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Posts posted by EO

  1. On 1/26/2023 at 5:14 PM, haleks said:

    If you have any suggestion for bug fixing or improvements, now would be a good time chaps.


    Is it possible to remove the action to treat zeds if your carrying a FAK?

    Granted you have to be really close to activate the action but if your zeds are set to be nearly blind and you want to sneak real close to them, that action can become a bit annoying. :icon_biggrin:

  2. @panzergrenadier3

    Might help to post your trader code? 

    There's also info on the wiki about custom traders. :rthumb:


    It's always important to define the classes correctly for custom traders so....

    Ravage survival items are defined as CfgMagazines.

    Weapons, weapon accessories, headgear, uniforms, vests are defined as CfgWeapons

    Facewear are defined as CfgGlasses.



    Looking for a little help with a trigger/game logic set-up....


    I'm spawning a Zombie Horde module via a trigger, where the horde module is named h1...



    Works as intended, spawns 10 zombies within a 40m radius of the horde module position.


    What I want to achieve is, when a certain object is destroyed, in this case a loudspeaker named s1, set the damage of any remaining zeds (spawned by the horde module) to 0.

    Any ideas folks?


    (I was going to post this in mission editing/scripting but it's Ravage specific) 

  4. Looks good now...




    Here's your updated config, tidied it up a bit and lint checked. (no errors) 

    class CfgPatches
    	class ccg_police_clothes
    		name="CCG British Police Clothes";
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = 
                    units[] = {};
    		weapons[] = {};
    class cfgVehicles
    	class B_Soldier_base_F;
    	class CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1: B_Soldier_base_F
    		scope = 1;
    		displayName="CCG Police Uniform";
    		modelSides[] = {3,2,1,0};
    class cfgWeapons
    	class H_Cap_police;
    	class CCG_H_Police_Cap_1 : H_Cap_police
    		displayName="CCG Police Cap";	
                    model = "\A3\Characters_F\common\capb";	
    	class ItemCore;
    	class Vest_Camo_Base: ItemCore
    		class ItemInfo;
            class CCG_V_Police_Vest_1: Vest_Camo_Base
             	displayName="CCG Police Vest";	
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\ccg_police_clothes\data\ccg_vest_police_1.paa"}; 
    		class ItemInfo : ItemInfo
    			mass = 10; 					
    			containerClass = "Supply80";
    			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\Common\equip_tacticalvest"; 
    			class HitpointsProtectionInfo 
    				class Chest
    				class Diaphragm
    				class Abdomen
    				class Body
    					hitPointName = "HitBody";
    					passThrough = 0.5;
    	class Uniform_Base;
    	class UniformItem;
    	class CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1: Uniform_Base
    		displayName = "CCG Police Uniform";
    		picture = "\ccg_police_clothes\icon\logo_small.paa";
    		hiddenSelections[] = 
    		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = 
    		class ItemInfo : UniformItem



    Hope that helps. :rthumb:

    • Thanks 1

  5. 2 hours ago, haleks said:

    I'll look into this next week; I'm going to port the wrecks generation system I wrote for the Aradus demo....


    That would be a fantastic addition to Ravage, wreck placement in Aradus looks and feels much more immersive and I've never noticed any partially sunken wreck models that can sometimes happen with the Ravage wrecks module. :rthumb:



    • Like 1

  6. Hey man, wrong section, maybe should have been posted in configs and scripting:rthumb:


    To my very untrained eye there are a few things wrong or missing from your config....

    class CfgPatches {
    	class CCG_Police_Clothes {
    		author = "y-shin";
    		name = "CCG Police Clothes";
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"};
    		units[] = {
    			"CCG_C_Police_F"; //remove this semicolon
    		weapons[] = {
    			"CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1"; // remove this semicolon
    class cfgVehicles {
    	class C_Marshal_F; // try either B_RangeMaster_F or B_Soldier_base_F
    	class CCG_C_Police_F : C_Marshal_F // try either B_RangeMaster_F or B_Soldier_base_F
    		scope = 1;
    		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Civil\c_poloshirtpants.p3d";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "insignia"};
    		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {};
    		hiddenSelectionsTexture[] = {"\ccg_police_clothes\data\ccg_uniform_police_1.paa"};
    class cfgWeapons {
    	class U_Marshal; // Replace U_Marshal with Uniform_base 
        class UniformItem;
    	class CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1 : U_Marshal // Replace U_Marshal with Uniform_base
    		author = "y-shin";
    		scope = 2;
    		scopeCurator = 2;
    		displayName = "CCG Police Uniform";
    		picture = "\ccg_police_clothes\icon\logo_small.paa";
    		model="\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\suitpack_Civilian_F.p3d"; // Add this line 
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; // Remove this line, not required here 
    		hiddenSelectionsTexture[] = {"\ccg_police_clothes\data\ccg_uniform_police_1.paa"}; // Remove this line, not required here
    		class ItemInfo : UniformItem {
    			uniformModel = "-";
    			uniformClass = CCG_C_Police_F; // No quotations around uniformcClass, this entry should also match your uniform classname "CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1" 
    			containerClass = "Supply20";
    			mass = 60;



