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Everything posted by oukej

  1. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes, it's inverted by mistake, sry :/ You can check the skillFinal (after the interpolation) via https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/skillFinal. It's a command mainly for informative and testing purposes. Shouldn't also be used for non-local units. You can check the numerical effect of AI Level (skill/precision) on the unit's subskills. But don't focus on the numbers too much :)
  2. You an also try lowering the fog base level a bit or increasing the decay. Once the AI is in the fog it will suffer detection and engagement range penalties.
  3. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    This is pretty damn cool! Will take a closer look asap. Also on the other issues mentioned recently. Thanks guys!
  4. oukej

    The A-164 WIPEOUT Fixed Wing Aircraft

    It should be still possible on the recruit difficulty.
  5. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Thx for the list and FT links guys! i'll put some notes to them: I'm sorry for this. Although underwater is a new tech to A3 and still undoubtedly plagued by multiple issues we are currently allocating our resources to issues that have been present or missing & requested since older Arma titles or are affecting the game in more major gameplay situations. (e.g. the AI driving and disobedience of the AI) Does this apply only to mines or explosives placed on a road or also those that are placed on a different surface? Does this apply also to the official terrains? (the mine visibility depends on the surface configuration) In 2035 the IFF transponder is connected to every vehicle's ignition ;) Although we're not satisfied with the current status of radar mechanics in the game and can acknowledge that an overhaul is more or less necessary, as for now there's no schedule on it. So I'd leave this open. But exactly what you've described could be feasible for some tuning/hotfixing, can't tell now. A repro would be welcome (FT ticket could be linked to http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10323 ) Nah, I wouldn't say the are inept ;) I'd say the AI pilots are now quite remarkable when it comes to transporting tasks and especially recently they've become incredibly safe and reliable at it. That's more than some, maybe even most of the devs here ;) Putting a limited speed WP before the landing helps, but they still need to gain some altitude to land without hitting any structure nearby. The amount of flaring required to bleed the speed is also affected by the helicopter's SFM configuration. Sadly we can't currently improve the descend rates (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1970). This has been worked on and we already seem to have some promising improvements. Stay tuned http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=3920 Repro missions are definitely more than welcome. The more standard gameplay situations we can cover in isolated repro missions the better the solution will be.
  6. oukej

    Analogue steering (dev branch)

    It's caused by a bug we have on our list. Car Forward/Back - when mapped to analog input - should use the whole range of the vehicle (incl. what currently can only be achieved by Fast Forward), mapping two concurrent actions to one axis (or vice versa - more axes to one action) should generally be avoided. When you have analog input you already have a precise control over the acceleration and you don't need any "speed" modifier.
  7. oukej

    The A-164 WIPEOUT Fixed Wing Aircraft

    Could this be caused by http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18680 ?
  8. It should be fixed and consistent in the next Dev. branch update (with an .exe update).
  9. Already there ;) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/collectiveRTD https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setActualCollectiveRTD https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/rotorsRpmRTD https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enginesRpmRTD https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setEngineRPMRTD https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setWantedRPMRTD
  10. Actually we've considered this as one possible use of Ctrl+MWheel (even though currently the coll. increase is too little to make it work even with simple mouse wheel). For now MWheel can't be used with a modifier, it is one of the things we have in our endless lists, but it all depends on the priorities and dedicating some one to actually do it. No matter how simple it may be. Here's a ticket (one of the first) rdy for your voting - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=96 (contrary to popular belief, we do take the amount of votes into account ;))
  11. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Good for paratroopers - they shouldn't collide with each other as they did previously when everyone jumped out at the same moment. - The AI will at least try to get closer to such destination and then check again for available paths. (If the destination cannot be reached at all, the AI won't even try) - Wheeled armored units now go thru the fence instead of going around it. After climbing a ladder down the AI would previously sometimes snap back at the top and climb down once more. Even the AI should now be able to survive a safe helicopter water landing :) AI at any cargo position (normal or firing position) should consistently disembark in combat. This default behavior can be changed by the setUnloadInCombat command (e.g. if you want the AI that is able to fire from its position to stay in the vehicle even in combat)
  12. @ havatan19 / EDcase - More probably it's this issue: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18680 . The stuttering/freezes is a sound issue, overall lower FPS is a particle issue. Our audio programmer has been tackling the stuttering and on Friday evening he had a fix ready. It should be deployed to the dev branch soon.
  13. What happens if that after you switch with enabled Advanced Flight Model to an already flying AI controlled helicopter the simulation (RLib libraries) gets initialized and the default collective is applied. This "initial" collective is always the same and it's value has been tuned so that a helicopter inserted in the editor "as flying" (with no additional cargo, full fuel and full ammo) is in hover after the preview. The "default collective" is by far not sufficient to compensate the additional weight caused by a sling-loaded cargo. (TBC...)
  14. Please direct all you feedback regarding the Ground Support missions to this thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?185007-MP-Game-Mode-Support-Feedback Thanks!
  15. I wouldn't say maximum, but let's consider some combat 80-90%. We can also assume that Wipeout can be somewhat superior to A10. Looking forwad to it!
  16. I think you've misunderstood the roll-over explosions ;). It's not that we think the helicopters should explode on small collisions or when rolled over. It's more of an technical issue and as far as I can tell a limitation of the AFM simulation vs. collisions, detection and physx. Simply put - you enter the geometry with a part of the helicopter, physical simulation detects it and gives you an adequate response. Our engine and config guys are trying to tackle it.
  17. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    The skill slider in the Insert Unit dialog gives you a range 0.2-1.0
  18. The collision detection had been improved right before the stable patch was rolled out. Afaict you shouldn't be able to enter the building's geometry with the skids/wheels anymore (and get a fatal physx response for that). It's still possible with the other parts of the helicopter (e.g. nose). Improvements here are still subject to investigation.
  19. @Eric - That are some strange issues you are experiencing there. One fix that is on Dev but not on Stable could play a role in this. Could please start a FT ticket if you still experience problems once the next stable is released? (please also add screenshots from your controls mapping. I have a TM Hotas here on my desk, but I've never experienced a button mapped as "T.Hotas X X") The mod is a simple overwrite of couple of FM properties in Wipeout's config. It should not affect the input by any mean. @Demongod - thanks. Btw, do you use pedals? Couldn't this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14924 be also the cause? --- Thanks all for the feedback about the Wipeout. What do you think about the landing speed, take-off speed, flaps effect, maneuverability, roll rate, climb rate, thrust, glide, control surfaces response, envelope, lift, climb/descend tendency in different speed, etc.?
  20. Can you tell whether in that case the Wipeout's FM wasn't overwritten by the mod at all or was the FM correctly altered except of the rudder that went broken?
  21. Please try it on the dev branch ;) Should be the other way around. (but be aware that AI doesn't know how to cope with it) Uh, admittedly now I am completely confused. You mean this tweaked Wipeout FM config in my workshop? There has been only one iteration so far. It shouldn't disable any analog input, so definitely it wasn't intended. You should be able to use both normal and analog throttle with it just fine. Maybe a bug? (There's a nasty one we're fighting where the analog input gets lost in the middle of the game - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=14924. Could've been caused by it?
  22. Try this one. Sry about that, the first link provided was incorrectly published. I'll update it. Personally I like it. However it's not a planned change. I'd suggest making a FT ticket if there isn't already, put up some votes & PM me with a link.
  23. Should work now - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=334622056