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Everything posted by Masharra

  1. Masharra

    Dust Storm Composer WIP

    Very Very Nice Fabio! I eagerly await final. My own attempts at dust storms are quite primitive. Any relation? http://tinyurl.com/c2kahse
  2. Masharra

    Fatigue effects

    to be blunt thats pt weght at my old unit. xP Alas I was mortar, so we were excused if we werent at the "front" of the pack.
  3. where is your ticket? link pls
  4. Masharra


    Newly introduced as into arma 3 or arma series as a whole?
  5. /sigh.... I dont know what else to say Thankfully you are incompetant :D On attaining higher resoultion shots they do have some degree of wear and tear one should not some vehicles they included are not new* at all. http://www.abload.de/img/259766_196649653715106cdkw.jpg I wonder if they have plans on variations ala rhs variations
  6. After looking at some screenies ala http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3800341/Arma_3_Beta_Motor_pool#Post3800341 I must ask../hope to the devs Why do the vehicles look so darn clean and unused? or perhaps its just the quality of the screenshots? I have yet to finish dling the beta ^.^ shitty internets.
  7. No need to go balls deep right now Beaver! Concerns are being raised now as they should be. Make your final decisions after launch, preferably waiting till a trusted individual gives you the low down and then only after a few weeks. The roof isnt on fire yet!
  8. To be blatantly honest I find myself not really needing the additional stances.Though I probably would use them more if it were possible to change stances ala R6. hold control then Move mouse up to shift body fluidly up. etc etc
  9. Masharra

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    That is so wrong on so many levels. I also urge you to grab RHS and hop in a bmp and and say they are lower quality than BIS produced items. If you arent familiar with RHS I urge you to create some coop missions with it. Wonderful just wonderful!
  10. Masharra

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    Tell that to UT or minecraft or the numerouss mmo's games that allow members to design everything from maps to clothing.
  11. Some people dont need it. I know I dont.
  12. The ai give orders, and as EDcase says "The AI in ARMA are not scripted at all. (unless its specific to a mission) Its all based on rules and parameters that define their behavior. eg There is a parameter "allow fleeing" which will determine at what danger level they will decide to retreat." I would hazard a guess that arma 3's ai is set to DO or DIE. Spawning them infront of each other isnt the best test. Spawn a squad in marina with another squad 1/4-1/2 klick out. Spawn a squad outside of marine with a s&d waypoint into it. That will show you their intel.
  13. and that doesnt worry you in the slightest?
  14. http://image.gamespotcdn.net/gamespot/images/box/4/8/1/952481_111047_back.jpg perhaps arma 3 is different
  15. Masharra


    Personal bug bears? Their particular list isnt being fixed? What is being done? You want a thread people circle jerking what they are given? You are most politely saying " You want some whine with that cheese?" Why dont you start it off instead of whining like others? Start a thread praising and discussing what they have done.
  16. Well imo thats one of the major current problem with vanilla ai. It acts like "internet infantry". I would say they dont act like that because those games were overall quite basic. They were very good at the illusion unfortunately I doubt that would stand up very well today. I recently played ghost recon1, first thing I noticed Less AI, almost no squad tactics I doubt they were actually able to be suppressed. Games today do have the turns to you and shoot if they see you. They are in most corridor shooters. In most corridor shooters the ai probably has to only worry about 2-4 things. Shoot back, move to closest cover, look cool, flank along alternate corridor 1 or 2. The ai in arma I would say has to worry about more things.Figure out where shots are coming from, Shoot back, order soldiers to appropriate cover, order soldiers to retreat, call reinforcements to do flanking, etc etc. overall our memories of games like that tend to be blinded by nostalgia. I love R6 but rarely does anyone who loves it comment on how terrorists could head shot you with a mac10 from across the map.
  17. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=10917 http://phantommissionsite.weebly.com/ Overall google will tell you most everything you need to know. A little bit of work is not a bad thing.
  18. you mentioned kd thus anything you wrote is irrelevant. :P Heck your signature compounds it :P ON topic and more seriously When seeing if AI is admirable I tend to prefer watching them without player input from about 200m up and with atleast 2 squads to a platoon each. What I look for are overall small scale tactics and reactions. Overall I tend to worry less about individual soldiers and more on fireteam and up. Aggressiveness does not equal better ai for me. Smarter = better ai. IE disengaging if opfor is deemed too strong instead of charging blindly to death, using smoke if cover is unavailable, not requesting reinforcements if opfor is weaker etc etc. Watching a soldier run blindly through bushes as the area is lit up with mg fire does not make me think great ai. The infantry showcase is "too" scripted for my taste to properly observe how admirable the ai is. Tldr It should be less how many kills/deaths you got and more HOW they killed you.
  19. you may want to check your sources bro http://www.metacritic.com/search/all/call+of+duty/results http://www.metacritic.com/search/all/battlefield+3/results The overall belief that everyone loves bf/cod is wonderful marketing and advertising by their respective studios. but you are right I should clarify. When comparing arma 2 and arma 3, the general media correction PLAYERS and pcgamer speaks as if it is the second coming of x diety. As if Arma 2 was one of the worst piece of shite around. I wholeheartedly disagree.
  20. must have missed the positive posts. or not looked at the general media where the game is the second coming of x diety
  21. many a gamers can say that... "Without us there would be no Arma as the product it is today. Period." Doesnt change the fact that is irrelevant.
  22. Masharra

    Bohemia Interactive @ E3 2013 - DISCUSSION

    "I understand that the driver has a particulary boring sight. " I think its less boring and more extremely restrictive?
  23. Masharra

    Run in bush

    Unfortunately your feet never really touch the ground. There is no simulation of a body interactng with the ground. Running through Cherno is the same as running through Lingor. Running up a sandy mountain in Takistan is the same as running up a mountain in Utes. Or to go even more simply running in the woods is same as running on asphalt.