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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Thanks for the help Major_Desync, I ran Arma3p and it failed, long story short it was my ArmA Tools that was corrupt, I wrongly presumed it was the ArmA game install at fault. Now moving on, until my next issue :moto: which shouldn't be too long but i'll get there.
  2. Richie

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Does anyone know why PBO Project throws an error when trying to pack, the error seems to be with my library sources used in Terrain Builder. It says my files are not found or faulty, I know the path is correct, I verified the files through Steam and none have an error, i'm lost now Screen shot of error http://i.imgur.com/Mjdw2G4.png I thought i was so close to making my first terrain I knew something had to go wrong. Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to help. Also i have no logs, the temp directory is empty, even with logging enabled.
  3. Does anyone know why PBO Project throws an error when trying to pack, the error seems to be with my library sources used in Terrain Builder. It says my files are not found or faulty, I know the path is correct, I verified the files through Steam and none have an error, i'm lost now :( Screen shot of error http://i.imgur.com/Mjdw2G4.png I thought i was so close to making my first terrain :( I know something had to go wrong. Thanks in advance to anyone kind enough to help.
  4. Exellent tutorial but the English stops :( google translate misses things or translates the wrong wording making it near impossible to finish.
  5. The hunters look exellent, very snazzy
  6. I very much doubt a GSP will let you upload external .exe files, you'll just have to use whatever control panel they give you, contact their support for better help, it's their panel so they'll know what does what. EPM will still work though, that will let you communicate and ban players.
  7. EPM goes on your PC and you use it to connect remotely, TADST goes on the server. You connect to the server through EPM using the password in your BEserver.cfg file, it's what BE uses. Set the server up with TADST, all the info for the mission goes there, then use it to launch the game.
  8. Richie

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    That worked perfectly, thank you JShock and Mariodu62 :) Can i be a pest and ask for one more bit of help ? how would i also remove their backpack ? I don't want players gearing up from them. I thought the following would work but nope :( init="nul = [l3,3,400,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[1,1],[3,0],1,nil,""this removeItems 'FirstAidKit';this removeBackpack;"",3] execVM ""LV\militarize.sqf"";"; * Edit * Never mind i got it, had this wrong, it should of been : init="nul = [l3,3,400,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[1,1],[3,0],1,nil,""this removeItems 'FirstAidKit';removeBackpack this;"",3] execVM ""LV\militarize.sqf"";";
  9. As mentioned, use TADST on the server and EPM for remote.
  10. I use EPM Rcon tool to monitor chat logs, message my players and bans, i don't think it will add missions though, not tried.
  11. Richie

    Squad.XML doesn't work anymore

    Ours work fine, we host ours on Dropbox.com Maybe the host is blocking it or something in your profile changed after the 1.38 update, I'm not really helping but i can confirm squad.xml work, maybe redo yours and try again.
  12. Some servers are using the newest (January 1st version) but a lot never bothered updating, might be worth grabbing both and then launch whatever the server uses, just rename one @allinarmaterrainpackOLD when not in use.
  13. Richie

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    SpunFIN i love this script :) works really well, many thanks for it. Now, does anyone have any idea how i can remove First Aid Kits from every unit ? I tried adding removeItems "FirstAidKit"; in the players init via the flash script, I just get errors about missing simicolons This is my code nul = [logic,3,150,[true,false],[false,false,false],false,[10,0],[3,0],"default",nil,"removeItems "FirstAidKit";",1] execVM "LV\militarize.sqf"; Thanks in advance
  14. Richie

    crew but not pilot DLC helicopters

    I paid £19.99 for A3 (1st day of release) and £11.99 for the DLC bundle (Karts, helis & marksmen) = £31.98 So far i've clocked up 917 hours game player :) it's total value for money on a game i'll still be playing next year and beyond, just buy the pack and enjoy the extras.
  15. Richie

    Gorgona, Italy (terrain)

    That's a very snazzy looking map, pure eye candy scrolling through the screens :) Really nice work, I'll explore when the links are up, thank you Major_Desync
  16. Anyone else notice the server uses a lot more CPU than it used to, running 3 instances it would sit nicely at 60%, after the update i'm in the 90% range, only change is the update.
  17. Hey all :) I've searched Armaholic all day and can't find what i'm looking for, hopefully some wise members can point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a server side Ai script, something as good as SpunFINs AI Spawn Script Pack but server side, my mission file is getting huge and i want everything server side. It only needs to spawn infantry (Guerrilla side) but be spawned by trigger/marker or logic etc and keep despawning/respawnig as and when players enter the area. The Ai script pack is really perfect, I just wish it didn't have to go in the mission.pbo Thanks in advance for the help.
  18. Richie


    Are we talking about H1z1 or the multi-colored hat simulator Dayz SA ? :dance1:
  19. Richie

    Do things seem a little dead?

    I wish they would release Chernarus + as DLC, I'd quite happily pay £5-10 for it, quick cash boost for BIS and some happy players :)
  20. Richie


    Awesome review, saved me £15 cause it looks terrible.
  21. I'm always amazed at the screen shots, tempted to use some as desktop wallpapers, they're that good :D So can't wait for this map, it just looks stunning.
  22. Richie

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    Very impressive :)
  23. I've tried, couldn't get started, I'm useless with images and satellite whatevers ...
  24. I hope some kind map makers will make blank templates to use, I've always wanted to create a map but have no clue where to start, even after reading guides i'm lost :confused: