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Everything posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. fn_Quiksilver

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    version 1.972 a pull from our server RPT Only relevant thing I changed with EOS was in unitPools, added an MSE-3 Marid to the light-vehicles entry. May or may not be the cause. _MotPool= ["O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F"]; ------ more .RPT
  2. fn_Quiksilver

    Arma 3 Cheating / hacking / Exploiting.

    a plug for his website
  3. fn_Quiksilver

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    EOS v1.972 working great in all-day 40-player coop. bastion is pretty nice now. one thing to note, if you try to spawn too many bastion groups at once ie. [["marker"],[16,3],...] that can be choked by the server, and I find under full load (40 players), only 3-4 groups (of the 16) would successfully get their waypoints to attack "marker". Better to dump more units into less groups, than less units into more groups. ie. [["marker"],[6,5],...] If I could propose something to increase stability, it would be to have a small sleep between the spawning of each group, to prevent bastion spawn from being choked by a busy MP server. Also, the ability to set a random dir for the main thrust of the attack to come from. Right now the groups spawn in a pretty even ring around the center. I'd like the config ability to have a primary attack direction. ie a randomly selected 90 degree angle from which 50-100% of the enemy would spawn.
  4. Original audiences don't keep paying the bills and putting food on Devs tables. Casual gamers and 'wider audiences' do that :)! I am joking of course. I can think of many uses for this real-time editor module. While I don't like the kiddie stuff like lightning bolts and colorful HUD clutter, I do appreciate that it will be less clunky than MCC, and the ability to direct AI that are already spawned, based on friendly movements, sounds very handy for large-scale coop play.
  5. fn_Quiksilver

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    F-35 lightning thought that was obv
  6. Autospot determines whether or not you hear AI radio chatter. He is looking for Extended Map Info. Disable Extended Map Info and units/players will not appear on the map. If you want only one side to appear to the client, you'll have to implement a unit/player tracker script. If you want to do this on a server, you'll have to pull an Arma3Profile and drop it into the servers arma3profile, and set 'ExtendedMapInfo=0'
  7. In my mind, the poor documentation is the worst part. There is a very steep learning curve for anyone who wants to get into creating content, and there is nowhere aside from a cruddy community wiki and trawling through hundreds of forum threads, to learn about A3.
  8. PvE game modes: Struggling with the weight of the AI on the CPU. TvT game modes: Still sorting itself out. There are some good TvT game modes that haven't gained Pub traction quite yet. Most of the popular Co-op missions at the moment are ports from A2. Plenty of the great coders decided to focus on Wasteland/Life/DayZ for whatever reason, so Co-op hasn't gotten much love. Still waiting for a server that cycles through a few good 30-50 player storylined co-op missions. --- It is hard to say where lies the future of A3 public missions. Will the PvPers get bored of A3 and seek more competitive games? Will co-op die out due to the boredom of shooting at AI? Maybe some A2 vets can answer such questions. Personally I don't play A3 for the RPG/PvP experience, but most do, as indicated by server pop.
  9. fn_Quiksilver

    Dynamic Player Markers

    yea I like the BIS side color for the player markers, so ended up just changing other marker colors to adapt to it. ty.
  10. fn_Quiksilver

    Dynamic Player Markers

    ty experimenting I saw this _color = _unit call _getMarkerColor; _getMarkerColor = { [(((side _this) call bis_fnc_sideID) call bis_fnc_sideType),true] call bis_fnc_sidecolor; }; and stopped reading
  11. fn_Quiksilver

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    What sort of mission/AI requirements are there in order to make effective use of a HC? Will it raise client FPS and/or mitigate desync?
  12. fn_Quiksilver

    =BTC= Revive

    +1 BTC Revive is the standard in our MP missions. Giallustio, can we expect a patch or way forward for the fire-related (area effect) handledamage issue at some stage? Also sometimes an issue where certain players--when they are on the ground--cannot be actioned upon (drag/carry/first aid). Unsure if that is to do with the wounded players entity location, issues when emerging from ragdoll, or some side reclassification issue ... or something else. cheers
  13. fn_Quiksilver

