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Everything posted by dr_strangepete

  1. You don't reference the use of bankexec.sqf. Those two files are also unnecessary, as you are spawning a thread, and a loop, only to initialize the variables. That initialization can be put at the top of your Functions.sqf before any functions, as its compiled on mission init. Or, if for some reason you do need to wait for whatever code you eventually add for initialization (ex, looking up a database), instead of creating two sqf files, just add one more functions to your main functions file that can spawn and wait for your DB calls or whatever. more you can get precompiled the better, it'll save you lag later
  2. you're trying to use _x outside of a loop's scope -> nothing is defining _x where you're using it. you probably should use a { } foreach Arr ---------- Post added at 18:20 ---------- Previous post was at 18:18 ---------- i take that back, didn't realize thats a valid use....i was mistaken is there a specific error you receive or it doesn't function as expected?
  3. thats the hard-wired way arma sqf does it, i doubt you'll find a simple or logical way to swap it @Naught - nice work! Itching to find time to play around with it...
  4. try waitUntil, it executes it's loop once a frame. that might help the overlap you're getting using a short duration sleep
  5. 1)If it was released under share-alike license non-binarized, then as i understand it, future modifications need to be release as such - un-binarized and share-alike. as bohemia wrote on the License page: 2)If its APL and not APL-SA then you shouldn't need to share-alike; only give attribution, as specified in the license. If a mod is not using content originally released under the APL or APL-SA, they can licence the content however they feel, as their creation is their own. they have the right to request permission prior to distribution or modification. If their content was based upon APL-SA then they would not be able re-release under a freeware licence. Addon Makers for Authors Rights has a great FAQ (written prior to latest APL-SA announcement) explaining content licensing, rights and terms of use for others material. Its a good read, and highly recommended.
  6. dr_strangepete

    addaction in while loop problem

    you've got semi-colons in your expressions still. i should have been clearer, anywhere where its an expected return of true/false (example: while{}, waitUntil{}, if(), etc...) cannot have a semi-colon EDIT: wow im late on the replies :D
  7. dr_strangepete

    addaction in while loop problem

    won't work due to bug in 'vehicle player' that bothers me to no end - a player not in a vehicle returns the player object, so: player == player vehicle player == player driver vehicle player == player etc... you could use the code in your while{} loop for your waitUntil: waitUntil {vehicle player isKindOf "Air"}; also, when the driver seat of the vehicle-itself is empty it returns NULL, so this would work if you remember the vehicle name once you're in it: ... while {vehicle player isKindOf "Air} do { ... _myVeh = vehicle player; waitUntil {isNull (driver vehicle _myVeh)}; ... btw, there should be no semi-colon in your while{} expression! while{ some_expression; } do {}; is incorrect - it would be while { some_expression } do {}; ---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ---------- or as Larrow says, much simpler
  8. dr_strangepete

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    sweeeet! looks great nkey! i would imagine at least you should need the ability to share the 'encryption key' : )
  9. dr_strangepete

    Debug Console broken?

    yea, theres a dev response somewhere, i fail to recall atm...a fix is in progress
  10. personally, i would just spawn a small timer when the player first calls, a timer that sleeps for 15 minutes and then issues the doMove command: _nil = [_unit,_pos] spawn {sleep (15 * 60);_unit doMove _pos;};
  11. dr_strangepete

    Htm cfgVehicle Generator

    thats pretty cool :cool: nice work! i had alot of $str stringtable entries for displayName....and i too was bored :D //line 87 in its entirety: _displayName = gettext(_comp >> "displayName");if(((toArray _displayName) select 0) == 36) then {_displayName = localize ([_displayName,1] call BIS_fnc_trimString);};_arraytmp = _arraytmp + ["<b> displayName -: </b>",_displayName,"</br>"]; //only change is this addition: if(((toArray _displayName) select 0) == 36) then {_displayName = localize ([_displayName,1] call BIS_fnc_trimString);};
  12. dr_strangepete

    Vehicle Marker Help

    createMarker is a global command, so when you create one (or subsequently on a Join-in-Progress player) it sends that marker to all players. you could use createMarkerLocal instead, or only run the script on the server side: //added to beginning of script - if(!isServer) exitWith {}; i wouldn't necessarily recommend the server option, as every marker position update would be send over the network (read: lag). just an option tho. isServer
  13. No apology needed, theres alot of info, and alot of it isn't clear or easy to find yes, you'll need to use getMarkerPos. remember to put " " quotations around your marker name (marker names are handled as strings in -most- cases. more on markers: Command Group - Markers)
  14. you need to set the condition to return true when either specified unit is in the variable thisList. so your condition would be something to the effect of this && (Truck01 in thisList) || (Truck02 in thisList) Trigger Conditions - (Mission Editor - Triggers)
  15. dr_strangepete

    How to add weapons from an outside .sqf

    ok, so the problem is the use of this. When used in an init line of an object it references the object, but in a sqf it has (almost) no meaning. you would have to give the unit a name in the editor (the name you will use to reference the object in scripts), or just use player if you're the only unit getting your weapons. if you have a few units, could always create a new file, "myfile.sqf" (or whatever) with this code: _unit = _this select 0; removeAllWeapons _unit; _unit AddWeapon "class ...etc... and call it from each units init with this: [this] execVM "myfile.sqf" Wiki - execVM Functions NOTE there is a difference between this and the _this called within the script.
  16. i was able to have a trigger have a helo under player high command 'rtb' on trigger activation using doMove... in the trigger On Act - heli1 doMove [0,0,0]; // replace [0,0,0] with your destination (can be variable or array like above) // heli1 doMove _pos; as for enemies, you could use BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; BIS_fnc_spawnEnemy (find in Arma Functions Viewer under category 'spawning.' this function requires 2 positions - player or friendly units, and a reference object; enemy will spawn on far side of reference), or createGroup if still failing, double check you have your trigger setup properly
  17. dr_strangepete

    How to add weapons from an outside .sqf

    show us the code you have in your sqf and the code you're using to call it (and from where?) and we'll try to help
  18. dr_strangepete

    Getting game logic position

    remove the quotes around the object name. you usually only need quotes on names when dealing with markers getpos weaponpos1;
  19. dr_strangepete

    getdir on a marker

    heck i read past it twice in the command group until seeing the 'set' version, i knew to look one more time :) lol, long day
  20. dr_strangepete

    getdir on a marker

    markerDir - _angle = markerDir "markername" take a look at the whole command group: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Command_Group:_Markers
  21. dr_strangepete

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    can anyone else confirm that BIS_fnc_dirTo can wrongly return a negative value? //create unit on map, execute this in debug: hint str ([player,[1,1,0]] call BIS_fnc_dirTo);
  22. do you also have a file with all the defines? is BOX defined? also, a copy of your rpt file would help
  23. for reference, an answer to the post title would use setRank: player setRank "COLONEL"
  24. the missing chunk in yours is the: class UR_DIALOG { idd = -1; movingenable = true; class Controls { ....... the gui editor only outputs the controls part of it, you need to encompass it in a controls class with in the dialog class, assuming you only copy & pasted (UR_DIALOG is what you would call to reference your dialog) read this section: BI wiki Dialog Control