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Everything posted by Tyl3r99

  1. Tyl3r99

    Is the Beta officially out?

    @PUREPASSION how do you get all this sweeeeet information ;) what else do you know lol
  2. Tyl3r99

    Where's the BETA

    if you cannot choose to wait just hop on this branch ;) (development)
  3. Tyl3r99

    Where's the BETA

    because majoirty of people are on the dev branch which got it last friday :) you will have to be patient young padawan
  4. when i watched the live stream last saturday, i noticed when he placed a unit it said EQUIPMENT at the bottom ;) what do people think this will be in terms of gear? clothing? the works?
  5. Tyl3r99

    Equipment Tab in Unit menu

    does anyone know if this equipment tab currently WIP, will able to be compatible with weapon mods and things like that? for example FHQ M4 pack
  6. Tyl3r99

    civilians with weapons?

    more f'ing scripting then :( ---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 ---------- be good if there was armed civilians on the independant faction :) (SHALL I MAKE TICKET FOR THIS?)
  7. Tyl3r99

    Beta - Commanding Soldiers Problems

    i do know that if you hold i think its alt while having your squad or units selected the command menu changes to things such as watch direction etc... try pressing CTRL or ALT while having your unit(s) selected. :) might just be a sticky button as i have no problem either :S
  8. the fate in weapon resting and bipods are in dwarden's hands :) sounds promising
  9. Tyl3r99

    Invasion 1944 V3.0

    so will it be english this time? to save this confusion because not everyone is German and almost everyone can read English as you can tell on the forums ---------- Post added at 01:07 ---------- Previous post was at 23:58 ---------- English unit names not german :)
  10. im sure ACE will implement either way they seem to do literally everything lol
  11. please create a feedback ticket
  12. Tyl3r99

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    undead mod from arma 2 please
  13. also take into effect the choppers movement so aim ahead of the chopper so the pilot will fly into his own death ;) welcome to arma 3
  14. Tyl3r99

    Any large changes from the alpha?

    1. not that i can see but everything is subject to change 2. that will be implemented later (:D) 3. it is being looked into 4. not really sure i am only messing around on the editor until i get some real arsenal to test 5. AI is very very good even on low settings ;) good luck 6. not that i can see i would just order it before the price goes up tomorrow!!! see you on the battlefield
  15. Tyl3r99

    AI Flashlights

    i have the same issue and i think the flashlights are underpowered anyway its more of a signal to let the enemy know where you are
  16. Tyl3r99

    Why isn't Capture the Island more popular?

    CTI on ALTIS = immense!!!!!!!!
  17. anyone know when DnA is posting a changelog for todays dev update( if there is one )
  18. im guessing the next week or so will be fixing little bits and bobs (beta related) and then back on the major stuff :)
  19. Tyl3r99

    ArmA 3 beta will be open or closed?

    just get it now for petes sake lol you wont regret it
  20. Tyl3r99

    civilians with weapons?

    nope that still doesnt make sense mate :( lol bit slow today sorry what you mean mission level? give an example if possible. the civilians have always liked blufor for example this cannot be changed unless grouped with opfor
  21. Tyl3r99

    ArmA 3 beta will be open or closed?

    do you mean something like a beta lite?
  22. oooo lovely is it more realistic? mines still updating -__________________________________________________________ another note, tomorrow (25/6/13) will there be another dev update if they are releasing a stable update?
  23. so is this a relatively good update or just another bits n bobs?