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About snowcrash

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. snowcrash

    Unable to connect 0x2000

    Ok, that was something new. Had a bad night, to many team kills and got kicked off a server (that happened second time same evening). But when i tried to reconnect I got the message: Your Account is temporary suspended. OK? Restarted the game and now I am getting the message: Unable to connect to Bohemia Interactive servers [0X2000] My fiend was on the server and told me that the message in the game was that I am banned. Hope that this is just temporary feature for excessive team killing. I swear it was not on purpose, just a bad night :( GL\HF EDIT: Found it "wojciechk50 View ProfileView Posts 13 Aug @ 1:58pm automatic temporary ban system for 5 tks during 12hrs and a permanent ban for 20 tks during 12hrs - simple and effective." 30 mins. cull down. snowcrash
  2. ye m8, for me now it is working, but I really don't know what has changed on my system..like I have ghosts in my PC :)
  3. I am using OBS for streaming, for recording like dxtory more coz all the settings available. TBH I haven't explored OBS recording options to much.. Also have to try Radeon Relive recording tool.
  4. snowcrash

    Link capturing 1A, 1B and 2

    Hi Yoshi :) That's why i am asking, coz players don't proceed to main or node 2, but sit in pairs on node 1A and 1B. And as you said, when you cap node 2 alone and the opposite team sends 2 players its hard to defend if there is no one to cover you.. They know that u are at node 2 but in the same time its hard to predict where the enemy team will attack from. thx
  5. snowcrash

    Link capturing 1A, 1B and 2

    I thought that only on main point more players makes a difference.
  6. BE Support did message me back right away, but it was not much help :) They didn't respond to my mail answering them back doh. But i don't know how, now i can record 64bit Argo too. The only thing that changed on my system was a win10 update and i reinstalled k-lite codec pack (I uninstalled k-lite like a week ago, and installed it back after win update).
  7. Hi, This may be a stupid question for an player with almost 500h in Argo. Does the number of players taking points 1A, 1B and 2 speed up the capturing of those points? I was sure that i does not matter, but I still see that 2 or more players are capturing those points, so im a bit confused. thx in advance snowcrAsh
  8. Hi, Have you solved this issue with BE blocking video codecs when recording? I have the same thing and cant find the solution. ty
  9. Like the title says, battleye is blocking Dxtory recoding/Lagarithc codec, "C:\Windows\System32\lagarith.dll" but only in 64bit version od Argo, on 32bit its working fine. I start Argo, and in the moment I press the button to start recording, window with message: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\System32\lagarith.dll". pops out. Arma3 64bit has no issues while recording. Any ideas are welcome, i reinstalled Argo, Dxtory, Lagarith codec, checked the firewall rules, and just cant find the solution. thx in advance EDIT: dont know how, but after the last win10 update and/or reinstalling k-lite codec pack, now i can record 64 bit Argo :)
  10. I had the same issue a while ago. But I also had low FPS in other games, it ended with OS reinstall.
  11. snowcrash

    Question about that woman's voice

    Why do you hate that voice guys? She is so sweet, i would put more different voice messages, go more on the funny side like: "that was some serious ass whooping", or "U were here for ass kicking and chowing gum, obviously u are out of gum.". Also putting more different voices to choose from would be cool.
  12. snowcrash

    Feedback Thread

    First, I really like where you are going with this game, keep on, thank you.. About suggestion, the title says it all... or at least some early dawn or late sunset scenarios. Other weather conditions like rain, wind etc.. I am aware that with sunset and dawn map layout, the dev team has to orientate scenario layout so that none of the teams has advantage like sun in the eyes to the opposite team but it is doable. Cant be sure, I am not a developer but the main idea is that the map orientation is south-north so both teams have sun coming from left/right side. gl&hf
  13. snowcrash

    Teamkilling or voting people off

    I think that the vote kick option is not working, there is this player hotdog_cz he's team killing players for weeks now and there is nothing we can do about it. Just disconnect and come back later hoping he's not online :( At least make vote kick work for now, players like him are destroying the game..