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Everything posted by Tyl3r99

  1. im going to produce a ticket :) even if its like when the STEALTH ai are in combat they move a bit quicker etc... but my units just laid on the floor for 5 mins before moving an inch :/ [edit] i have completed my ticket here: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11708
  2. is it me or do units on STEALTH mode seem to not move much at all :/ took my squad 5 mins to move well 20 meters if that! can someone try this?
  3. sounds like no problems with this update will check this out later :D
  4. Tyl3r99

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    not me lol, thats just made my day crap :(
  5. Tyl3r99

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    wait hang on... did you just say Fastrope will not be done??? :mad:
  6. will the loadout feature be added soon you think?
  7. Tyl3r99

    75th Ranger Regiment

    oh yes, thank you. I forgot there was going to be an editor loadout within the main editor :D
  8. that is just hassle why not just use this in normal editor like my ticket suggests... its a whole lot easier and more fun
  9. Tyl3r99

    75th Ranger Regiment

    what weapons will these guys be using?
  10. you cannot use preview in MPeditor ---------- Post added at 15:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:38 ---------- thank you I just think it would be useful :) and some fun when you need some downtime ;)
  11. ive produce a ticket :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=11660
  12. yes I also wish that the respawn module would work in SP... so you wouldn't have to keep saving and exporting to mp to test things and you could actually use this respawn feature in sp quite useful in some cases.. :):o
  13. i think we should all be co-operative :) lets get all the valid (HIGH VOTE) AI tickets and can we email these to the new dev? or even to you dwarden? thank you for giving some feedback its always a great feeling when a dev replies lol
  14. after today noticing some errors with the APC's i hope BIS doesnt release the full version without letting the community test and report first @BIS what are your plans regarding this? hope what i ask makes sense!! :) after all... all the dev branch is like a part of BI itself... i think lol testing the changes you guys make etc etc anyway back to the question... will the final be released pretty much on dev branch before your secretly planned release? (testing purposes)
  15. i hope they fix the free look thing soon as its a known issue its bugging me lol ---------- Post added at 19:27 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ---------- also i dunno if my gunner was having a FUNNY 2 mins but... you ask him to target an enemy APC and he shoots 2 machinegun rounds every 5-7 seconds... :/ see if anyone else has this issue? go to editor and place a blufor (you) and enemy apc on each end of runway... press play and tell gunner to shoot him... the opfor tank will own your ass
  16. Tyl3r99

    Arma 3 2D editor icons troublesome

    this is a huge problem :( especially placing units on rooftops
  17. I am stunned!! well done!! units look amazing!!!
  18. they will release when they are ready :) ---------- Post added at 06:53 ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 ---------- very true!!
  19. I swear updates are getting bigger lately :)
  20. hi guys, im trying to figure out how to use this new wave module... every time I sync it to the player my game freezes when I click preview am I doing this correctly?
  21. Tyl3r99

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    so im guessing BIS are going to prioritize the stable release first THEN maybe work on features as there isn't a deadline.. which means they wont be rushed.
  22. we need more red! lol i got blown up by a mine earlier and i swear i couldnt see any red on me at all or any effects on the body showing any form of injuries
  23. devs can we have our lamps back :P