    Maybe try this config with the above changes....(not tested)

    class CfgPatches
    	class CCG_Police_Clothes
    		author = "y-shin";
    		name = "CCG Police Clothes";
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F"};
    		units[] = {"CCG_C_Police_F"};
    		weapons[] = {"CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1"};
    class cfgVehicles
    	class B_Soldier_base_F
    	class CCG_C_Police_F : B_Soldier_base_F
    		scope = 1;
    		model = "\A3\Characters_F\Civil\c_poloshirtpants.p3d";
    		hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo", "insignia"};
    		hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {};
    		hiddenSelectionsTexture[] = {"\ccg_police_clothes\data\ccg_uniform_police_1.paa"};
    class cfgWeapons
    	class ItemCore;
    	class UniformItem;
    	class Uniform_Base: ItemCore
    		class ItemInfo;
    	class CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1 : Uniform_base
    		author = "y-shin";
    		scope = 2;
    		scopeCurator = 2;
    		displayName = "CCG Police Uniform";
    		picture = "\ccg_police_clothes\icon\logo_small.paa";
    		class ItemInfo : UniformItem {
    			uniformModel = "-";
    			uniformClass = "CCG_U_Police_Uniform_1"; 
    			containerClass = "Supply20";
    			mass = 60;



  7. 23 minutes ago, tpw said:

    Can you post your settings and I'll try them out.


    I pulled the script from the latest Dropbox link, launched A3 with no mods or CDLC other than CBA A3, added the script to a fresh mission, placed down one unit and called the script (as per the instruction) from the units init.

    0 = [10,300,2,[50,250,500],0] execvm "tpw_air.sqf";

    Previewing the scenario generates the error, but the script still works as intended.   

  8. On 1/21/2023 at 12:23 AM, tpw said:

    TPW AIR is running as intended on my system. tpw_air_aircraft is initialised as an empty array and then filled based on the contents of tpw_air_include. 


    I should have mentioned I'm using the script version, I can get it too work now. (no idea what my previous issue was)

    However the script version generates this error message upon loading a mission, the same error message also appears when the tpw_air_aircraft array is filled with a few custom classanmes, once clicked the mission loads and the script works as intended.


  9. 1 hour ago, Satojomov said:

    I could still pick it up with simulation turned off, but setting health/armor to 0 seems to work.


    Simulation turned off means unticking the enable simulation box, It works.


    29 minutes ago, Satojomov said:

    When I open the inventory screen while on top of an item, the item shows up in the ground window. It cannot be picked up, is it possible to get rid of this display?


    Add this to the init of your object...

    this addEventHandler [ "ContainerOpened", {
    	h = [] spawn {
    		waitUntil{ !isNull findDisplay 602 };
    		closeDialog 1;


  10. @tpw  It's super awesome to still see this beloved mod being worked on, also loving the texture work on your uniforms mod too, those are just great, thanks for keeping the A3 faith brother.


    Found a couple of typos in the tpw_air script that stop it from running...

    Lines 30 and 67 read tpw_air_include instead of tpw_air_aircraft 


    I've also found adding any custom classnames to the tpw_air_aircraft array locks the mission upon loading.  


    ....those ambient bird flocks sound interesting too, y'all know I'm a sucker for the birdies:icon_biggrin:



    • Like 1

  11. @honger take a look at haleks Dust scenario, there's a CSAT ambient patrol script, you could use it as a template, works perfectly alongside the Ravage ambient module....

    csat_grp_templt = [
    csat_patrols = [];
    fnc_spawn_csat = {
    	_pos = _this;
    	_csatgr = [_pos, EAST, csat_grp_templt,[],[],[],[],[],random 360] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
    	_csatgr spawn {
    		sleep 0.5;
    			_x setface selectRandom [
    			_x setSpeaker selectRandom ["male01chi","male02chi","male03chi"];
    			_x addGoggles selectRandom ["G_Balaclava_TI_blk_F","G_Balaclava_TI_G_blk_F"];
    			_x addVest "V_O2Tank";
    			_x setPitch (0.95 - random 0.1);
    			if (backpack _x isEqualTo "") then {
    				_x addBackpack "B_FieldPack_oucamo";
    			[_x] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;
    			csat_patrols pushBack _x;
    			_x addEventHandler ["Killed", {csat_patrols = csat_patrols - [_this # 0]}];
    		} forEach (units _this);
    		_this spawn rvg_fnc_hunters;
    		_this setBehaviour "SAFE";
    		_this setFormation "COLUMN";
    csat_patrols_sys = 0 spawn {
    	while {alive player} do {
    		sleep (120 + random 60);
    		if (count csat_patrols < 5) then {
    			_pos = [getposASL player, 500, 1250, 1, 0, 0.5, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
    			_pos call fnc_spawn_csat;
    			if (_x distance2D player > 1500) then {
    				csat_patrols = csat_patrols - [_x];
    				deleteVehicle _x;
    		} forEach csat_patrols;



    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  12. 7 hours ago, honger said:

    I am looking for a way to set up different "gear pools" for spawned random patrols of different factions - to have OPFOR/bandits using gear from one setup while BLUFOR/friendlies have other stuff. By default all spawned factions use items from the same gear pool and it makes them undistinguishable from each other.


    I totally get what you want to achieve but I don't think that's possible without some external scripting, given Ravage is primarily a survival/post-apo/zombie modification, part of the fun is just not knowing who your friend is....  
