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About Spunkybd

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  • Interests
    PC gaming, Killing Zombies, The Universe Vodka, Camping, Fallout 3, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, NFS
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  1. You should upload the files some one else can continue.. either way sorry you felt that way. I could have provided you a free VPS.
  2. Do you accept donations other than paypal? Is there any way i can help you beside just playing? Also, when do the servers restart? Is there a schedule? Also, will you be providing the mission file when you take your server offline? I'd love to host this if you ever find your self moving away from it. Thanks
  3. Spunkybd

    [Mission] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox Arma 3

    I'll repeat my skipped question... How do you set specific DZS parameters for a dedicated server?
  4. Spunkybd

    [Mission] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox Arma 3

    How do you set specific parametes for a dedicated server? Edit: DZS Parameters.
  5. How do you set a server to a specific mission 24/7. I have no control panel i am hosting this on a S08R2 machine.
  6. How do i set server parameters automagically in cfg? Thanks