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Everything posted by Dominance

  1. Cool, not sure when it started but I just opened steam and it's updating 3.5gb. :)
  2. 3 hours? Guess I got the time conversion wrong, according to my conversion there is still 4 1/2 hours. Cool, I guess I will be able to play sooner. Maybe I should start downloading then goto the gym early and come back to the game :)
  3. Dominance

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Very cool, your making some good progress. I like the bar up the top with all the information, that's an improvement over current life servers where you have to push a button to see it. I know I have seen some vehicle mods in different places for Arma 3, maybe you could ask the authors if you could use some of them? Though the Arma 3 Beta should be out soon and I assume there will be more vehicles with that too. Anyway, I look forward to playing this :)
  4. Dominance

    Stratis-RP: Ultimate

    Sounds awesome! I really like your ideas. I played Takistan Life Revolution for ages and have been playing Stratis Life but it feels pretty limited so far. Placing buildings is a good one because then there can be more cities/towns on the Stratis map which is kind of bare at the moment. But when the proper Arma 3 map comes out that will be awesome! Stratis is like 20km and the full map is going to be more than 200km. The jobs idea is good too. A few ideas if possible - (I have no idea what would be possible so i'm just throwing ideas i'd like out there.) -Players able to choose clothes at the start... different kinds of shirts/pants and colors. Because in the current Stratis life everyone is wearing nearly the same thing. -At collection points (e.g apples/oil/etc) actually have apples there instead of it just being in the middle of nowhere with nothing different except for a scroll option to pick apples. -Housing for players (though it sounds like you may have that planned). -An EFTPOS type ability so you can buy stuff from shops using a card without having to carry money around. -More kinds of cars if possible, very limited choice in Arma 3 Alpha. -An unarmed fighting system, even if just punching or something so you can atleast have a little chance to defend yourself when unarmed. Maybe even have melee weapons. -Night Clubs - With music/DJ's/Security. -In addition to the npc's have players who can sell cars/have a caryard or open a shop selling whatever they want. Maybe buy or rent a building where they can do this and open different kinds of buildings. Jobs - -Bounty Hunter - The cops hire you to help them hunt criminals who are on top of their wanted list for money. -Drug Dealer - I guess this would depend on having the drugs in game actually do something, but they would also need a downfall to taking them over the long term. -Racecar Driver - Could have a track where you race for money. Or players could create their own anywhere on the terrain. -Bum - Sit on the streets in raggedy clothes and beg for money. (this would kind of be funny and for realism, because nobody would make much money doing it.) -Real Estate Broker - Assuming player houses are put in, there could be people who sell the houses and take a cut. Though I think this would have to be limited in number say 1 or 2 per town. -Martial Arts instructor - Assuming unarmed system could be put in, there could be a martial arts instructor that increases your strength/unarmed damage/speed. Whether it be a NPC or another player fulfilling the role. -Security Guard - For nightclubs or businesses, where the business owner could hire security to protect against robbery. -DJ - To play music in the club, if possible using mp3's from their pc. -Bartender - To work in club, also have alcohol have an effect temporarily of the player walking weird and having blurry vision or something. It would be so awesome if all this stuff was there. I have had thoughts of how awesome it would be if a proper game company made a game like these life servers from scratch with millions of dollars of funding. Though I guess it would have to be indie so it isn't watered down or dumbed down like alot of games are. Can you imagine a Life game built from scratch by a group of professional designers with alot of funding!
  5. I have had that a few times. I assumed that when it happens it was just the whole server crashing which is why it doesn't come up again.
  6. Yeah I guess you can't get rid of all hacking, it will be better when they bring it in. Any developers here that can answer when it is planned to bring in battleeye?
  7. From a closed thread. But how do you explain that years after it's release the same thing is still happening in Arma 2? It's a shame cos the game is very good. But i've never seen another game hacked to this extent, this is really the only online game i've had to worry about hackers so much.
  8. Dominance

    Hackers are making the alpha unplayable

    Battleye did nothing for Dayz, when I was playing that it had the same issue. It's a shame because I LOVE Arma 3 so far, but it isn't playable at the moment because of this issue.
  9. Dominance

    Bugs so far...

    So there isn't a bugs section so thought i'd post what I found yesterday (if I can remember them all.) -Unable to pick up weapons from vehicles unless you drop them on the ground first. -When I selected the team leader position in multiplayer a bug come up that constantly made radio commands without me touching anything, and even when I changed multiplayer mode and position it kept doing it until I quit the game and run it again. -No indication of how much you can hold in your inventory, you just can't put anything else in there when it's full (not a bug but a feature that could be implemented). -Can only get in certain positions in vehicles from certain sides, this may be a feature in the game though, but it can be annoying to find the proper side. -It doesn't come up at all who is speaking on the mic by showing their name like in Arma 2 so you have no idea who is talking. -Using the 5.1 surround sound setting on my speakers stuffs up the sound, I thought alot of sounds weren't implemented until I changed it back to stereo. I'm sure there was a few others but I can't think of them right now. I will update this if I find more.
  10. Dominance

    Game Freeze Bug?

    I unfortunately have the same problem, it didn't do it that much yesterday. I thought it was the heat because my fan gets really loud like in some other games when it's hot. But seeing i'm not the only one it must be something else.
  11. Yeah it is strange that it worked yesterday but didn't today. Try this... run it in windowed mode when it asks, quit and then run it normal. That worked for me, atleast once, hope it keeps working.