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Everything posted by WalkerDown

  1. I believed you were talking about the client signatures (that are stored in the addons folder..), the server sig files are all stored in the /Keys/ top folder, and none of them (so far) had the same name (they are named versus the mod) so I didn't found any problem... so far.
  2. The keys are stored in the @mod folder given in the command line, so there shouldn't be any problem (at least I had no problem.. i'm using this for A2 as well); Only if you want to edit a mission that was there already when you started one of the shared folders. But there's a tip to circumvent it, if you're forced to do so and you cannot shut down all the server, you can copy the mission with another name, edit it, and launch the server with it (you only need to change the name in the config after all) ... then you can remove the old one when it's convenient to do so.
  3. Why all this long tutorial and the copying of those files? You only need to copy the server exe and the config to the main game path subfolders: Example with 3 servers: [arma3_path]/folder_1/arma3server_1.exe [arma3_path]/folder_1/config.cfg [arma3_path]/folder_2/arma3server_2.exe [arma3_path]/folder_2/config.cfg [arma3_path]/folder_3/arma3server_3.exe [arma3_path]/folder_3/config.cfg then you can launch all those three with: cd [arma3_path] @start folder_1\arma3server_1.exe -port=3314 -config=folder_1\config.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -name=Server -profiles=folder_1\logs\ -noPause -noSound @start folder_2\arma3server_2.exe -port=3324 -config=folder_2\config.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -name=Server -profiles=folder_1\logs\ -noPause -noSound @start folder_3\arma3server_3.exe -port=3334 -config=folder_3\config.cfg -cfg=basic.cfg -name=Server -profiles=folder_1\logs\ -noPause -noSound
  4. Stop with lies, I never said that about BIS, and I do not tolerate ppl inventing shit to justify their misinterpretation. The rest of your post has been trashed. Returning in-topic, the AI is owerpowered for sure, but unless BIS didn't recognized the problem is a way premature to discuss about it. I'm not sure: what's the dev position about it? They consider the current stage to be near to what we will see in the final product, or it's just (very) WIP?
  5. I don't why you come with your "point", I was replying to a guy saying that we (pre)purchased a game and the alpha-beta is just a "bonus", that is a false sentence, this is not a pre-order.. (nor that i'm continuing to explain you the difference between a pre-ordering and steam early-access coz I did it already 3 times in this same thread).
  6. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Yup, most probably it will be like the Hydra. The PCB has already the sonsor connection. It won't make sense to release the retail version without it (considering that adding those axis will have a very limited costs, of around $20-30 for a mass production product). ---------- Post added at 12:16 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ---------- The Oculus Rift has already a control box (where you connect the goggles), there you will have your transmitter (exactly like the razer hydra).
  7. Huge discount? Do you already know what's the final price? May I read the official words about it?
  8. Are you joking or you are really blind? You're really linking me the FAQ where it's clearly written that PURCHASING a early-access game is NOT PRE-ORDERING a game (it's the damn last 3rd point!). I know perfectly what the early-access is, i'm correcting those ppl like Twelka that are spreading false information, like: "You get to download the Alpha and Beta as a perk to buying the final release early." ^^^^^ This is FALSE, when you buy an early-access game, again, you're not pre-ordering it, you're PURCHASING the game in its early stage to participate (in a form of suggestion and collaboration) to its development. This is completely legit of course, the down side is that you're collecting money from "steam people", and most of them are just videogamers used to play with finished product, so many of them wouldn't understand what a alpha is, neither they would understand how to "beta test" a game, they wanna play.
  9. WalkerDown


    You could run it.. why not? Do you mean if you'll have the same FPS? Probably not.. I've like 80fps in arma2 with mid-high settings (two gtx570SLI / i7 950 3.6ghz) @1600p ... while I have around 35fps (average with peaks of 55fps and low of 20fps). I do not consider any fps to be "playable" at 25-30 fps, not one where being capable to aim properly and follow the target is so important, but this is my opinion. :)
  10. WalkerDown

    multiple Servers with new Arma3server. exe ?

    Add the steam ports to the config: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?148288-Dedicated-server-status
  11. This is not correct, not for those who bought arma via Steam Early Access program. In fact you bought exactly the game today in its early stage, so you can follow the development. Whenever it's clearly that the game is bugged (as is), the alpha neither the beta are "perks" (or bonus), neither you pre-ordered the game, you PURCHASED a game in its early stage (like all he other early access games on Steam). This isn't the correct way to propose a alpha game to the mass (because the general public doesn't understand what alpha is... so we have many complaints), but it looks like that the developer nowadays wanna cash as soon they can.. but the user annoyance is the price you must pay to go (too) early on the market.
  12. WalkerDown

    Dedicated server - status

    Tested the dedicated server on the stable branch (I've missed the new steam ports too...) and it's working fine.
  13. WalkerDown


    Unfortunately they used the same old engine but with a pimped gfx, if that was bad some years ago, today it is even more evident: the engine doesn't scale good on the modern (with modern I mean from the latest 4 years to today) CPUs. Your PC may not be enough for a modern game, you didn't posted the specs.
  14. WalkerDown

    Issues with framerate not always constant

    It's a bug (the biggest one), there's nothing you can do... we're all waiting for a solution. Read here for more information: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=716
  15. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

