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About Sweetwater.I

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    Private First Class


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    Technical Support

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    Member of the 7th Cavalry Tactical Gaming Regiment.
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  1. I've been looking via google and here on the forums for any indication that this is doable via scripting. (No luck so far) I'm attempting to add functionality where the rangefinder display you get in a tank gunner slot appears in slots that normally do not have the functionality. We use both RHS USAF and ACE3 modpack, and have a rough time attempting to get range to gunner since there is no range finding capability in turret for the commander seat. Example: https://i.imgur.com/PCrs3ae.jpg I don't care weather or not it has FCS capability of if toggle-able, I just need to know if this is scriptable or does it have to be a configpatch for the rsctext in the vehicle config. I am looking for a solution that is MP Friendly.
  2. Ended up with this solution, started pulling my hair out attempting to get a variable so I decided classname was next best thing... if ( isDedicated ) then { private _channeln1 = "Blufor-GM"; private _channeln2 = "Opfor-GM"; private _channeln3 = "Independant-GM"; private _channel1 = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.2, 1, 1], _channeln1, "Game Master", []]; private _channel2 = radioChannelCreate [[1, 0, 0.2, 1], _channeln2, "Game Master", []]; private _channel3 = radioChannelCreate [[0, 1, 0.2, 1], _channeln3, "Game Master", []]; if (_channel1 == 0) exitWith {diag_log format ["Custom channel '%1' creation failed!", _channeln1]}; if (_channel2 == 0) exitWith {diag_log format ["Custom channel '%1' creation failed!", _channeln2]}; if (_channel3 == 0) exitWith {diag_log format ["Custom channel '%1' creation failed!", _channeln3]}; missionNamespace setvariable ["blueforgm",_channel1]; missionNamespace setvariable ["opforgm",_channel2]; missionNamespace setvariable ["guergm",_channel3]; }; _bluelist = ["rhsusf_army_ocp_officer","C_Soldier_VR_F"]; _redlist = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_SL","C_Soldier_VR_F"]; _greenlist = ["LOP_AM_Infantry_SL","C_Soldier_VR_F"]; _iamblue = ({typeOf player == _x} count _bluelist) > 0; _iamred = ({typeOf player == _x} count _redlist) > 0; _iamgreen = ({typeOf player == _x} count _greenlist) > 0; if (_iamblue) then { _blueforgm = missionnamespace getvariable "blueforgm"; _blueforgm radioChannelAdd [player]; }; if (_iamred) then { _opforgm = missionnamespace getvariable "opforgm"; _opforgm radioChannelAdd [player]; }; if (_iamgreen) then { _guergm = missionnamespace getvariable "guergm"; _guergm radioChannelAdd [player]; };
  3. Aww I was hoping that was it, sadly I'm still getting undefined variable errors. and a different one now. Tailed RPT Log: 10:45:53 Error in expression <1], "GM-Bluefor", "Game Master", []] , [bz1, bz2, mz1, mz2] ], [ radioChannelCre> 10:45:53 Error position: <bz1, bz2, mz1, mz2] ], [ radioChannelCre> 10:45:53 Error Undefined variable in expression: bz1 10:45:53 File C:\~\initServer.sqf, line 2 10:45:53 A null object passed as a target to RemoteExec(Call) 'bis_fnc_shownotification' 10:45:53 A null object passed as a target to RemoteExec(Call) 'bis_fnc_shownotification' 10:45:53 Error in expression <erServer.sqf" params["_player","_jip"]; local["_i","_sides","_channel"]; _sides> 10:45:53 Error position: <local["_i","_sides","_channel"]; _sides> 10:45:53 Error local: Type Array, expected Object,Group 10:45:53 File C:\~\initPlayerServer.sqf, line 2
  4. Hi Tajin, To better help visualize I've made a crude graphic, here is the current issue I am seeing. [x Slots] is just to say how many slots are on that side for players.
  5. Hmm... With that added, All Blufor units (west) are seeing the Redfor channel. Redfor is seeing Independant. and Independant and Master Zeus have no additional channels. Was thinking about setVariable on the unit's init with a if isPlayer, not sure if that would work. But its really late here as well. Thanks for all your help so far!
  6. Awesome! Thank you HazJ Seems to be working now, Each unit appears to have its own channel to the Master Zeus's. and no error. I tried it via Multiplayer and it shows again, but single player works. I assume the error message will pop up when going into MP as I have AI disabled (aka unit does not exist unless player is in slot).
  7. Thanks for checking it out, For the RADIO_fnc_manage, I was calling via the unit(s) init. As for the error message I'm getting, its showing up on mission start. Normally I would Ignore these messages, but its for a MP mission I'm building and I'm unsure if this is gonna effect JIP.
  8. Hello, I'm trying to make heads or tails of getting around an error that I'm getting when attempting to make Radio Channels to specific units to private communication between Zeus to Squad Leaders. The error is that the variables are undefined for the radioChannelCreate when the unit with the variable does not exist. I'm thinking I will need a !isnull check to an array but I'm unsure how to implement this as I am still very new to Arma scripting. Here is the code I am using, Most of this is from a script I found on another post: if(isServer) then { west_channel = radioChannelCreate [[0, 0.2, 1, 1], "GM-Bluefor", "Game Master", [bz1,bz2,mz1,mz2]]; east_channel = radioChannelCreate [[1, 0, 0.2, 1], "GM-Redfor", "Game Master", [rz1,mz1,mz2]]; independent_channel = radioChannelCreate [[0, 1, 0.2, 1], "GM-Independent", "Game Master", [iz1,mz1,mz2]]; RADIO_fnc_manage = { private["_unit","_channel","_bool"]; _unit = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _bool = [_this,1,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param; _channel = [_this,2,0,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param; //Series of checks? if(isNull _unit) exitWith {}; //Null unit if(_channel < 1) exitWith {}; //No channels below 1 should be passed. switch (_channel) do { case 1: { if(_bool) then {west_channel radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {west_channel radioChannelRemove [_unit];};}; case 2: { if(_bool) then {east_channel radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {east_channel radioChannelRemove [_unit];};}; case 3: { if(_bool) then {independent_channel radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {independent_channel radioChannelRemove [_unit];};}; }; }; }; Variables "bz1, bz2, mz1, mz2, iz1, rz1" is referencing unit's I've placed within Eden Editor with those variables tagged to them. E.g, "bz1" = Blufor Zeus or "mz1" = Master Zeus The intention of this script is to allow private communication from Squad leaders. (In this case bz1,bz2,iz1,rz1) to have separate channels to the two Master Zeus's which will be acting as "game masters" That is not seen by anyone outside of the units aforementioned. > I am using RHS, ACE, CBA Pack, ARES:Achilles and TFAR mod's as well.
  9. Sweetwater.I