    Dynamic Player Markers

    +1 only thing I want to tweak is the player marker colors.
  14. fn_Quiksilver

    base rape [help]

    I can imagine some whacky collisions with allowdamage false ie trucks ramming each other and tanks flying. just ban the offenders from your server.
  15. fn_Quiksilver

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    looks like there is a missing c at '<ount _pool', perhaps should be <count _pool.
  16. fn_Quiksilver

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    updated to latest VAS (2.3 I think) should fix it. All it is is changing the entry from ScrollBar to ListScrollBar
  17. fn_Quiksilver

    Update is out

    In MP with few others in the game, 20% increase in FPS over normal. In MP with many others in the game, 30% decrease in FPS over normal.
  18. fn_Quiksilver

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Got 1.97 to work! Bastion looks much tighter and cleaner. a couple notes: - re Bastion Spawn. the north-facing infantry groups do not have waypoints. they stand idle. - re Bastion Spawn. if you want only one wave, make sure you have a value above 0 for 'Seconds Between Waves'. I set it to 0 bc I did not have a second wave. That was a mistake. example: null = [["eos_marker"],[12,3],[3,1],[0],[1,0],[0,0,EAST],[0,1,120,FALSE,true]] call Bastion_Spawn; When I had a value of 0 in Seconds Between Waves, all the bastion units would spawn and then instantly despawn (except the helicopters) as the second wave began. - re Bastion Spawn. (attack) helicopters do not--in my case--respond to to EOS_deactivate. ------- to the poster above re FIA vehicles Bastion spawns a faction vehicle, afaik it does not spawn empty vehicles and move in crew. In order to get OPFOR to crew an FIA armed Offroad, you'd have to either spawn it empty and move in OPFOR. OR, you'd have to create a group createGroup east; any units/groups spawned under that ^, even BLUFOR/FIA/IND, will be side East. --------- Bangabob, do you have a TS or some way I can communicate one on one. ty ---------- Post added at 03:43 ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 ---------- "a1" setMarkerAlpha 0; "a2" setMarkerAlpha 0; ^ drop that in somewhere. EOS does not clarify how to set a non-EOS marker to invisible. If you drop down a marker in the editor, and you want it to be invisible, you will have to input the above setMarkerAlpha line.
  19. brb spending 50+ hours (close to month of free time for arma stuff) learning regex just so i can get old filters back
  20. Higher priority on teaching server admins how to implement the filters they want, is needed. No idea what 'regex' is, and of course the existing filters have stopped working. BE filters for computer science grads only?
  21. fn_Quiksilver

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    For normal EOS spawn (not bastion), how do I put down an invisible ellipse/rectangular marker? Only invisible marker I can find is the icon, but spawning AI with the icon results in them grouped tightly around it and don't really patrol within an area. I want AI patrolling and garrisoning buildings in a roughly 200m diameter area around the marker, but I do not want any evidence of an 'area' on the map. I also note Endurance skill has been removed, is this intended?
  22. fn_Quiksilver

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    I appreciate this update to 1.96. Thank you sir! a question: Is endurance supposed to be 05? or 0.5? or just 5? eos\AI_Skill.sqf line 6, 21, 36, 51, 66 // INFANTRY SKILL _InfskillSet = [ 0.25, // aimingAccuracy 0.45, // aimingShake 0.6, // aimingSpeed 05, // endurance 0.4, // spotDistance 0.4, // spotTime 1, // courage 1, // reloadSpeed 1, // commanding 1 // general ]; Also, is there somewhere in Bohemia literature that I can read exactly the effects of tweaking those skill parameters? ie. does setting courage to 2 do anything, and if so, what? The end goal is to make short bastion sequences more intense. I want the AI to come hard and fast as if there is a time crunch, not hunker down into a long drawn-out firefight.
  23. fn_Quiksilver

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    EOS_Spawn no longer spawns water units (divers, boats). reference "eos\functions\EOS_misc.sqf" line 81 if(!surfaceIsWater [_pos select 0,_pos select 1]) then