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Everything posted by Tyl3r99

  1. Tyl3r99

    Project Mars One

    and me i can test too ---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:14 ---------- if there was monster things... we can re create DOOM :D tehehehe
  2. they will probably use mixture of all weapons i.e blufor, opfor, independent
  3. regarding the tank conversation with the backblast... the AI will just kill themselves :)
  4. Tyl3r99

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    LJ needs to work for BI :) enough said. :D
  5. Tyl3r99

    The sound thread

    seriously they should just employ LordJarhead....(JSRS) jesus the game would be better off.
  6. Tyl3r99

    Altis - Info & Discussion

    also take into account the nice flat planes will not really effect performance...who knows lets all find out on Monday!!
  7. Tyl3r99

    Development Blog & Reveals

    what vid did you watch?
  8. guys come on its better than no rain at all give it time
  9. Tyl3r99

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    I really really hope so so we can have fun creating our own scenarios. Regarding the issue of publishing missions I can understand that you may not want people doing this but as long as we don't publish and just fool around on editor and LAN that should be ok? [EDIT] technically you should be able to as its a full conversion mod...?
  10. Tyl3r99

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    LJ should be a dev
  11. Tyl3r99

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    no im looking forward to the big update even more :) gimmie gimmie gimmie :)
  12. still its better than not having rain also.
  13. im glad rains coming back shortly :D and yeah the 3D space will improve a lot of things :) maybe if we take the radio from our inventory out into our backpacks we can still hear our leader shout commands :P now that's realistic
  14. Tyl3r99

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    theres a 300% sampling???
  15. when your next to a team mate, you can hear the radio more than the actual unit talk. i thought it would be the other way around? anyone else agree? at the moment..unless you turn off radio sounds, you cannot tell this is actually working. well it seems no different to me because i cant hear any soldier talk like they are next to me. is this intentional?
  16. Tyl3r99

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    what about the MP improvements?
  17. I agree with the DR ---------- Post added at 13:47 ---------- Previous post was at 13:44 ---------- so after release other than the campaign, jets will the team be working on additional features etc? such as AI related and optimization for MP?
  18. Tyl3r99

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    nice work buddy :)
  19. pretty straight forward question really. will there be any sort of tweak to make AI surrender and other AI capture (arrest - zip tie cuffs) or the ability to surrender yourself and AI arrest you? I think it would be cool to add in situations where you/AI are being overrun
  20. unless stratis gets added into altis map.... i aint clicking that damn name again! its been too long lol
  21. Tyl3r99

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I like keycats response...
  22. Tyl3r99

    Project Mars One

    the ifrit does look like a mars mobile I have to say
  23. Tyl3r99

    difference between these ai commands?

    I have always always wondered this!! "engage" doesn't do anything as far as I can see neither does "fire" its been like this since ofp I believe