    Disembark Left or Right of Vehicle

    How would you go about adding the two add actions for each player on the server when they get in the vehicles?
  10. Hello, My intention is to have an option that allows all players within a vehicle to scroll wheel to either "left" or "right" to exit the vehicle on that side. However I'm stuck attempting to make sense of the add actions and how its to fit together. Is there already a script with this function, or perhaps an easier way to go about it then add actions? So far: _vehicle addEventHandler ["getIn", { _vehicle addAction ["< Left","\scripts\ejectLeft.sqf"]; _vehcile addAction ["> Right","\scripts\ejectRight.sqf"];
  11. After avidly searching google and the forums I couldnt find any scripts or a explination on how to use the getPOSasl and others to get a marker that displays the name of the unit, the heading or elevation from sealevel. I'm hoping that someone here has already been through this issue before and may have some answers on how to get this to work. For example, I am looking to set markers and have them update every 3-5s with the following format. [Mohawk-1, HDG:230, 844 ASL] I've been able to get the marker to stick to the vehicle and display the name but I am unsure on how to apply information based on that units location. also any ideas on how to get a track. I.E have the last marker position still shown but only for an additional 3-5 seconds. This will be for an addition I'm making to track helicopters and fixed wing aircraft on the map for ATC/CCT type of roleplay.