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Everything posted by Tyl3r99

  1. id say ideally for stability then yeah stable build but im sure its playable on dev branch but they may be some consequences im sure. give it a try otherwise you wont know ;)
  2. yeah i was banking on something like 23rd december 13 >>> 2nd or 3rd january
  3. when will BI shut their doors for the christmas holidays? so we are aware there may not be any information posted or updated between this date and this date. thanks all tyler
  4. whats the difference in the occupation and invasion opcoms? ive had no AI try to attack our base yet :(
  5. just watched all 9 tutorial videos.. it looks simply amazing!! WELL DONE GUYS a few questions if you don't mind :D A. The logistic module that reinforces the factions.. is this never ending?? B. If i had 2 little military placements, 1 for blufor and 1 for opfor (with logistic module) and the blufor finally got really close to the enemy base would that mean we captured it? [think of it as a zone capture?] C. when the support aircraft RTB will they refuel and rearm? D. is there anything about MP respawn? or is this still done with the VANILLA respawn modules. E. will this mod be able to be compatible with other units than vanilla? i.e. STALKERGB british units vice versa i think thats all i have at the moment. thanks again for the awesome mod.. looking forward to future releases.
  6. thank you for the swift response! thanks mate, checking out all the documentation now.
  7. can someone help me out for a sec or 2? i have no idea where to start, just lots of modules and i have no idea how to get started. any tips or quick examples? i.e. place *** sync *** to *** place *** sync *** etc
  8. i dont think BI realise how much people would pay for the official port over... lol scares me to see them turn down this opportunity.
  9. Tyl3r99

    L85A2 Release

    nice work!! would people like StalkerGb and the other british army modders have permission to use these weapons with their mods if they wanted??
  10. Tyl3r99

    Blastcore A3

    he keeps getting them infractions then he wont be posting things like that much longer, anyway lets move on now, back to topic. @OS will there be physx regarding shrapnel?
  11. Tyl3r99

    Isla Duala for Arma 3 (WIP)

    now this is how your break the ice ;)
  12. Tyl3r99

    2017 - Official Announcement!

    visit the forums for more info :P
  13. Tyl3r99

    Blastcore A3

    i get the joke (i think) but still was a bit too far wernt it? :/ never wish death on anyone even if it was a joke :( @OS keep up the good work buddy take your time. rushed projects always are recalled like the xbox one
  14. it will just make tomorrows update even better.... imo every 2 days an update is the way id choose if i could lol
  15. Tyl3r99

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    sweet looks like this will beat the 3d editor in arma 2 hands down!! 98% of the armaworld want the utility your developing. how do you feel lol
  16. Tyl3r99

    [Early Preview] 3D Editor

    will we be able to place waypoints and triggers vice versa? just like the 2d editor but in 3d? :D looks amazing buddy keep up the good work
  17. thank you kind sir, i will give this a shot. it would have been nice if BIS actually mentioned this in the show information tab... right? edit: it worked, thank you mate
  18. yeah i still could use this skirmish module... was so easy.. even if the devs didnt use it.. why take it away from us?
  19. i never really understood properly why this was taken out, could someone explain why they took this feature out? will it re appear? thanks people
  20. Tyl3r99

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    im not sure if anyones asked this before.. are there sounds to when the bullet hits a unit? will the sounds differ to where the bullet hit? i.e. head and a torso shot may sound different ;) i hope ive come clear
  21. hahaha quality!! i will see if i can spot my house :P brilliant absolutely brilliant normally dyslexci says "see you on altis" but.... the siiize of this map.. you aint gonna see me on this map buddy ;)
  22. wow smashing concept picture!!! looks freaky :P post apocalyptic units - check need some creatures/infected/zombie related units now.... btw how big is the map compared to lets say altis? good work buddy keep it up
  23. Tyl3r99

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Haha indeed I just had to jump on the band wagon. Yes back to jsrs.. Did you manage to change the sounds for inside buildings when it's raining? And the distant explosions need to be a deep bang like a low frequency??