the OS to pre-occupy RAM without consuming virtual addresses from arma process, later the arma process can access this RAM in smal windows, via MapViewOfFile) Greets, Fred41
  24. 1. don't use maxmem=XXX in your startline 2. make sure your swapfile is big enough or let OS increase the size automatically (enough drive space should be available) 3. step 2. is important, even if you have enough RAM!!!! Let us know, Fred41