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About bene

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  1. bene

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Works like a charm now, thank you! :)
  2. bene

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Damn, I get a crash to desktop when the game starts to load the mission (after the lobby and class selection), yesterday it worked fine, any suggestions? Already let steam verify the game files. I would really appreciate some help, I just love your work SaMatra! :)
  3. Exactly that fog appears on #6 sometimes, too.
  4. Teammate named "Kray" just teamkilled our osprey arriving at our own base with an AA Gun or something. 4-5 People died through him. Server #6 (Other team members also noted that he has been planting IEDs in our own base all day long.)
  5. Guys called "Dogsmeat"(he was the one who actually shot) and "Flixe" just tked about 4 guys with their AA-Truck on #6 and tried to shoot even more. Bannable I think...
  6. Lots of players getting kicked on #6 for "Script Restriction #123" out of nowhere, me too. Started at around 18:45 CET
  7. A guy named "Venco" Blufor, our team, just shot our plane with 5 people inside just when it landed near our base with a rocket launcher and disconnected then. Just so you know, ain't got a screenshot but you can check the logs. Was on #6. Greets, Bene Edit: "ko0ma" just tked a teammate in my group, then told us that somebody shot him and that someone had to die for this. Also several insults took place. Edit #2: While I was writing this he killed me by moving around an object...
  8. Hey guys, a Player named "Clipper" just advertised for a server named "Xenos Wasteland" or sth like that and disconnected. It was on #6, but I think he did so on the other servers, too. Just wanted to report this, have a nice day.