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Everything posted by bludski

  1. Sat map stuff gets changed in the end to fit objects. It is pointless to update it often. No more different ground textures will be added. The road textures are tanoa ones but I will change them with ones I make for the terrain to match my ground textures but that isn't a priority before finalizing the map. I don't make maps without listening to some sweet sweet roots music. It is against my religion. ;)
  2. I was wondering when one of you guys would notice that one, hence the silly name :) I would ideally like an enterable building there. I wanted a name like "insert nasty figure here - school for boys" and have it ruined cause locals didn't agree with what the headmaster did to the boys in detention, but I turned that idea into the overgrown ruined haunted one in the latest village i added. If you are talking about the houses in the latest village with some floating stairs i know about them. There are actually 3. right next to each other right by that school. The area isn't finished. still needs a lot of stuff added and moved around. In a couple of weeks when I hit version 0.9x I'm going to need a lot of bug testing.. looking for those things but then I'm also going to need exact locations for them.
  3. The answer to that is all of them or most of them... I don't have it. uns stuff depends on each other back and forth. Like i said. a circlejerk.
  4. 1. I can't be arsed with changelogs.. writing them is time not spent actually working on the map. I do them once in a while if i add something significant and remember. 2. Uns dependencies are a circlejerk. Nothing I can do :/
  5. I'm probably not the only one having a map that looks horrible and doesn't have a sky and appropriate lighting with latest patch. I use a heavily modified altis config. Can somebody post the bits that need to be changed?
  6. Thanks.. All the current clearings will be turned into such.. Just as you said it takes a LOT of time. Here's today's update: Bananas, coconuts and ginger. For trading in the village in the next clearing. Oh and good news for people waiting for 1975/non unsung required version! Originally I had planed to replace the huts with runied tanoa ones in the standalone.. buuut. I have permision from Razorback, the author of the huts, that they will be included with the map! Can I get a hell yeah?
  7. Chamkar Yok. One of the main villages. Has a large plantation, state police HQ and a school. Produces ginger, bananas, coconuts etc. Smaller settlements come here for trade. Most roads lead here. Version 0.8 is right around the corner and is quite a major update to me because it now shifts work in to final detailing, as all settlements are placed and set in stone. The only work remaining is filling in all the tiny details, playtesting and adding features from there. Then appending all these objects the satellite images and ground textures and that will be 1.0
  8. I'm just gonna leave these here.
  9. The map is split in two with a river going through the middle.it is deep enough for all normal A3 boats by far.
  10. Thanks. No, just watching some docus on Khmer and 'bodians. and various shows on youtube with people going there..
  11. But you are too close! Charlie will hear you.
  12. That's a tanoa gateway.. dunno why it doesn't work. There are two holes in the fence though.. in two of the corners.. Meanwhilst somewhere to the south:
  13. Another large, unexplored ancient temple site has been discovered and Phoumithom Pir village is almost completed. 0.78.3 is up on steam!
  14. Excuse me whilst I leave this here. Have you got the thousand yard stare? How many charlie are there? (There are lots of VC hiding in this pic. Can you spot them all?)
  15. Thanks man. Do post some requests if you are lacking features on the map for your missions. I will also accept object placements from mission makers for the 1975 version if any good ones get submitted in this post. They must be appropriate for the setting though and only by using default a3 objects..
  16. Mikero has made some proxy objects you can get with his subscription tools. The other stuff is from unsung mod.
  17. HOW DARE YOU GIVE GOOD CRITICIZM AND ASK VALID QUESTIONS?!?!? :) -The dirt runway will not be longer and will be even less usable than it is. (Because unsung particular reasons.) That whole place is intended to be in an unfinished state on the map but it is not completely detailed yet. (Would like to have some older buldozer and engineering equipment models much!!) -Villages have just recently had work started on them. More are coming. Final details won't be added before it gets closer to 1.0 and every settlement has had general layout defined. -Thanks. -Thanks. The roads will be connected. They will be connected by the one bridge in the north village on the river. Placement of road pending settlement layout. -Those things come when final detailing starts. -More to come for sure! -Planned for the 1975/standalone version. -Airfield base won't have much more added to it except finalizing the camp layout, adding defences and better transition from jungle to clearing. It was never put into use before the war ended. It will be different on the 1975 version. It is cool when people give feedback beyond adjectives and superlatives! That is what this thread is for you know.....
  18. A bunch of time since last update so here are a bunch of pitchers. You guys like pitchers of things right? Phoumithon Pir Village. Trung-Si 1968 v0.78.1 is live on steam.
  19. bludski

    Bludclot's Buldozer Cursors.

    Often you need to click a few times moving the mouse from left to right. The box that influences many objects in a3 is also often offfset from the actual objects so some times you need to click beside them. This because the actualy geometry is offset from the origin of the object, meaning absolute centre of the object's own coordinate system. You should be able to learn these objects with some playing around placing them. The arrow being offset from the object itself when selected indicates this. It also helps to split objects into object layers. Where you put trees in one and buildings in another, then tiny stuff and decoration in a third. Then you can hide those layers as you need when starting buldozer. That is what I do. Locking them doesn't work perfectly as buldozer will sometimes select and shift locked objects even if it should not. Hiding them negates this entirely. That is what I do anyway. It should also be possible to use a controller for analog up and down movement in BD but I haven't tried this yet. To do I guess.. Only problem is my gamepads don't work properly in arma at all. What i do is get my cursor exactly on ground level. then place the object i need. move it to the horizontal position i need it and then finally adjust altitude of the object itself. (hold W + right mouse button and move mouse) It helps to think practically.. Place the table first and then what goes on it. Etc. If you plan two steps ahead you won't need to move stuff around too much. Say you want to create a table with a char and a radio and an MRE and bottled water for decoration. Place the table, then things on it somewhere empty, then click and drag the ground to select the objects and then move that group of objects to where you want them.
  20. Part of the village of Trung Si. Has a recently abandoned French School that needs a name. Is probably the largest village in the province that shares the name. The village has the only dry river crossing and the main road to the north western half of the region.
  21. I don't have anything to do with those objects. They are shipped with unsung and i have no authority over them.
  22. yes but it is still on break whilst finishing the one mentioned above.
  23. Thanks guys. 0.77.5 is up on steam. Ambient sounds finalised. No more ocean sounds. Thanks to @haleks for the help with cfg! Other changes include: Plantation connected by road. Jungle road added along main river north. Misc vegetation. More buildings.