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About raynor_d

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  1. If you are seeing F35_init.sqf in the folder at all, that indicates you're running something at least older than 1.0.6. Beyond that you should see semantic versioning in all the mod.cpp files: description = "United States Air Force - Version 1.x.x.x"; If not, it's an ancient version from before our move to the (first) workshop.
  2. Hey Dedmen, I looked through our commit history and none of our planes should be running that code as of 1.0.6. I was equally flabbergasted when I noticed what it was doing. 😅 I removed C17_init.sqf from the init order (it's still there just never called) just before we released 1.0 to Steam, and overhauled the F-35 init process in 1.0.6, removing F35_init.sqf. Could you check what version you guys are running?
  3. Not currently, but I've put it down as a feature request.
  4. Hey guys, our next major update, v1.0.6.2, is now public and we're excited to announce a major change along with it. You will notice that you have not received this update automatically, since with it we are transitioning to a new team workshop account! However no dependent content such as missions should break - ingame classes and paths have not been changed. We're making this change exclusively for the purposes of streamlining our release pipeline. The current workshop items will remain in place indefinitely to allow communities to transition smoothly, but they will not be supported or updated further. Note for server admins: We've taken this opportunity to simplify the modfolder names to make your lives a little easier: @USAF_Main @USAF_Fighter @USAF_Utility We are aware this transition will cause some inconvenience on the front end, but we are confident that the long term benefits, namely automation of releases, will be worth it for both the community and the mod team. Subscribe to the new collection here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2397379807 v1.0.6.2 Changelog: https://github.com/Fullerpj/United-States-Air-Force-Mod/wiki/v1.0.6.2-Changelog We want to thank you guys for your continued support - it's what keeps us going. We look forward to 2021 being the best year yet in Arma aviation!
  5. Alongside the AC-130U beta, we have pushed v1.0.6.1 to the current packs: Main: Fighters: Utility:
  6. Thanks Viper, yes it's on our end and has been fixed internally, we're aiming to get a hotfix patch out for that and some other things quite soon.
  7. Updated to v1.0.6: Attention server admins: Keys are now versioned and can be found in (modfolder)/keys. Main: - Tanker: Module overhaul (must now pre-spawn and sync tanker) - Tanker: Fix diving on locality change - Tanker: Fix stuck tanker state in several cases - Remove systemChat spam from fired event - Afterburner: Add CBA keybind - Afterburner: Fix systemChat spam - TGP: Fix laser keybind not working in F-35A - Missilebox: Add AGM-114R - Missilebox: Add ACE Fragmentation values - Missilebox: Add ACE Laser compat for designators and APKWS/AGM-65E/AGM-114 - Missilebox: AGM-158 increase time to live - Service Menu: Fix master safe being removed on some aircraft on reload - GPS: Add CBA keybind to open GPS dialog - Finish XEH support (for all packs) Fighter: - F-35A: Model realistic wing for A variant - F-35A: lots of script cleanup, hopefully fix server lockup on get in - F-35A: Add combat liveries - F-35A: Material and texture improvements - F-35A: Reduce hook mount size - F-35A: Shadow LOD fixes - F-35A: Fix missing pilot LOD geometry (if looking behind with TrackIR) - F-35A: Fix DAS missile launch action - F-35A: Add more visual LODs - F-35A: Suspension fixes - F-22: Fix TAD map being applied to aircraft body - F-22: Fix formation lights material - F-22: Fix gun door being open on spawn in some situations Utility: - Enable Service Menu on manned utility aircraft - MQ-9: New gunner UI - MQ-9: Fix bouncing issues - MQ-9: Fix wreck model not showing - C-17: Allow pilot to control jump door - C-17: Add CBA option to enable move inside action (still super buggy) - C-17/130: Raise flight ceiling - KC-135: Fix hovering wheels
  8. Don't dive into the F-35A yet, it's getting a bunch of model changes and liveries next patch and a template soon after.
  9. Correct, we would have to calculate it separately which may or may not match what the hud is showing.
  10. Not that I know of. The MFD element is controlled entirely by the game engine, no scripting access to it or even source to show the grid on the hud.
  11. Assuming the previous 3km distance, you're way too low, these things don't have a 3:1 glideslope. Use the CCIP indicator in the TGP and release once it's 50-100m past the target. You can even pull up and loft for additional standoff range.
  12. This is our current tutorial but it sounds like you're designating correctly. Which GBU are you using? And what's distance/altitude/speed at release?
  13. Server keys have been pushed to the workshop, and the tanker module tutorial is up:
  14. Is your engine off and are you looking at the hangar? If so check out our tutorial on the service menu and let us know if you still can't get it working after that.
  15. It's a known issue, already fixed for next update, thanks.