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Everything posted by Nichols

  1. So the only vehicles are the Pook Sam associated vehicles that they have...guess I need to use the ALiVE ORBAT tool to make a group using vehicles from RHS...was really trying to avoid a big mission download. Any hope of getting the green camo in the mod? http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00BCntZecPCYzg/Camouflage-Uniform.jpg
  2. Nichols

    Map Kidal - Mali

    Has anyone indexed it for ALiVE? Just curious as it would be a good addition to utilize French units for a replay of that conflict.
  3. I am guessing this has ALiVE compatibility.
  4. Nichols

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Dammit man....making me download another freaking mod and breaking my ALiVE mission all because you are working with the VME team....DAMN YOU POOKIE!!!!! DAMN YOU TO HELLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! :D "Addon 'pook_SAM_PLA' requires addon 'A3_VME_PLA_Men'
  5. Nichols

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Thanks for the information. It was a great tool while it lasted. Wish it was still working.
  6. I have a link somewhere in my content I follow in this thread. I will have a quick look at let you know via PM linked to it.
  7. Recent changes within the Spearhead Gaming Community have just happened and we are moving forward to make the groups solid again.
  8. Nichols

    Lightweight PLA mod?

    I use Massi's PLA Mod and have been using Pook's Sam Pack but going with the earlier versions of the tracked SAM vehicles.
  9. Nichols

    Scope Mod A3

    I have not had any issues with these weapon sights in missions that I have made after APEX update.
  10. How did the test work out? I know it is early but I am curious since this would be a massive help in mission building.
  11. Nichols

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Is there any hope of having this tool to automatically import mods so that we don't have to struggle with getting a complete load of mods into the files to be able to utilize this for building unit configs and crates configs? There are items from several mods that even though I have followed the instructions they are not showing up in LEA to be able to be used and many times the uniforms still have open inventory even though LEA reports that the uniforms, packs and vests are full.
  12. Nichols

    Gauss Rifle showcase

    Nicely done Kiory. If/When you ever decide to release it that would be an awesome plaything.
  13. Nichols

    ASDG - Mk. V SOC (WIP)

    I have not had any issues using this one and honestly prefer not using RHS when available in missions due to the size of the mods.
  14. Tried using ACE on the top door as well and it was not working...it wouldn't have mattered at all though because I had to get down somehow. This is one reason I really dislike CUP and am trying not to utilize it in missions where possible.
  15. Found a bug on Lingor..... Unable to open doors at the tops of the large apartment buildings when you climb up to the top of them and then conversely you can not get out of the ladder area when you attempt to climb down as well. I haven't checked the other apartment types but as of right now we are unable to utilize for an ALiVE mission due to that. Screenshots linked here for locations and type on the map. Map grid for the two buildings are 043/049 in the town of San Arulco "Zona Residencial". http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=741382871 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=741382821
  16. Nichols

    ETA On Apex Release?

    Yep the steam files are updating as I speak.
  17. It happens to some people that have purchased the content and still can't use the items in the Dev Branch also.
  18. They should work but if not then I can't imagine it would take more than reloading in the current (once released) editor and resaving for the mission to update. That is what I did prior to the Eden release.
  19. Nichols

    Advanced Rappelling

    I forgot that this was something you were working on...is it still moving ahead.
  20. I like the idea here. Going to check it out as part of a mission I am working on. Thanks for the opportunity to use it.
  21. Nichols

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    Been having that issue with ACRE for a long time now. I know it was reported but haven't seen it fixed ever.
  22. Any chance you can just add this to the TFAR mod itself?
  23. Does this function as a true SATCOM for communications or only for viewing the areas you tell it to view?
  24. Nichols

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    Also the thing that is really the shining star for ACRE is retrans and I have been told that it isn't even in the cards for any time in the next several months.
  25. That's good to know. I had not tried it with anything other than the stock helos right now and it was pretty slick and that is why I asked in here since I have been following this one for a long time and I wasn't sure how it would be effected with a model in progress. Personally if I was making it I would try a few things during the build to see if it would be compatible BEFORE I released it and realized it broke a bunch of things...just saying.