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Posts posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. 2 minutes ago, oukej said:

    The original change has been based on players' feedback. Sadly an option isn't always an option. I'm sorry for there won't be any further work on this and it will remain as it is.




    while youre around, are devs aware of the VTOL throttle bug, whereby if you are pilot of blackfish vtol but another player is your group leader, your vtol throttle will spike to 100 when the aircraft is touching the ground?


    the result is destructive, and the common workaround is to create your own group (so you are lead) when piloting blackfish

  2. On 12/8/2017 at 12:47 AM, Bosh__ said:

    Love the script mate! I was wondering is it possible to edit it so it uses the unit’s role description (which can be changed) rather than the default Team Leader etc


    this would be possible but you'd have to make a sneaky edit to the script.








    private _vt = missionNamespace getVariable [format ['QS_ST_iconVehicleDN#%1',(typeOf _v)],''];
    if ((isPlayer _v) && (_v isKindOf 'CAManBase')) then {
    	_vt = roleDescription _v;
    if (_vt isEqualTo '') then {
    	_vt = getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _v) >> 'displayName');
    	missionNamespace setVariable [format ['QS_ST_iconVehicleDN#%1',(typeOf _v)],_vt];


  3. Updated to 2.5.0

    Change Log


    In this update, we added support for Team Colors and improved the "click to show vehicle crew" feature, fixed a couple bugs related to admin services, and optimized the entire system significantly.





     - Significant GPS-tracker performance optimization
     - Default font changed to 'TahomaB' from 'puristaMedium'
     - Optimizations to Group Icons system
     - Group Icons more responsive when map is just opened (removes the delay that occurs sometimes).
     - Map clicking to show vehicle crew is significantly improved.
     - Group/Squad/Team integration extended.
     - Support for Team colors
     - Hold [shift] and click on a grouped unit on the map, to select that unit in command mode (same as pressing F1,F2,F3,...)
     - Optional GPS Item requirement for Map/GPS/Group icons
     - Optimization using params+private keyword in recursive functions


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  4. 4 hours ago, oukej said:

    Both issues seem like a data problem - first with a map (road paths, bridge paths, connections...). We've recently changed the offsets in roadlib, that should help. Second one looks like a flaw in the vehicle's PID (AIBrain, AIDriving in the diag .exe can reveal more why it's moving so funky)


    thanks for the intel


    i was on diag yesterday having a look. what is the Blue dot in the AIDriving diag?

  5. Following on from the above, heres an example of our struggle to find the "attackTarget"


    This is in a "fired" event of an AI unit



    With an "attackTarget" command, it would be as simple as:


    <unit> addEventHandler [
    		params ['_unit'];
    		_unit doSuppressiveFire (attackTarget _unit);				// suppress the target instead of regular fire
    		_unit removeEventHandler ['FiredMan',_thisEventHandler];


    I think others might be interested in this too, such as @genesis92x

    • Like 5

  6. @oukej


    could we please get an "attackTarget" command, if it isnt too much trouble.


    Would compliment nicely the current set:




    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/attackTarget    <--- pls




    In the below pic on profiling branch, you can see "attack target" returns valuable information while "assigned target" returns nothing. Would be big big help to AI modders/scripters, for things like frag/smoke throwing, suppressive fire, evasive movement, etc. At the moment we have to do a lot of imprecise guess-work which doesnt work often.


    I promise to be extra nice through Q2 2018 if we get this! :)



    • Like 2

  7. 2 hours ago, .kju said:

    @mad_cheese thanks for another confirmation. Alwarren also found out that formation type matters

    However in this stage of the lifetime of a game this is nothing you change as default behavior as you break way too many missions.


    Also its probably not a reasonable default for convoy behavior. Even less for non tanks.


    If this should be made available, there has to be a new scripting command to expose functionality like this

    (like "_group respectFormationInConvoy true;" or "_group enableConvoyBehavior false;").


    wait, are you saying "column" formation fixes some AI driving issues?


    my expectations are fairly modest, I only want 2 bugs fixed (given that dev time since 2016 is extremely limited), these two:





    I should probably just go away anyways, considering my criticism isnt wanted, but if those two bugs were resolved, I wouldnt have any real constructive criticism left for A3 (given limited dev resources).



  8. 20 hours ago, Crielaard said:

    The fact that you feel the need to do this is my whole point. 


    In the real world, someone is making money from it this way.


    but lets not turn this in a discussion other than the OP. I just advice not to do it. If people want to, they will extract your content anyway. 


    how would you extract a script execVM'ed serverside from mod files stored outside the arma 3 directory?

    • Haha 1

  9. 35 minutes ago, teabagginpeople said:

    because I post under the guise of a forum member to keep tabs on my employees, and get a general vibe of how the game is being perceived at ground level.  otherwise how would I know about temples before apex launch , or the upcoming tank you have wished for.....


    but seriously  dev branch changes are pretty much laying out the foundations for what I see as an armoured medic carrier. to compliment the new changes to tank damage system.


    to be fair the fixes to Revive are things we reported to feedback tracker and requested 1+ year ago :) I did not expect the Unconscious/Incapacitation fixes, so they are very welcome. I don't see a medical vehicle coming though, although if there was some work done during LoW DLC on one (armored ambulance or whatever) then I guess the work could have been handed off to the Tonks DLC crew to finish off. 


