I have 3 problems as stated in the title.
1. 2500ms - No firewall/Anti-virus in the way, ports should be open as they show it in the router.
2. Server doesn't always bind to the .cfg documents and it's a pain to get it working again.
3. Server crashed yesterday which seems to have stored a cache or something, i dono really, but it keeps loading wasteland mission for those who were logged in a hour or so before the crash and it likes to make people into birds. Also I can't log in as admin but my friends can.
If anyone has any solvations for these problems, please do answer.
Seems like no of the regulars can login as admin either. Can't see chat, tried reinstalling ARMA 3 on both my server and computer.
My sup-config.
//Allmojna instojlningar
hostname = "woop Gaming Community";
//password = "";
passwordAdmin = "XXXYYY";
motd[] = {
"Join Our Teamspeak - Address: woop",
"woop Gaming Community",
motdInterval = 1;
// Rojgler
maxPlayers = 20;
voteMissionPlayers = 1;
voteThreshold = 0.33;
disableVoN = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 8;
persistent = 1;