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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. BadHabitz

    Prei Khmaoch Luong

    My unit ran a mission on this map this past Sunday. 25-30 guys. Performance was excellent. The only negative I think is that I wish the map was bigger, but that's just me nitpicking. Good job! Can't wait to see more.
  2. BadHabitz

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    You use the dynamic loadout sytem to customize.
  3. BadHabitz

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What's the best place to submit bug reports? There's a bunch of minor problems with animations entering/exiting the new SOV vehicle.
  4. Now you can use the Hide Objects module to remove them, and then replace it with an object you can assign a variable name to. Should actually make most of the things you want to do a bit easier.
  5. BadHabitz

    Double billboard with image created

    _object setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "textures\newtonio.jpg"]; _object setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "textures\whateveryour2ndpiciscalled.jpg"];
  6. I added it and it didn't work. I will have to check again to verify. Now when I say it doesn't work I mean that the "medic" selection is not highlighted in the unit attributes in the editor. I didn't test the functionality.
  7. Thanks. I've been looking around the ACE documentation and Github and I haven't seen anything. "attendant = 1;" is used for the vanilla system to give the role of the medic, but that doesn't appear to extend to ACE. In the editor I still have to change the status of the unit to medic/doctor through the attributes or from a sync'ed module. I'd like to cut out that step by adding something to the config, if it's possible.
  8. Is there a line of code I can add to a soldier's config to make him a medic or doctor in ACE? I've used "ACE_IsMedic = 2;" but that didn't work.
  9. BadHabitz

    Disable the Light on a "Device?"

    Depending on what your purpose is you could just disable simulation.
  10. To piggyback on that, I was wondering if there was some code that could be placed into a vehicle init that would make the vehicle work like a SATCOM antenna.
  11. MELB will be updated for DLS. Soon.
  12. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    +1. There are no stairs or stairwells on ships. Ladders and ladderwells.
  13. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    I do appreciate that we're being given something for free. I can still voice my opinion in what I perceive to be a mistake in development. Please remain civil instead of trying to hurl insults.
  14. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    It is a bonus. Just not as nice as it could have been. The hangar is a good place to start missions from, and it doesn't even have that. Would I have loved to see tons of bells and whistles? A working boat davit; usable screens in a conference/ready room; etc. Yeah, I would love that, but I wasn't expecting that. I just thought that elevators and a hangar would be a no-brainer, that's why it's a disappointment. We went from wondering what kinds of cool shit it would have to not even having all of the basics. I do hope these issues are fixed for the future. Just like supposedly some of the Tanoa bricks are getting interiors.
  15. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    And? Once the new stuff is applied to the Nimitz mod this new carrier will be irrelevant to anyone that uses mods. It's disappointing because I thought this new shiny could replace a mod, but alas it's another heartbreak.
  16. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    We're not even getting a hangar https://twitter.com/Arma3official/status/854976770570940416
  17. Regarding the new sensor link and the UI display, is there any way to be able to add numbers (above or below) the symbols, so when communicating with another player you can actually tell them which symbol you're talking about?
  18. Sync the trigger that completes the first task to the Create Task module for the second task.
  19. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    At this point nothing is going to be added unless it's already being worked on. If there was a second carrier I'm almost certain they would have revealed it by now.
  20. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Zumwalts are much more expensive than Arleigh Burkes (twice as much), and less capable. The ones built are gimmicks, and future unfunded hulls were cancelled. Supposed to be 32 ships, but they stopped at 3. Meanwhile, the Navy is buying more Burkes, up to even 42 more.
  21. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Unfortunately these big ships are only static objects. I'd only be interested in adding Russian ships if I could send them to the bottom of the sea.
  22. Sounds awesome! I like the idea of changing hull numbers. As soon as I heard there would be a carrier coming at the same time as the Jets DLC I immediately thought of this mod and all of the new stuff you might be able to improve based on BI's development.
  23. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Has the question been answered as to whether or not the aircraft elevators are functional?
  24. BadHabitz

    BIS Aircraft Carrier

    Radio antennae