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Everything posted by galevsky

  1. galevsky


    It looks awesome bro 🤗
  2. Another master piece of terrain! 🤗 Thanks a lot 👊
  3. Hi all, I fail to find out how to get the current server version... I see no specific file like version.txt or changelog.md that I can parse, I tried this: galevsky@vladivostok:~/ArmA3containers/arma3srv$ ./arma3server_x64 --version 16:04:58 SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible! ArmA Linux Server, ver. 2.08.149102 16:04:58 ../lib/Network/networkServer.cpp ClearNetServer:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 16:04:58 Critical:Destroying running thread! 16:04:58 Critical:Destroying running thread! 16:04:58 Critical:Destroying running thread! Segmentation fault (core dumped) which looks to be the right thing to be done, any idea why it is core-dumping ? Any trick ? Thank you for your help ! Gal'
  4. Thank you, but it is not my use-case, here I am creating a tool to manage arma3 servers with containers, and I would like to build (with podman, but similar with docker) a new image whenever there is a change and tag it with the right version... to make them available to the tool. I also would like to read the version to trigger the new build, instead of an additional checksum or whatever on the directory to detect the changes. Everything is automated, steamcmd updates the Arma3 server every morning (among mods and so on), and take the necessary follow-up actions. Thank you for you comment anyway 👍. Gal'
  5. Works perfectly ! I guess that I can copy my existing repository file ./resources/ftp/localrepo.a3s.repository into fresh Arma3sync setup to skip the repository creation.... thanks a lot !
  6. Hello, First, thank you so much for this AMAZING tool, my friends and I cannot handle mods without ! I am setting up a remote FTP server and installed also a local Arma3Sync instance: the aim is to download mods, then build the repo locally, in an automated way on linux. A cron job should be able to rebuild the repo daily if needed, so, I am looking at the command Java -jar ArmA3Sync.jar -BUILD "NomDuDépot" But I don't know how to specify the parameters (the ones provided interactively with Arma3Sync-console.sh script), do you have some advise ? I am very sorry to bother, but I actually failed to find my answer. Thank you !
  7. Congrats for the new awesome release :) EDIT > fixed, my bad
  8. Hello Icebreakr, Do you plan to release a new version soon ? I plan to create a 3-months campaign on this awesome map starting from September, so I would like to know if there is something in the pipe or not yet :) Thank you
  9. Hi, I am used to check time with in-game watch but I face desynchronization between serverTime and my local daytime (in-game watches display daytime, right ?) : after 2 hours, clients time differs about 15 min. :confused: Is there any trick to make in-game watch time equal to the server daytime ? Thank you for your help... ;)
  10. Thank you so much for your work dude ! Both are amazing maps :wub:
  11. Yet another badass map :wub: Can't wait !
  12. galevsky

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    Hi, I am currently facing HTTP error code 500 when saving my characteristics changes about gameplay focus.
  13. galevsky

    [RELEASE]Zeus Mission Builder

    Looks like to be a great alternative to MCC, does'nt it ? I will try it soon.... :)
  14. galevsky

    Access by object name

    Does the job ! Big thank you @Schatten: thks too, but I was looking for optimized code, with no loop...
  15. galevsky

    Access by object name

    Does someone have the solution ? I am still blocked on this issue: _myObjectName = "first_laptop"; _myObjectInstance = ?????? ; // Looking for something like BIS_fn_GetObjectByName _myObjectName _res = alive _myObjectInstance; // if I use _myObjectName instead, there is an error: Error alive: Type String, expected Object
  16. Hello, I want to create a mod that provide additional groups into the editor to make mission making faster in my team. Do you know how ? By default we have: And I would like to have mine in the list.
  17. Hi all, for PvP purpose, I need to stop the mission for all clients at the same time, and display a score-board. I think I need to execute a function like the one below at the end of the duration (2 hours), on all clients due to the call to the UI resources call: ofcra_fnc_clients_side_mission_end = { // Open scoreboard cutRsc ["ScoreBoard","PLAIN"]; }; So, I want to use a trigger to plan the ofcra_fnc_clients_side_mission_end call on each client when the mission will time out: It looks like I cannot use the serverTime, but I can consider the in-game current time thanks to daytime on the client side when joining, then compute the remaining-time-to-play value, and use it in my trigger. My question is about daytime : wiki says That means that clients don't get the same in-game time ? Sounds weird.... Maybe I miss the right way to do what I want to ? Any advise ? Thank you for your help :)
  18. Hum... TvT, so nice to hear that ! :cool: 2 questions please: What are missions ? CTF-like ones ? What about the estimated duration ? Will TFAR be supported in the future (sounds like no respectable team play without) ? Other mods, like RHS ?
  19. galevsky

    are all the TvT campaigns dead?

    Is anyone aware of TvT specialized website for Western Europe teams ? Looking for serious teams to share events... Thank you !!!
  20. galevsky

    Arma 3 Battle recorder

    No doubt that Zeus is a x100 more complicated stuff than just record/play ;)
  21. galevsky

    Arma 3 Battle recorder

    Very interresting, thank you ;) Thanks to share your XP ! The scope of my interrest will be PvP matches, so, for a limited number of players. I watched your videos, you did a great job, and perhaps some limitations may limit us to record vector & position only, plus firing events, to be able to plot units like it is done into the mission editor, but with a "play" button to see them move, and blink when firing + dotted line to see the aiming direction. The idea is to understand the chosen strategy + tactical move + who-killed-who, not a big deal if we cannot have animations and so on. (Could be great but acceptable limitations). Tacview is recording all flight parameters + weapons parameters + ground units parameters with no issue for up to 1000 units (including 40 humans, maybe more, but we limit to 1000 units in my DCS wing for in-game performances issues, and all vehicules remain static: important for DCS, but for Tacview it is the same: all coordinates + states are saved), but we rely on LUA export feature provided by DCS. Is it possible to have a socket to listen with Arma 3 ? Any other alternative ? I am interested in your python script.... Sure... I am not asking to BI to do it ;) @MDCCLXXVI: I don't want to troll about the game category
  22. galevsky

    Arma 3 Battle recorder

    Any new idea ? After-Action Review seems very good.... simple video recording with nvidia ShadowPlay or whatever does not the trick ! We DCS players use Tacview to replay the action while debriefing, to understand the SITAC, what happened, and get something to learn.... just a MUST for such a simulator ! Or at least, does someone have an idea about how to implement a recording tool (server-side?/client-side?/both?), at least on paper ? The aims is to replay the registrated scenario either on external flat map, or in-game (better but we may need some additional tool from BI). Thanks for your info !
  23. Hi, I don't know what I am doing wrong: 2 trucks + 1 escorting BTR as leader, all of them have full skill, formation set to none, but they don't want just to drive as a column on the road, following waypoints. The 3 vehicules fight against other, they brake, run out of road, BTR likes to go straight forward across forest... Please help ! How to plan a simple 3 vehicules column convoy from Kamino to Mike26, without any other feature ? Should I script something ? Many thanks for tour help :-)