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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. So I have a question. If I am using the Off-site Ops Center to start off in, how would I go about doing respawns in a map? Just place down a respawn_west somewhere on the map I think may be decent? Respawn on squad? I'd like to know how you guys are going about setting things like this up?
  2. Von, you mentioned doing a small update for CORE, FROGS and SOCOM. I see FROGS and SOCOM have updates, but did the CORE not get pushed yet?
  3. I placed all the modules and set them up to spawn. I have the Rogue faction as Greenfor, and the Opfor/RHS Russians as the other spawning faction with the pair allied. I haven't had time to test much, just a quick random mission last night that got me the MI48 Intel retreival. After all the INTEL briefings finished, I HALO'd into the area and made my way to the chopper. I saw no Infantry, armor, or planes but I did have multiple helicopters in the AO (civi and at least one OpFor chopper doing a low slow patrol). So, it's somewhat working. I'll try to get some more stuff going and see if I can get some unit mates to test with me and see if anything else is spawning. EDIT: here's Von's post with the SCAR module in it https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176453-spookwarcom-darker-immersion-spec-ops-gameplay-on-hold/?p=3055316
  4. So, I have the BETA SCAR module. If I use the 0.2.2 version of SOCOM will that conflict with the stuff from SCAR?
  5. ski2060

    Terrain "Pecher"

    I assume the steam version will be updated soon? I've started messing around with this map. I think it will make a good winter ghost town map. Taken over by insurgents, maybe some countryside that has fallen and a team needs to eliminate or extricate a VIP/HVT.
  6. ski2060

    Advanced Rappelling

    I second this. We just found this and would appreciate it as we use RHS and MELB for our insertion birds.
  7. So, how is that Gunbag used? Unit members are trying to figure out how it stores weapons? N/M.. appears to be direct drag from inventory, but it only holds mid size and smaller weapons. No DMRs or Sniper weapons?
  8. Roger. I'll try it on Main Branch since I have both working :D Maybe try another Island chain map.
  9. So, I know you said this is WIP, and not quite set up for Tanoa. I tried it on Tanoa just to see what I'd get when using this to set a mission. I got a random recon mission, with 5 inland objectives on the main island. I infil'd with an assault boat at night, and attempted to traverse overland to the 5 objective points. About halfway to my first point, 3 of the points disappeared leaving only the first and last recon points. I assume all of these points are just set as roleplay style objectives? I saw no items or actual task completion when getting near and checking all around the Recon Point. I look forward to more refinement of your system and hope to include some modules for my unit soon.
  10. Crap, :( Thanks. So, if we wanted to raise the default voice volume for direct talking on the whole server then, what would I need to do and where? I assume using the API variable with a higher value in the mission INIT.sqf file? Or would it go into the mission.sqf file itself? What would be he proper format and placement, if you don't mind?
  11. Nkey, is there any way for a particular player to change their Direct Chat voice volume only using userconfig variables? One of our unit members would like to change his default Direct voice volumes so that he can hear it better and normalize it with his other sounds while recording. We are using TFAR 0.9.8 and teh current ACE build. Yes, we are aware that ACE lowers sound due to earplugs and earmuffs on helmets. He would like to raise his default for direct voice only to offset this.
  12. Well then, looking forward to the SCAR module release to test that out. I currently have both ALiVE and MCC to choose from for enemy unit generation, but another method would be nice.
  13. Von, thanks for that writeup. I was a bit confused about how and what the module did myself, so that really helped me visualize what indeed the SOCOM module did. I had this vision that it spawned a full mission like MCC or Alive mission generation. Now that I know it's more of a targeted "go here, do this" type of framework with the rest of the map up to me that gives me an idea of what I need to set up in a mission file. It sounds like I can set up a map with either MCC or ALiVE to populate my enemy forces, place down all my Blufor and Opfor assets, bases etc.. and then run SOCOM missions that spawn just the mission Task and minimal assets (HVT etc). That about sum it up?
  14. So, some members of my unit would like to test this mod out. We tend to do missions on very large maps, with a long distance between base and operators in the field. One of our members is a currently serving USMC Radioman, and has some things he'd like to ask you about tweaking. He has a couple ides that he thinks might help you with the mod, particularly color correction, antenna usage, and maybe some range tweaking/balance with the SatCom module. Edit: And that would be he below.
  15. So, the easiest workaround for Server admins that do not want double files, is to not use STEAM and just use other repositories to download from, it seems. If you don't mind the hassle and double space, then just making local copies of the cache files to the Arma 3 directory would be the next option. Guess we'll figure out a way to deal with it.
  16. It is currently easy to access the Steam Cache files. You just need to know where to look. Maybe some of this angst could have been avoided if BIS had explained that ANY mod folder from Steam workshop would be removed from whatever directory they were previously in. I know I didn't read that in any SITREP or SPOTREP. I have 50 mods on my server for various mission configurations and campaigns. All of the STEAM available mods disappeared, and I had NO clue where they went. Documentation on what happened, or how to perform the "add local copy" was nonexistent. We figured it out after an hour or two looking through files and copying manually. I get your "we're here for the masses", but without Server Administrators and hosts, there would be no servers for the masses to play on.
  17. Yes, you need to Index the map with the Alive Indexing tools.
  18. Thanks, Shay! I figured it out finally.. derr on my part. Congrats again, and really looking forward to the new version. Is it just me, or did there used to be an option to start a campaign from the MCC console? It would let you pick a number of missions for the players to run through and then just make the missions one after another until they ran through them all. Is that option still in somewhere and I just cant find it?
  19. Nope. It was with the previous version. I haven't built anything with the new RHS version yet. Waiting for a suitable map that will work for Ukraine or Eastern Europe that isn't a map of Germany or Denmark.
  20. I just ran a campaign on Al Rayak, using ACE + RHS+ CUP terrain/maps and didn't have a problem with desync like that. We would have issues after 24-48 hours sometimes, depending on how much combat was going on with players. But not within an hour that I can remember.
  21. I am not having any problems with EODS IED's spawning on my server with RHS, MCC, ACE and quite a few other mods running. I'll double check and make sure that they weren't MCC IEDs, but I am pretty sure they were not. As far as the RG31s? I have them spawning on my Diyala map, which uses JBAD. I'll see if they are in the Zeus or MCC unit lists for spawning.
  22. Thanks for the update, Spirit6. So, Shay's a dad now? Congrats to him!
  23. Pazuzu, thanks! That looks like it will be a great addition for units that use ACE.
  24. 1 or 2 pages back he put up a changelog stating it's finalized. He was just looking at final feedback from that. So, it appears to be ready, and I have a download of what appears to be the newest version of it. I was just wondering if he has any ETA for it going live. On Topic: I am trying to make MCC available for anyone on my server to use. (one logged person at a time). Before Eden, I could just place the Access module down, and then anyone could access it to log in. Right now, with the MCC access module down and synced to all playable slots, I can only access MCC by logging in to the server as Admin. Any ideas?
  25. Depending on your map, you won't even have to make a TAOR for OpFor. If you leave it blank they will use the entire map as their TAOR. Then you just need to blacklist the BLUFOR TAOR so they won't spawn or attack there if you want. Then, set your asymmetric objectives and placement how you want. Remember, they will start off kind of small, and depending on how many Installations you set for them to begin with, they will start to spread across the map. Take the time to debug your placement, or after you have set everything down, play through in single/MP mode and use the ingame debugger from the Combat Tablet or Admin to see how the profiled forces are spawning, and spreading. Especially the Installation Debugger to see where the Asymmetric forces are placing Installations to start.