    If I was to expect a medical vehicle, it would be an unarmed Marid/Panther/Gorgon variant with a different livery and the "Treat" action attached to it. 


    And to throw a log on that fire, they are actually introducing a new Marid model with no Gunner position :)   "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F" 

  10. On 2/23/2018 at 2:33 AM, krycek said:

      In that case if this ancient engine (which I've agree, there are some legacy bugs going to OFP like the AI switching between binocs/nvgs) that you can't drop a fart around it and AI will collapse, then work on Enfusion should have started much sooner, perhaps before A3 release.

    You're forgetting a tiny detail, I've been here since OFP, I'm not mentioning this for some bragging crap but for me the "next one will be better" excuse grows extremely tiring after OFP-A1-A2(OA)-A3. A lack of competition probably caused this engine to live so long.


    At one point there is a line where you stop, how much understanding for the devs are you capable after you invest lots of your time (and money) in their products. That investment also translates into "ok I trust the devs that the next project will indeed be better". So far all I'm readying from you are excuses and more excuses and how Enfusion is second coming. If that is enough for you, maybe you don't have any expectations about their games and you're happy no matter how good/broken a BI product is.


    past behavior is best predictor of future.


    at this point there's no reason to expect AI to be a feature in ArmA 4 at all. THere's also no evidence of BI hiring an AI programmer since 2011, so there's that ...

  11. Can a Dev please verify this ticket, is pretty major issue, not sure if it is affecting just me though.






    Also while there is work being done on the revive system and incapacitated units, can we please prevent incapacitated vehicle drivers from having vehicle control (as well as the ability to fire turrets). Until that is done, we have no choice but to eject drivers from the vehicle or move them to a passenger seat


    NM appears to be taken care of!

  12. 54 minutes ago, coder4crack said:

    Easier than I thought...



    { // Passed values for _this are: _is3D = _this select 0; _group = _this select 1; _wpID = _this select 2; _RMB = _this select 3; _posx = _this select 4; _posy = _this select 5; _shift = _this select 6; _ctrl = _this select 7; _alt = _this select 8; _message = format ["____ Info ____"]; {_message = _message + format ["\n %1",_x]} forEach _this; hint _message; }


    soldier tracker features



    - Maximum performance. When your Map is closed, so is the script.
    - A documentation file accompanies the script.

    - Optimized for TvT, PvP, Co-op, SP, MP.
    - Large selection of flexible configuration options.
    - No Mod dependencies, is fully vanilla compatible.
    - Fully MP / Dedicated / SP / Host-Server Compatible.
    - Debug / Development setting to reveal all objects, vehicles and units.
    - Are you an admin? Log in as admin to reveal all units, if you configure it to do so.
    - Integrated with BIS Dynamic Groups for dynamic group naming.
    - Integrated with 3rd Party Medical systems including BIS and ACE 3 Systems.
    - Can choose to show Only Groups and No vehicle/unit positions, or not.
    - Can choose to show Only Groups + Vehicle positions (No unit positions).
    - Can choose to show Only Unit/Vehicle positions (No group markers).
    - Can choose to show Only Vehicle positions (No unit or group information).
    - Can choose to show selected unoccupied vehicles.
    - Can choose to show or hide AI details across all interfaces.
    - Can choose to show or hide Unit Roles and vehicle types.
    - Can choose to show only icons and no names / vehicle types / roles, or both.
    - Can choose to show friendly factions, or not.
    - Can choose to show civilians, or not.
    - Can allow faction alliance changes to affect what is shown.
    - Can have Interactive Map Icons (Reveal occupants of vehicle by clicking on the occupied vehicle).
    - Can have Interactive Group Icons (Reveal more group details by clicking on the Group leader).
    - Can have a delayed unit position update (Sonar Pulse effect), if desired. Only works for Map Icons. GPS and group Icons are always shown real-time.
    - Configure the colors and sizes and positioning of the Icons (relative to the object) to your liking.
    - Intuitive map zoom integration.
    - Zooming in and out on your map will hide and reveal certain (group/unit/vehicle) elements.
    - And more ...


    • Like 1

  13. 5 hours ago, Crielaard said:

    But then, you should ask yourself why.


    If you make money with that content in any way, you are breaking EULA. Which makes it an illegal act.


    If you make content just for yourself, you are one of those who are turning the community to waste. A community where every modder had one goal: to make the game greater every time. 


    this is just bullshit though ;)


    publish = other servers steal = your server has 25 players instead of 50 = your mod project is weaker due to less play test/player time/etc.


    also server cost money. 50 player = 5 donate = cover cost month to month. publish your work, other servers copy, 25 player = 2 donate = cant cover cost = no server.


    on paper it sounds nice to have share-bear community, but in the real world, there are 2 of us discussing this while there are 50 people who will lurk/leech from the conversation and contribute nothing. server/MP community works the same way, and if you dont meet next billing cycle, your server shuts down.


    Imagine if Sa-Matra publishes KotH freely. 100 servers would open up and it would look like Exile, with ~5-10 players on 50 servers having shit experience. Without sharing, there are 50 players on 10 servers = fun experience.


    If you are skilled at modding and value your work, and have run servers and know how scummy the arma MP community is beneath the "mature milsim" facade, you would think twice before publishing anything.

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