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Everything posted by HorribleGoat

  1. HorribleGoat

    Animal Animation

    your model.cfg skelton will need to match the armature bone naming and hierarchy you have in Blender
  2. HorribleGoat

    Animal Animation

    you preferably will make a custom model.cfg skeleton for it and not use the manskeleton for it. There are no samples for custom skeletons though.
  3. HorribleGoat

    Optical Camouflage material research

    I've described the issue in the second post on this thread.
  4. HorribleGoat

    Optical Camouflage material research

    there is no final working simple solution provided. Only examples on how some of the tests worked out.
  5. HorribleGoat

    Fifty Shades Mod Set

    Not yet but perhaps later this year 😅 Great to have you back!
  6. Really digging the new look of the chaos mask! Fits on chaos turned factory worker as well as chaos veteran. The plasma looks great too, the sights look very fitting to it. You got any pic of how aiming looks like through them?
  7. Looks like we might not have seen the last of mr President yet. He just recently posted that they turned the ship mods private instead of deleting them and still stick to the story that they are original.
  8. HorribleGoat

    Optical Camouflage material research

    rvmat files are basically text files that are renamed as filename.rvmat instead of filename.txt You may need to turn off file extension hiding that is on by default in windows.
  9. Good to see you around Gnat!
  10. HorribleGoat

    Optical Camouflage material research

    Thats pretty cool indeed! From distance its probably impossible to see if it stays transparent like that and does not have any reflections that would give it away. Im myself still looking into how to best use the refraction shader as I like how it looks like the air simmering. I dont think that effect can be done with other shaders
  11. HorribleGoat

    Optical Camouflage material research

    @cervantes Looks like youve put some effort into this indeed. Do you have any pictures on how that material you set up looks like in game? I do wonder about your use of fresnel in the stage2 as that stage is supposed to take in a texture file. Are you sure what you put in it does anything?
  12. HorribleGoat

    Is it possible to make character fat?

    The vanilla characters however can not be edited so a completely new one would need to be made.
  13. HorribleGoat

    hiddenSelection textures help

    You would need to have another mesh slightly on top of the main mesh for that second "decal" texture.
  14. I would perhaps sort it with PMC on top as its the most latest guide. From experience people will just click on the first link which right now contains pretty much invalid way of setting up the tools. Also it might be good idea to separate A2 and A3 stuff to avoid confusion Lot of visitor 3 stuff there too which is also obsolete now.
  15. Blenders mirror tool does that. As in changes _l to _r.
  16. HorribleGoat

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    @outlaw4life "Porting" aka. ripping would be prohibited as it breaks IP ownership. You can likely find similar enough gear in other mods though. Take a look what Steam Workshop has to offer.
  17. Added. Also could you help me understand how I could run the P3D import with Blenders python? I have a bunch of P3Ds Id like to import and process with few automated things for Blender terrain placement but my Python skillz are only so and so when it comes to running addon stuff.
  18. Hey @Alwarren Might it be possible to have some sort mass copy named properties tool included?
  19. @RacerX By default no, vehicles are not animated like that in Arma. Vehicles run with model.cfg defined animations. See BI wiki for "how to animate a model". Cycles has also nothing to do with animations or the toolbox, so yes cycles renderer can be used along the toolbox but nothing from it really translates into Arma.
  20. HorribleGoat

    Is it ok two polygon cross each other?

    It would work fine both ways.
  21. @haleks You would have to create a completely new terrain for that. Vanilla maps are not accessible for editing.
  22. HorribleGoat

    Object Segmentation

    There are no commands for that. In theory you could fire lineIntersectSurface rays at it from multiple angles but that may not be very performance friendly in live environment. It could perhaps be done once and stored externally.
  23. You have this empty material in all your objects. That is what the exporter cant handle.