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Everything posted by yxman

  1. Same over here, nothing changed.
  2. And server reporting via steamworks for linux?
  3. Hey, 23 days left till gamespy closes, any updates about switching to steamworks? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175463-End-of-Gamespy greetings
  4. Arma2 doesn't support steamworks at this moment, i think they just dont care about it. A2: Players Online: 20514 Servers Online: 6750 A3 aka Altis'lobotomy'life3 Players Online: 24474 Servers Online: 4760
  5. Edit your server.cfg to: voteMissionPlayers = 1; voteThreshold = 0.33; that should solve the problem
  6. Tested it alone with def. settings. Mods: CBA_A3 Beta5 "[==========] SPB Report | third Group [==========]" "Total BlueFor units spawned/alive: 150 (3 groups)" "Total OpFor units spawned/alive: 0 (0 groups)" "Server Avg FPS: 48" "Server Min FPS: 40" "Server Frame: 39015" "Total objects: 157 (156 entities)" [=========] SPB Report | Combat Report [=========] "Total BlueFor units spawned/alive: 114 (3 groups)" "Total OpFor units spawned/alive: 0 (10 groups)" "Server Avg FPS: 48" "Server Min FPS: 40"
  7. First Zeus is great, but also req. an additional player! In the both seize missions from bohemia (both great, so far only playable missions out there (performance/few players)) there is now no ai present, cause they are supposed to be handled by zeus. fantastic... +1 one player required :( pls bringt back the old missions or add a parameter for the old mission setup (for those ppl playing without zeus). ps: strange local hosted enemy ai spawns, dedicated hosted not.
  8. weeheee \o/ 1.18, still same with the low fps on linux dedicated...
  9. New HW arrived... Server specs: Intel Xeon E3-1245v2 4(8HT)x Cores 3.4GHz up to 3.8GHz 16GB DDR3 Linux Dedicated Package: FPS on Seize Edoris ~ 34FPS... VM Running under Linux with Windows and Windows Server Package: ~50FPS Nothing else to say...
  10. yxman

    FHQ Arma 3 COOP missions

    please provide links (armaholic redirects to workshop cancer), as a server admin its just pain in the a** with this workshop stuff :(
  11. I noticed the same, see. Week 13-14 Arma2 Linux Dedicated Week 14-15 Arma3 Linux Dedicated 1.14 peak between week 15-16 A3 Linux 1.16 as you see a3 linux package barely utilize multicore cpus. all with or w/o parameter -cpucount X/-nologs etc... there is no way to achieve windows performance...
  12. Mhh, as said: local hosted ai is spawning, on dedicated server not (no mods etc)... Any suggestions?
  13. yxman

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    any news @updated version?
  14. Mhhh, this thread is dead. Dwarden any news about an update/performance fix for the linux dedicated server package?
  15. add -nologs, will increase it. but still no 50fps, pls any dev. respond to this issue :<
  16. 1.14 Stable Branch - still no ~50FPS reachable. Also Server idle (no mission/only lobby) increased to ~30-34% CPU LOAD...
  17. if also never seen a linux dedicated server running at ~50fps.
  18. I wonder if anyone ever achieved to maintain ~50FPS on the linux dedicated server package (stock missions, escape stratis/altis etc) if yes, pls post used hw.
  19. yxman

    Arma 3 vs Arma 2 aspects.

    1. its the same (i like the the a2 vehicle movement more) 2. ai is much worse, coop vs ai is unplayable (hints: soldier protection, no supression, 1hit instakiller ai) 3. command menu is nearly the same. at this moment i would not recommend a3.
  20. Hey 1 question, where did i find the "Module - Sites - Civilian" stuff? In Alpha/Beta it was available, in the stable RLS i didnt find it.