  16. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Yes, the Kinect is technologically superior for half of that price. The Kinect brought us some fresh air and innovation, and what about the Leap Motion? TIR did almost nothing by years. They didn't even invested time to find a solution to the reflective markers, they had the brilliant idea of giving you 3 leds (track-clip pro) forgetting that there's ppl with wireless headphones. I want to give my money to help the innovation, and I hope that these new devices will force them to move their arse, to lower their price, or to be out of the market.
  17. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    We are talking about basic trigonometry, there's nothing complex to calculate, it might occupy a negligible number of cycles of any modern CPU. Plus they weren't capable of improving anything, and it does NOT works better of alternatives. Todays we have tracking devices that (intelligently) are capable of reading the position of your face, eyes or your whole body, passively, while with the trackIR you're still forced to wear something (reflector, active leds). It is absurd that in those years they are still selling basically the same devices but improving the refresh (look at the TiR5 vs the TiR4 and tell me the differences in-game), counting on the fact that none invaded the same market already (probably because it wasn't appetizer for the big brands), but the play is finally going to over. Nor they are selling a cam and 6 leds for crazy prices, they are also selling the track-clip pro for more than $30 ... it's 3 (THREE!) damn IR leds ... now you're going to tell me that it contains also a chip to calculate the rotation of the earth orbit? The fun part is that the track-clip pro exists because of the lacks in the main device of tracking the passive reflectors under certain (often common) situation, like having a light source around. It should be really included with the product already.. but they are selling it at gold price. Whenever I have paied this company big money, purchasing these devices during the last years, I cannot defend their policy. I applauded their first invention, but after several years it's time to abandon this no-innovation-money-machine .. it's 2013, we need something better.
  18. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Honestly TIR "as is" should have already died, considering that today there's valid and cheaper alternatives, it survived only because many products have forced us to use that specific product since of the exclusive drivers support. I still don't understand how's a cam and 6 iR leds costs more than 100 bucks.. this is my main concerns about this, and this is why I can't wait for it to finally die, or at least forcing the company to apply a honest price (that should be less than half of the current price).
  19. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Oculus Rift is more a competitor of your monitor than your head-tracking device. The fact that the TrackIR will die when the OR will emerges on the mass-market is not because they are competitors, but only because the OR offers the tracking capability as well... it's just a consequence. :) Arma3 is being developed now, the consumer version of the OR may comes after. The DEV kits serves exactly to this purpose: they gives to the developers the possibility to add the support the games being developed, so there's enough time for tests and adjustments while waiting for the consumers. More time you have to test, better will be the implementation, there's no reason to wait.
  20. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    I still don't understand why we're discussing about that crap trackIR in the Oculus Rift thread. We're not asking the developers to invest 6 months of their time to develop a alien technology, we're asking to implement something in max 2 weeks with a single man working time that's not only useful, nice, fun and modern, but it also gives a push to the product for marketing purposes (free advertising, as anything else "touched" by the Oculus Rift today). This is really a no-brainer, there shouldn't be any discussion at all, it's like asking someone if he wants $1000 for free .... but I see ppl loves to complains about anything today. :)
  21. WalkerDown

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    TrackIR gives some advantage (more in other games, like flight sims than in ArmA tho...), but it's a overpriced pirce of crap, that didn't changed by 6 years (or more). We need to support the new technology and not something that doesn't evolves by years. I own all the TrackIR versions from the launch, because there were no alternatives (until the facetrackNoir), but i'm perfectly aware of its limits, it's time to forget this expensive thing an concentrate on something that is capable of giving immersion rather than only a tactic advantage. Another reason of why we're asking to implement the OR native support is that it requires a couple of weeks of coder for a basic implementation (you should look at the SDK and at the simplicity of adding stereoscopic rendering and barrel distortion to the current layer; the fine tuning can be done with calm), so there's really no excuses to not do so, nor even: "we prefer to invest our time in something else...", because the time required is trivial.
  22. WalkerDown

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It's not only about me... there's ppl here that have followed ArmA for the last years, and they have figured today that nothing but few has been adjusted in the core engine, those persons now won't trust BIS until they see any improvement with their own eyes, this is why they (we) continue to push to see something better. It's a matter of logic: if ask for a problem to be addressed, and it's not solved in 5 years, and you finally have another occasion to get it solved (a new game > ArmA3), would you wait the last week? Nope, you will ask for it every damn day hoping the devs to finally uncork their ears (assuming they cares to do so). What do you pretend? To find at the launch that you need a single core 5ghz PC to run this game at stable 60 FPS? (when the technology is aiming exactly in the opposite direction) At that point what you will do? ======== You see, I've repeated again what's been mentioned in this time many other times.. and this will probably continue until something (concrete) will be finally done; or eventually until BIS will will tell us: it's not convenient for us to fix the issue (like they did the last time; see the relevant JIRA entry).
  23. WalkerDown

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It's because of those ppl like that the games improves. A bunch of blind fanboys without any critic eye, who continues to repeat that everything is good, perfect, awesome, would drive this game into the trashcan. Ironical the most critic chaps are those ones that invested much more energies than anyone else in the ArmA serie (community leaders, mission developers, server admins...), and when you ask those chaps, where they takes their energy to continue to "criticize" (your phrase: "you have anything better to do?"), the answer is: from their enthusiasm. You can continue to sleep or pretending to wait for the better... it's your decision, but sleeping never helped to improve anything (if not for the beds and the pillows materials).
  24. WalkerDown

    How is multiplayer..?

    Most of players are doing individual PvP, with med sized clans trying something structured. You'll feel more like "here to test", so ppl likes to go around, experiment, doing "stupid" things, instead of apply for a organized serious gameplay, that is exactly what you would expect from a alpha (testing).
  25. Again, this is a forum not a private help desk, if it was only about a single guy, you shouldn't even be here to reply at me, neither anyone else should reply to any other except the OP (that sounds pretty ridiculous). On a forum someone opens a "topic", but then the topic expands with multiple participants.. it's not because the OP abandoned the conversation that the conversation itself is concluded. I'm not here to teach to you how a forum works btw, plus we're tremendous OT, so I suggest to stop this personal sh**s and talk about the game not about me (or you).